Godot Engine Changelog

What's new in Godot Engine 3.1.1

Nov 6, 2019
  • A security issue was reported and fixed. This change does add some API to Godot in case you need to be able to deserialize Object data. Please see This PR for details. If you do not use networking in your project you should not be affected. However GDNative ABI was changed so any native plugins need to be rebuilt for 3.1.1.
  • GLES 3 support for depth textures was fixed. This was a regression in 3.1 from 3.0.x.
  • GLES 2 crash on older iOS devices was resolved.
  • OS.get_unique_id() was fixed on Android.
  • A HeightMapShape was added to the Bullet physics engine implementation.
  • FPS snapping in the Animation player was added to the engine, along with other quality of life improvements.
  • New audio features for 3.2 were backported.
  • New menu options for the Sprite editor were added: "Convert to Mesh2D", "Convert to Polygon2D", "Create CollisionPolygon2D Sibling" and "Create LightOccluder2D Sibling".
  • AnimatedSprite can now play backwards.
  • Emission Mask was added to CPUParticles2D.
  • GLTF2 importer fixes.
  • C#: Support for MSBuild from VS2019 was added.
  • C#: Improvements were made to the generated C# documentation comments. The BBCode is now translated to XML doc comments.
  • C#: _GetPropertyList never being called was fixed.
  • C#: Unhandled exceptions no longer hard-crash the application.
  • C#: Exports information now only gets updated in the editor, this fixes temporary instances being created in-game.
  • C#: Fixed parsing of generic type declarations in C# source files.
  • C#: Bundled Mono was upgraded to