It's coming soon to a KDE Plasma 5 desktop near you

May 14, 2017 23:59 GMT  ·  By

As expected, the KDE Project announced this weekend a new maintenance release of the KDE Frameworks project, versioned 5.34.0, which brings a month's worth of improvements and new features for various of the supported components.

KDE Frameworks 5.34.0 is a major update that contains a total of 83 changes, adding new icons or updating the existing ones for both Breeze and Oxygen icon sets, fixing numerous of the issues discovered since last month's release, KDE Frameworks 5.33.0, and also adding some new functionality that would benefit KDE app developers and users alike.

"KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.34.0. KDE Frameworks are 70 add-on libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well-tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner," reads the announcement.

Among the components that received improvements in this release of KDE Frameworks, we can mention Baloo, KActivities, KAuth, KConfig, KConfigWidgets, KDeclarative, KDocTools, KFileMetaData, KGlobalAccel, KI18n, KIconThemes, KIO, KNewStuff, KPackage Framework, KRunner, KTextEditor, KWayland, KWidgetsAddons, KXMLGUI, NetworkManagerQt, Plasma Framework, and Solid.

Various changes also landed for the extra CMake modules, syntax highlighting, and Breeze and Oxygen icons, and you can study the entire changelog below. KDE Frameworks 5.34.0 is available now as source tarballs from KDE Project's website for OS integrators, but regular users would have to wait a few more days for these packages to land in the stable software repositories of their favorite distros.