The latest version of FFmpeg is now available for download

Feb 24, 2014 19:06 GMT  ·  By

The FFmpeg 2.1.4 package, a complete solution to record, convert, and stream audio and video, has been officially released and is now available for download.

FFmpeg has been outing big updates featuring a large number of changes and fixes, but this is mostly a maintenance version, just like the one before it. The current 2.1.x branch has been dubbed "Fourier," and the new version has the same name.

"It is the latest stable FFMpeg release from the 2.1 release branch, which was cut from master on 2013-10-28. Amongst lots of other changes, it includes all changes from ffmpeg-mt, libav master of 2013-10-27, libav 9 as of 2013-10-27," notes the official announcement.

FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play pretty much any media that humans and machines have created.

A complete list of updates and features can be found in the official announcement. You can download FFmpeg 2.1.4 right now from Softpedia.