LibreOffice 5.2 and Mozilla Firefox 49.0 are also included

Oct 13, 2016 15:20 GMT  ·  By

As part of today's Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) release, the Kubuntu team were also pleased to announce the availability of the Kubuntu 16.10 operating system for desktop computers.

Shipping with pretty much the same features that were available in the Beta release, Kubuntu 16.10 uses the KDE Plasma 5.7.5 desktop environment, along with the KDE Applications 16.04.3 software suite and KDE Frameworks 5.26.0 collection of add-on libraries for Qt 5. Just like Ubuntu 16.10, Kubuntu 16.10 uses the Linux 4.8 kernel for better hardware support.

"The 7th set of updates to Plasma 5 (latest and final bugfix release from September) is the default in this version of Kubuntu," said the devs. "Combined with KDE Frameworks 5.26.0 the Plasma 5.7 desktop brings improved workflows, rewritten and improved task manager and system tray, another milestone step towards Wayland support, and improved Breeze icons and Plasma theme."

As usual with any new Kubuntu release, your favorite apps have been updated to their latest versions, and besides the default KDE applications, most of which have been ported to the KDE Framework 5 technologies, you'll find the LibreOffice 5.2.2 office suite and Mozilla Firefox 49.0 web browser. It also looks like a few known issues are present.

In the meantime, the Kubuntu development team is trying to find a way to bring the new KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS desktop environment into the Yakkety Yak backports so that users are able to upgrade from the obsolete KDE Plasma 5.7 interface. If you want to upgrade from Kubuntu 16.04 LTS( Xenial Xerus), you can download the 64- or 32-bit Live ISO images of Kubuntu 16.10 right now via our website.