Note OS Pro Changelog

What's new in Note OS Pro 7.2.2

Sep 25, 2014
  • Navigable Home menu fix - In 7.2.0, the items may not be read. This update attempts to solve this.
  • Direct login - When Note OS starts up, 7.2.2 no longer requires clicking the Home screen to begin, which removes 2 known bugs and makes starting Note OS simpler.
  • Rox Filer is now default - This update removes Cmdfiler and makes Rox Filer the default file manager for all applications.
  • Utilities mapped to Prefs Center - When you open Audio or Wifi prefs, since alsamixergui and wpagui are included in Note OS 7.2.2, clicking these preferences now will automatically open the included utilities for better control.
  • Removed welcome app - Since Note OS 6, a welcome slideshow has played upon logging in, which opens Help. 7.2.2 removes this for faster startup. To get Help, you can still open it from the Home menu as usual or with Meta+H.
  • Workspaces tip - When you launch the workspace viewer, Note OS presents a quick tip for switching between applications on first launch.
  • Smarter energy - Energy will only ask to start if the Applications launcher or Prefs Center are opened and the Energy preferences button is now mapped to the new extender.
  • Desktop settings - Clicking the desktop now allows you to change display settings or the wallpaper.
  • Button and header fixes - The package manager and home assistant buttons could only be found in the Applications launcher if maximized, as the headers were not well designed. 7.2.2 compacts the header to display the buttons.
  • Battery fix - The battery icon is now shown with an "i" for info rather than a value to avoid confusion, since it is static.
  • Retired Connector utility - As this app does not function well, a message will now display asking users to use cloud solutions instead when opened.
  • Wallpaper fixes - Setting the animated set is clearer, the shuffle button is clearer, and solid colors are now grouped into palettes to make it easier to set different shades. Wallpaper preferences now includes a top header with a button to return to Prefs Center.
  • Lock screen tweak - The lock screen requires a mouse to unlock it. Now, this is displayed on it to make it clearer to users.
  • Alerts fix - The alarm app now tells you what time the alarm was scheduled and why it is going off. The notification now also appears as a dialog, rather than a pop-over, so that tablet users can close it.
  • Installer 1.2 - The installer has been repaired to fix problems in this release that prevented installation in previous Note OS 7 releases.
  • Elevation fixes - Patches to Installer and other utilities have been applied to help provide better control.
  • Notecap 2.0 - Now, stop and start screencasts on demand, and open screenshot folders, with an all-new redesign of the app that is clearer to use and more modern. You can also open GPaint to start and save drawings as well.