The latest version of Elive can be downloaded from Softpedia

Mar 10, 2014 09:41 GMT  ·  By

Elive, a complete operating system for your computer, built on top of Debian GNU/Linux and customized to meet the needs of any user while still offering the eye-candy with minimal hardware requirements, has just reached version 2.2.1 Beta and is ready for testing.

The distribution is still in development and the developers are pushing lots of updates and changes. Some of them are pretty important. For example, the Powerline patched fonts have been implemented and now are the default choice, the EXFAT filesystem is supported by default, and the M4A format is now supported in massive-audio-converter tool.

The terminal application used by default in Elive 2.2.1 Beta is now Terminology, and the color palette and visibility of main elements in Terminology have been drastically improved.

The proprietary video drivers are not included by default in this version, but you can find them in the repositories.

The developers of Elive have also asked for the community's help in testing the operating system, so users are encouraged to provide feedback based on their experience.

Download Elive 2.2.1 Beta right now from Softpedia. Remember that this is a development version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.