Canonical developers are pondering switching to SSH

Sep 16, 2013 08:51 GMT  ·  By

Canonical relies on ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to get its work done and it seems that it is going to stick with this solution, at least for now.

The Ubuntu Touch images will remain with adb, which is enabled by default for now, and SSH will be used as an alternative.

“Given the time frame we are looking at keeping adb by default in the touch images. Regardless of going with adb or ssh we need a couple of things to happen: disable it by default, and a system settings toggle to enable disable it (e.g.; developer mode as on Android),” stated Canonical's Sergio Schvezov.

It has been speculated that SSH will be replacing adb in the next Ubuntu 13.10 iteration, but for now, the best solution for Canonical is to stick with the Android Debug Bridge.