aMSN Changelog

What's new in aMSN 0.98.9

Mar 20, 2014
  • aMSN 0.98.9 is more than just a bugfix release, it’s the latest development code with all the new features and stability/security fixes that you’ve been waiting for.
  • The reason you see 0.98.9 and not 0.98.5 is that this release is “almost” 0.99. In 0.99, which will be released (hopefully) soon, we will implement the new MSNP18 protocol version, which will enable signing in at multiple locations, offline messages, and hopefully audio and video calls too. 0.98.9 is the same as a 0.99 release but without MSNP18 support, this way you get the latest stable release just before we upgrade the protocol.

New in aMSN 0.97.2 (Jul 7, 2009)

  • This version fixes, along with some other bugs, the bug you could have experienced when sending OIMs.