Mutagenix Changelog

What's new in Mutagenix

Jun 18, 2009
  • I'm happy to finally announce the release of Mutagenix This release includes a rescue disk (without X) and a KDE disk. This is mostly a bug-fix release to address problems discovered in the installer, but there are several new options available. Of note are the USB installer and a re-worked remastering utility. Mutagenix Features: Slackware 11.0; rescue and KDE 3.5 versions; kernel; automatic hardware detection using libdiscover; supports SATA, SCSI and IDE drives; detects and mounts EXT2, EXT3, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS, VFAT and NTFS formatted partitions; customize CD with remastering script; slapt-get, with multiple rc files with different sources, is included; Gslapt, the GTK+ frontend for slapt-get; application suite; Mutagenix themes....