Download the latest SQLite package from Softpedia

Feb 12, 2014 19:01 GMT  ·  By

SQLite, an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine, has been released with a small number of changes and fixes.

As you can imagine, this is more of a maintenance release and it only features a few fixes that were absolutely necessary.

Highlights of SQLite

• A bug that caused a number of rows to go missing on some queries with OR clauses and IS NOT NULL operators in the WHERE clause (when the SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3 or SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 compile-time options are used) has been fixed; • A harmless compiler warning that has been causing problems for VS2013 has been corrected; • A few other minor corrections have been implemented.

Check the changelog for a complete list of features and fixes. Download SQLite right now from Softpedia.