The latest version of FFmpeg can be downloaded from Softpedia

Jul 30, 2014 14:33 GMT  ·  By

FFmpeg 2.3, a complete solution to record, convert, and stream audio and video, has been released and is now available for download.

FFmpeg 2.3 is the latest major release and this new version has been dubbed "Mandelbrot." It's actually packed with numerous features and changes.

"In this release, there are lots of internal overhauls that make FFMpeg a 10 more accessible project for new developers. Many important new 11 optimizations and features like QTKit and AVFoundation input devices are 12 committed. Contributions done by Libav such as a new native Opus decoder 13 are also merged," reads the official announcement.

The developer also explains that all Blackfin and SPARC architecture assembly optimizations have been removed. Also, FFmpeg 2.3 is completely source-compatible to the FFmpeg 2.2 series.

FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play pretty much any media that humans and machines have created.

The latest branch of FFmpeg, 2.3.x, comes with a lot of new features, such as assembly optimizations for HEVC, native Opus decoder, QTKit and AVFoundation, various API additions, and numerous other features.

A complete list of updates, features, and other fixes can be found in the official announcement. You can download FFmpeg 2.3 right now from Softpedia.