The latest version of SecureCRT can be downloaded from Softpedia

Jan 20, 2014 18:01 GMT  ·  By

Maureen Jett, a product director from VanDyke Software, has announced that SecureCRT 7.2.1 is now available for Linux, for both Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OSes.

SecureCRT 7.2.1 provides terminal emulation for computing professionals, raising productivity with advanced session management and a host of ways to save time and streamline repetitive tasks.

According to the developers, SecureCRT hung when a Python script tried to disconnect a session that had the "Close on disconnect" option set, and this issue has been resolved.

Also, when multiple sessions are selected in the Connect dialog or session manager using the SHIFT or CONTROL keys, sessions are no longer incorrectly unselected.

A complete list of features, updates, and other various bug fixes can be found in the changelog. Download SecureCRT 7.2.1 right now from Softpedia.