Pingnoo Changelog

What's new in Pingnoo 2021.06.23 Pre-release

Apr 13, 2022
  • temporary windows test version
  • removed std::chrono from the code base, chrono can be incredibly difficult to work with and for this reason it has been removed and now is reolaced with integer or double values. Unless otherwise stated (and deviating from this should be avoided), any time span/duration that is stored in an interger variable represents milliseconds. If a span or duration is specified as a double, then the value is in seconds, the fractional part represents milli/micro/nano seconds etc.
  • the route analyser now provides the user with feedback from starting a trace. Previously the editor would open, but the content would be blank and this is confusing behaviour as it looks like the application is not working correctly. The route engine now signals to the route analyser that the current route has been updated as each hop is discovered, and the table now fills is as it goes. Additionally, the chart area temporarily displays an overview of the discovery. If the route engine discovers the length of the route before performing the hop detection, then a progress bar (along with a numeric indicator) is displayed. If the total number of hops cannot be discovered first, then the progress bar simply reverts to an "infinite" style one.
  • Added a ribbon group for the host maskers, the on screen, output and printing can now be easily toggled from the ribbon.
  • The regular expression host masker how users the standard style of regex substitution, i.e $1 will be replaced the capture group 1, ${host} would be replaced with the capture group named host.
  • Added placeholder ribbon group to clipboard operations.

New in Pingnoo 2021.04.30 (Apr 13, 2022)

  • [enhancement] Added support for building raspbian binaries
  • [enhancement] Added docker image configurations for creating build environments for Linux distributions
  • [enhancement] Support for distributions based on debian stretch
  • [enhancement] macOS binaries are now universal and run natively on both Intel and Apple Silicon based macs
  • [enhancement] Added ICMPAPI based ping engine for Windows
  • [enhancement] Added 32-bit binaries for WIndows. The installer installs the appropriate version for the operating system and portable versions are provided for both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows.
  • [fix] Removed c++17 namespaces and replaced with legacy to allow building on older versions of Qt
  • [fix] Tab works correctly in syntax highlighter fields and now tabs to the next UI control instead of adding a tab character
  • [fix] IPv4 + IPv6 hostname validation has been re-written
  • [fix] UI tweaks for all platforms to clean up anything that wasn't visually correct
  • [closed] Seems to not work on Win10 #57
  • [bug] Mac add capability to scan version information #50
  • [enhancement] ThemeSupport #47
  • [closed] Debugging, PKGBUILD, Theme and issues with connection #45
  • [closed] Crashing when adding second host #32