Ukopp Changelog

What's new in Ukopp 6.6

Feb 12, 2018
  • Bugfix: the reported expired file versions exceeded files actually purged in the next backup job. The reported number was corrected.
  • The internal logic for calculating archive file statuses and counts was simplified and the archive status reports were improved.
  • A utility was added to renumber archive file versions to start at (1). This can be used to stop unlimited growth of version numbers for files that change frequently and are backed-up frequently.

New in Ukopp 6.1 (Aug 18, 2016)

  • Increase internal buffer size to handle very long file names.
  • Add xdg-utils to package dependencies.
  • Correct error in user guide.

New in Ukopp 6.0 (Aug 16, 2016)

  • Bugfix: Reset the error status before error checking.
  • Verify the backup job after any changes are made, flag errors.
  • New feature: Show the differences between a file and any prior backup version, or between any two prior backup versions. Optional side-by-side compare (easy file chooser dialog + GUI interface for the GNU diff utility).

New in Ukopp 5.8 (Nov 8, 2015)

  • Replaced GTK deprecated functions.
  • Differences Summary report now Includes a count of expired old file versions that will be purged from the backup location.

New in Ukopp 5.7 (Jun 15, 2015)

  • Added: create backup directory automatically if not already there.

New in Ukopp 5.6 (Jun 1, 2015)

  • Bugfix: warn invalid backup directory before starting a backup job.
  • A few small usability and cosmetic improvements were added.

New in Ukopp 5.5 (May 14, 2015)

  • The GUI interface was simplified for the case where an existing archive directory is specified without specifying a device and mount point.

New in Ukopp 5.4 (May 8, 2015)

  • Backup file version retention logic was changed to be a better match to most common needs: a backup file version is purged if older than the number of versions to retain OR older than the retention period. Existing backup job files must be revised accordingly if they specify version retention.
  • Terminology was revised to improve clarity: backup "target" was replaced with "archive" in the GUI, job files and user guide. "Archive" means the storage device
  • + mount point (optional), and the directory where files are copied.
  • It was made easier to select single files/versions to restore.
  • Increased maximum backup file count to 1 million files.
  • Remove disk format function which does not really belong in Ukopp.
  • Bugfix: "archive space" report sometimes listed irrelevant directories.

New in Ukopp 5.3 (Apr 9, 2015)

  • Copying file owner and permissions to the backup location is now optional.
  • This is useful if the backup location is a Microsoft file system, which does not support Linux owner and permissions. Note that owner and permissions data
  • is still copied to the backup location in an extra data file, and if files are later restored, owner and permissions are also restored. This works even if the
  • backup location is a Microsoft file system.
  • Bugfix: The following job logic was made to work properly:
  • include /home/mike/* # include everything
  • exclude /home/mike/docs/* # exclude docs/*
  • include /home/mike/docs/* (30,3) # re-include with version retention
  • The last record adds a version retention rule only for .../docs/*
  • (retain all versions 30 days, retain last 3 versions indefinitely).

New in Ukopp 5.2 (Dec 5, 2014)

  • Bugfix: If a directory is included in the backup file list and has no wildcard,
  • the application may crash. e.g. include /home/user/.thunderbird instead of ... /.thunderbird/*

New in Ukopp 5.1 (Nov 1, 2014)

  • The file system cache is flushed and purged between the Backup and Verify functions. The Verify function therefore reads directly from disk and not from the file system cache (containing data previously written). This replaces the open(...O_DIRECT) capability recently removed from the Linux file system.

New in Ukopp 5.0 (Oct 23, 2014)

  • Ukopp verify function made useless:
  • The O_DIRECT flag was removed from the file open() call because Linux kernel 3.16 fails with EINVAL (invalid argument). Earlier kernels accepted this. The effect is that the Verify function has been made useless unless the storage device is unmounted and remounted between backup and verify. Without O_DIRECT, the source files cached in memory are being verified instead of the destination files written to storage.

New in Ukopp 3.7.1 (May 20, 2010)

  • Implement show/hide hidden files in restore files function, file chooser dialog.

New in Ukopp 3.6 (Dec 26, 2009)

  • Support for a non-GUI mode was added for command-line deferred execution (cron).
  • $ ukopp -nogui -run /.../my-ukopp.job

New in Ukopp 3.5.3 (Nov 13, 2009)

  • Bugfix: after copying NTFS files, a verify with full compare failed because direct I/O (O_DIRECT) is not allowed for NTFS. This was unnecessary anyway and so it was removed.

New in Ukopp 3.5.2 (Oct 27, 2009)

  • Minor enhancements: Do remount of backup device only if it was mounted by ukopp, else use sync to insure all cached data has been physically written. Use direct I/O for verify function, since sync leaves files in memory cache which defeats media verification.

New in Ukopp 3.5 (Oct 8, 2009)

  • The GUI was revised to make the specification of retention specs for old file versions on the backup media easier and more conventional.
  • Other changes to the GUI were done to make it easier to use (revised job file format will require re-editing).
  • Detection of conflicts bewteen user intent and actual backup device and directory status was made more robust.
  • Auto unmount and removal of mount point at end of job is done only if ukopp did the auto mount initially.
  • Bugfix: include/exclude filespec containing blanks was not working.

New in Ukopp 3.4 (Mar 31, 2009)

  • The Linux program "udevinfo" has recently become "udevadm info". Ukopp was modified to use whichever variant works.

New in Ukopp 3.3.1 (Nov 5, 2008)

  • Fixed the broken USB stick format function (vfat or ext2).