This version has received a lot of important changes and improvements

Jan 3, 2014 12:40 GMT  ·  By

Fotoxx, a free, open source Linux photo editing and collection management program that’s easy to use and install, has just reached version 14.01.

Fotoxx provides a hassle-free solution to simple photo editing and library management. A new major version has been released, featuring some important changes.

According to the changelog, the main retouch functions have been combined for a faster workflow, the follow-edge method can better follow edges when the mouse edge-tracking is quite imprecise, and now users can add textured surface to an image or selected area.

Also, the new Kuwahara sharpen method has been added and produces very sharp edges with loss of the smallest details, all sharpen methods have been made multithreaded, and Slide Show transitions can optionally be used in random sequence.

A complete list of changes and updates can be found in the official announcement. Download Fotoxx 14.01 right now from the official website.