gentoo Changelog

What's new in gentoo 0.20.6

Jan 23, 2015
  • Stopped using GtkAlignment widgets, since they are already dead in some distro's GTK+ version. Reported by I. De Marchi.
  • Spanish and Catalan translations updated, thanks to I. De Marchi.
  • EPIC bug fix: there was a delay (!) call in the progress-reporting dialog, which absolutely *murdered* gentoo's file I/O performance. Of course, I didn't notice. But Matthias Haase (Fedora packager) did. Thanks! I believe the bad code snuck in when I was working on the progress dialog; it's actually useful then but should never have been released. My apologies.

New in gentoo 0.20.5 (Jan 20, 2015)

  • We now require GTK+ 3.12. I've always aimed to stay current with GTK+, and since development resources are very limited I can't afford to track multiple release versions. "The latest in Ubuntu" is basically how it works, and since my main workstation is on 14.10, that's it.
  • Fixed horrible bug with the width-tracking for pane columns, that caused gentoo to consider the configuration changed every time you started it.
  • Fixed crash bug when starting gentoo without a configuration, and possibly other times as well.
  • Hunted down and fixed many cases of deprecated icon APIs used. Still "lost" some icons due to GTK+ 3.x changes.
  • Noticed that the UI turns black in weird ways when running under GTK+ 3.12.2 in Ubuntu 14.10. Cured by turning off GTK's hidden bars: `gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal`. I don't think this is a gentoo issue, it feels like a theme bug.
  • Cleaned up confused "Grab" button for the wrong window type on the Windows configuration page. Grabbing works only for the main window.
  • Fixed bug that made GTK+ spew warnings when re-opening the Configuration window. Harmless, but very annoying.
  • Tweaked how column widths are handled. We no longer support dragging columns to change the width, you must change it numerically in the settings. This is because it's hard to combine a fixed/tracked numerical width with being able to manually resize the column.
  • Added some margin around the content of the Information window.
  • Added a new button labelled "Edit Command" on the Styles configuration page, that (with a selected Action property using a custom command) takes you to the "Definition" configuration page for that command.

New in gentoo 0.20.4 (Nov 21, 2013)

  • Updated Catalan and Spanish translations, thanks to I. De Marchi.
  • Did some code adjustments due to deprecations in the GTK+ 3.x APIs.

New in gentoo 0.19.13 (Mar 19, 2012)

  • This release improves UI flexibility so that gentoo now runs better if you configure it to not have any command buttons.
  • It fixes a bug that prevented the Information window from successfully closing.
  • It rewrites the core of the Move command to not compute the size before trying a rename, saving huge amounts of time for deep/complex directory moves on the same device.

New in gentoo 0.19.11 (Aug 29, 2011)

  • The Rename command now optionally pre-selects parts of the filename, which is handy for preventing changing of the extension.
  • The Spanish and Catalan translations were updated.
  • Better default action handling was implemented, so that Return dismisses the dialog.
  • The Information window now remembers size and position.
  • The location and names of configuration files was changed for less filesystem littering.

New in gentoo 0.19.10 (Jun 13, 2011)

  • Updated to require GTK+ 2.24.
  • Many bugfixes and improvements.
  • Reintroduction of pane header highlighting by color to show activeness.
  • Pane-switching moves input focus. Support for rubber-band selection.
  • Dialog keyboard handling has been improved.
  • The SelectType command from the keyboard no longer causes a crash.
  • Shows the active pane's current location in the window's title bar.
  • Catalan and Spanish translations have been updated

New in gentoo 0.19.9 (Jan 31, 2011)

  • A bug that made it impossible to double-click file and directory names was fixed.
  • The configure-script was tweaked to require a more recent version of GTK+.
  • Two new translations were added for Catalan and Spanish.
  • A few other minor fixes were made.

New in gentoo 0.19.7 (Dec 17, 2010)

  • Massive improvements to the Split command, which now features live preview of the files that will be generated.
  • It is now possible to have gentoo display errors in the main window's title and turn off the status bar altogether, to save vertical space.
  • Bugfixes with window icons, RenameSeq UI, GetSize error handling, and more.
  • CD Source and CD Destination now work, for local paths.
  • The Configuration window can now be made much smaller, and its contents will scroll if needed.

New in gentoo 0.19.6 (Nov 26, 2010)

  • A bug when editing window position and size numbers was fixed.
  • GTK+ window geometry hinting code was added to make the main window shrinkable down postage-stamp size, if you want to.
  • A bug in the SymLinkClone command that spewed debug text to the console was fixed.
  • A bug was fixed in SymLinkEdit that prevented it from doing the right thing if called with no selection (it now opens a dialog so you can create a new link).
  • The ChOwn and ChMod commands now trigger explicit pane refresh.
  • Symbolic links now behave a lot more like their targets (if the target exists), and are styled and sorted as you would expect.

New in gentoo 0.19.5 (Nov 16, 2010)

  • Tweaked layout code for command buttons, making it possible to make the window more narrow.
  • A fix for a bug in the command definition configuration editor that lost any changes to the general flags.
  • A fix for a bug in the button configuration editor that made all row-related editing buttons do the same thing.

New in gentoo 0.19.4 (Oct 25, 2010)

  • This version replaces the command line options parser with glib's standard, which provides built-in support for all GTK+'s standard options.
  • It adds support for the "changed" file date, which is subtly different from "modified".
  • It fixes a bug where interpolating {P} into commands included a file:// URI prefix scheme.
  • It adds GUI-configurable support for setting the font used in the panes directly in gentoo, saving users from having to learn about GTK+'s RC files for this simple visual customization.

