PapugLinux LiveCD Changelog

What's new in PapugLinux LiveCD 11.1

Jul 17, 2011
  • We choose to focus our additions on development tools for this version. The great Python language comes in 2 versions (2.7 and 3.1) and we also include Subversion and the very popular Git as version control systems. This could make PapugLinux a great bundle to start to learn Python or symply browse the open-source projects all over the world.

New in PapugLinux LiveCD 09.1 (Feb 3, 2009)

  • As more than a year elapsed since the previous release, most of the packages have major updates. We focused our work on a better integration with Rox file manager by providing Rox-project tools for an improved user experience. MPlayer is now integrated to give multimedia support a better flavor, it was optimized for Intel platform and may fail on some AMD computers. No worry, Audacious and Ogle are still there to do the job! And for those who want to work with PapugLinux, Gumeric is now included to allow spreadsheet manipulation. Updated packages X.Org 7.2, Firefox 3.0.5, Sylpheed 2.5.0, Pidgin 2.5.2, AbiWord 2.6.4. Added packages: Gnumeric 1.8.3, MPlayer 1.0rc2.