wro4j Changelog

What's new in wro4j 1.7.7

Nov 24, 2014
  • Issue854 Jshint plugin should not try processing css resources
  • Issue885 Update less4j dependency to latest version
  • Issue891 Optimize hashing implementation
  • Issue893 Upgrade google closure compiler dependency
  • Issue894 Upgrade jruby dependency (performance optimization)
  • Issue895 ChainedProcessor uses WroTestUtils which uses junit, making it not work at runtime
  • Issue896 Confusing exception with incrementalBuildEnabled
  • Issue897 Optimize how often files are checksummed
  • Issue900 Prevent buildDirectory from being null
  • Issue902 Race condition in LazyProcessorDecorator when parallelProcessing is enabled
  • Issue903 Update coffee-script webjars dependency to latest version

New in wro4j 1.7.3 (Jan 25, 2014)

  • This version makes ResourceWatcher check for changes asynchronously, upgrades less4j, jshint, and handlebars dependencies, and adds other bugfixes and small improvements.

New in wro4j 1.7.1 (Sep 20, 2013)

  • This is a minor release containing mostly bugfixes and small improvements.
  • The most notable improvements are related to the maven plugin.
  • It is now possible to run in parallel preProcessors and each target group as well, and incremental build support is available out of the box using the new configuration parameter "incrementalBuildEnabled".

New in wro4j 1.7.0 (Jun 11, 2013)

  • This version contains about 35 new features, improvements, and bugfixes.
  • The most notable changes include webjar integration and the ability to easily upgrade processors using the webjar dependency only, the latest versions of JSHint and other third party libraries (Ember, Handlebars), the latest version of rhino (unofficial release), and the removal of deprecated methods and classes.

New in wro4j 1.6.3 (Mar 12, 2013)

  • This version contains 26 fixed issues (bugfixes and small improvements).
  • The most notable issues are: simplified model configuration, abstract group support for groovy DSL, a new RhinoTypeScriptProcessor (a cross platform processor), and an upgrade of the following: less4j, less.js, cssLint, ember.js, coffee-script.js, and many others.