The latest version of this icon pack can be downloaded from Softpedia

Nov 28, 2013 15:09 GMT  ·  By

Nitrux OS Icons, a pack of handcrafted icons that are compatible with a lot of operating systems, including Ubuntu 13.04, has been updated to version 3.1.7.

The icons in Nitrux OS are infinitely scalable, which means that they are compatible with a large number of operating systems and there's no quality loss.

With over 6,000 items available, it's hard to find a program that doesn't get its own personalized icon. According to the developer, the theme has moved to the new CC 4.0 License (waiting for to display the correct license).

Also, a number of icons have been fixed: Kmail Import Wizard, Expoblending, Photo Layout Editor, Qcomicbook, QMKVextractor, Cmplayer, MPV, MKVmerge, SoundKonverter, XTerm, UXTerm, and FinalTerm

The installation for Ubuntu 13.04 is quite simple and can be done from a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/nitrux sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nitruxos

You can also download Nitrux OS Icons 3.1.7 right now from Softpedia.