Salix OS MATE Changelog

What's new in Salix OS MATE 14.1

Jun 1, 2014
  • Included in this release, along side the MATE desktop applications like the Caja file manager, the MATE Control Center and all the MATE panel applets and utilities, is the latest Firefox ESR browser, the LibreOffice suite, GIMP, the ClawsMail e-mail client, the Transmission torrent client, the Totem (Videos) media player, the Exaile music library/player, the Pidgin IM client, the Zim desktop wiki and several more useful applications. Of course all the Salix System Tools, familiar to any Salix user, are also there, including the Gslapt package manager, the Sourcery SlackBuild manager, tools for managing Users, System Services, the System Language and Keyboard settings etc.
  • As with all our 14.1 releases, spi, our new command line application for easy package/SlackBuild installation is included. Users that would like to install new software from the command line would find it very helpful and easy to use.
  • Of course as with every Salix release, there are three options during installation that decide how much software will be installed. A Full mode installation, installs everything included in the installation medium, but is in no way bloated, since it adheres to the "one application per task" policy that we have. A Basic mode installation will only include the MATE desktop environment, the collection of Salix System Tools and the Firefox browser, making it ideal for anyone who want to built a desktop environment with a custom application selection. Finally the Core mode installation is the same as with any other Salix release and will only install a command line based system, without any graphical environment at all.
  • Installation is curses-based, but straight forward and most of all, fast! A Full mode installation should not take more that 10 mins in total on a modern system.
  • Our 64-bit release includes support for installing on (U)EFI based systems, on which the installer should prompt to install ELILO instead of LILO at the end of installation. GPT partitioned hard drives are also now fully supported by both 32bit and 64bit installers.