Users have been advised to upgrade their systems as soon as possible

Nov 13, 2013 21:01 GMT  ·  By

Canonical published details about a Libvirt vulnerability for its Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) operating system, which was launched only a month ago.

According to the company, Libvirt could have allowed unintended access privileges

It was discovered that Libvirt incorrectly checked privileges when the virConnectDomainXMLToNative API function was used. An attacker could have possibly used this flaw to gain write privileges, contrary to expected behavior.

For a more detailed description of the problems, you can visit Canonical's security notification.

Users can simply fix the security flaws by upgrading the operating systems to the libvirt0 package. A normal system update, executed with the Update Manager, will implement all the necessary changes. But you will need to restart the operating system in order to fix all the issues.

To update your system, please follow these instructions: