Metamorphose Linux Changelog

What's new in Metamorphose Linux 5

Oct 12, 2013
  • Version 5 Puma comes with great improvements, especially in the area of ​​usability.
  • Desktop and BOOT are clean and bring more advanced things like native support video cards ATI / AMD, Kernel 3.9, the possibility of a total system upgrade using Metamorphose - UpDate, and the option to install and update several popular programs right from Synaptic, such as Skype, Java, Flash Player, Firefox, Thunderbird, Google Family, etc..
  • With the KDE 4.10.2 (stable) graphical environment the distro became more beautiful and fast. FlashPlyer and Java have automatic updates using Metamorphose - UpDate, and a new toolbar has been added in intelligent desktop mode.
  • Wine - 1.5.28 Metamorphose, LibreOffice 4, PlayOnLinux, Metamorphose Anaglyph Plug-in for Compiz that turns your normal monitor into a real 3D one, and can be viewed with a "Glasses Red / Blue".
  • Metamorphose is now a rolling release Linux distribution.