mcabber Changelog

What's new in mcabber 0.10.2

Dec 3, 2012
  • This release contains many small improvements and bugfixes.
  • Message Delivery Receipts and Entity Capabilities have been updated, as well as MUC support.
  • Some features have been moved into their own modules (FIFO and url_regex).
  • MCabber does not complain anymore when 256-color numbers are used in the configuration file, and a new "readmark" shows where each buffer was last read.

New in mcabber 0.10.0 (Apr 12, 2010)

  • Switch to the Loudmouth library, support for dynamic modules, and much more. See the changelog file for a list of changes. Do not forget to update your configuration file before starting the new version.

New in mcabber 0.9.10 (Oct 7, 2009)

  • This release supports spell checking with Enchant and has many small improvements and bugfixes.

New in mcabber 0.9.9 (Oct 9, 2008)

  • A few bugfixes, some translation updates, and a new Czech translation.

New in mcabber 0.9.8 (Oct 6, 2008)

  • URLs can be extracted from messages to the log window using the url_regex option.
  • OTR messages are now flagged with "O".
  • Two new commands have been added, "/buffer save" and "/echo", as well as several new options and UI improvements.