The office suite will also benefit from a wide range of templates

Oct 31, 2011 15:31 GMT  ·  By

LibreOffice has become the premiere choice as an office suite software in most important Linux distributions, but it lacked the add-ons feature, something to make it a lot more like its bigger brother,

The Document Foundation announced that LibreOffice will now benefit from additional functionality through extension and templates. They are also extending a call for help, for third party developers, to build extensions for LibreOffice.

LibreOffice Extensions are tools that can be added or removed independently from your installation of the main program. Extensions may add new functionality to your copy of LibreOffice, or can make existing functionality easier to use.

Softpedia will start to add to its database LibreOffice Extensions starting tomorrow, November 1st, so don't forget to check back and see what's new.

Download LibreOffice 3.4.3 right now from Softpedia.