New in gentoo 0.19.3 (Oct 18, 2010)

  • Internationalization was fixed, which was not working due to a typographical error in the code.
  • Formatting of accessed/created/modified time data in the panes was fixed.
  • More compilation/configuration fixes were made, including compatibility with GTK+ 2.22.

New in gentoo 0.19.2 (Oct 7, 2010)

  • The "right click on path" command binding was removed, since it didn't actually work.
  • A DpMaximize builtin has been added, which simply maximizes the current pane.
  • Some uses of old GTK_WIDGET macros have been removed, which should help gentoo build against GTK+ 2.22.
  • The manual page was updated with regard to command-line options.

New in gentoo 0.19.1 (Oct 4, 2010)

  • The code was ported to use GIO, a virtualizing file system layer that is part of the GTK+/glib family of APIs.
  • Note that there is no mounting support in this release; mounting and auto-mounting are in need of an overhaul, and there didn't seem to be any point in keeping the legacy /etc/fstab-driven support.
  • The code is now totally clean for GTK+ 2.x: there are no GTK+ 1.2 widgets being used. This means the main panes are now GtkTreeViews.
  • The built-in text viewer has been made encoding-aware; see the new ViewText "encoding" argument to specify source encoding. Lots more was also done.

New in gentoo 0.15.6 (Jul 13, 2009)

  • Resurrected the --locale-info command-line option, which seems to have been lost in translation, from gentoo 0.11.x. While I was at it, I added a couple of more lines of information to it.
  • Redid much of how the tracking and handling of the pane split was done. It now works properly with a vertical split mode, which it certainly didn't do before [bug #2803149].
  • Made the default pane split mode, if no config is present, lock the ratio at 50%. Should make new users less frightened.
  • Made the default settings for the Configuration and Text Viewer windows leave the positions alone. Trust the window manager.
  • Touched up the error handling in the ChOwn command, hoping to make it work more, and fail less.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs in the Types configuration code, that caused it to act a bit randomly. If you saw empty-named Types, this might have been the reason [bug #2816423?].

New in gentoo 0.15.5 (May 31, 2009)

  • Removed use of the dreaded GtkCList widgets on the DirPane config pages. Currently this also removed support for drag-and-drop in the right (selected) list; I might fix that later on. For now, just use the pretty arrow buttons below the list.
  • Bug-fix: the DpFocusISrch command, which was suffering from some bad porting (to GTK+ 2.0) issues [bug #2786313].
  • Bug-fix: the overwrite confirm dialog, which did not convert its filenames to UTF-8 for display, and thus showed gibberish for any names with non-ASCII characters in them.
  • Bug-fix: the textviewer also didn't convert filenames to UTF-8 before display, causing warnings from Pango (and gibberish).

New in gentoo 0.15.4 (Apr 24, 2009)

  • Fixed a bug that made the File Type configuration become totally confused if you used arrow keys to step around in
  • the list a few times and then tried editing [bug #2728738].
  • Removed yet another GtkCList, this time in the Styles config page's Action part. The entire Action editing was totally remodelled and modernized. It now uses in-place editing right in the list view, and uses text styling (overridden properties are bold) for clarity.
  • Made the configure script require glib 2.14 or greater, for GRegex.
  • Fixed a bug [#2716890] that caused gentoo to crash with a "memory freed twice" error by just changing a pane's path.
  • Fixed a bug that caused sizes shown in e.g. the status bar to be formatted with the wrong unit. KB and MB both showed up as GB.
  • Changed a couple of small helper buttons (the magnifying glass meaning "pick from dialog" and the "Clr" button in the buttons config) to use standard GTK+ 2.0 stock images instead. The glass is now a pair of binoculars, the "Clr" is a ... uh ... paintbrush?

New in gentoo 0.15.3 (Mar 26, 2009)

  • Rewrote the "Types" config page to no longer use GtkCList. It should also be a bit quicker now. Drawback is that GtkTreeView uses about 10% more vertical space for the same number of rows. But you could call that a "readability enhancement",too. :)
  • The obsolete GtkCList widgets on the Controls config page have been replaced by the GTK+ 2.0 replacement, proper GtkTreeViews. This is totally invisible to casual users. The widget used to pick a mouse button when editing a mouse binding has also been upgraded.
  • GtkCList widgets on the Commands/Definitions config page have also been replaced with GTK+ 2.0-flavored replacements. Slightly better direct-manipulation support: use drag-and-drop to reorder the "rows" of a command definition instead of the old up/down arrow buttons.
  • Added "Window Borders" frame on the Windows config page. This lets you tell gentoo how to compensate for your window manager's border around windows. There is no way for GTK+ to know this, which is why it is a user option.
  • Resurrected the position-tracking of windows on the Windows config page. Thanks to the new "Borders" setting above, it is now far more stable than before (assuming you have the proper border settings).
  • Plugged a memory leak in the command argument parser. Not sure how frequently it leaked.
  • Plugged a memory leak in path entry handling, due to GTK+ 2.0 API behaving differently from 1.2.
  • Minor improvements on the Styles config page. It now expands the parent style when adding a new style, should be less confusing.
  • The ChMod command now shows textual (a string like "-rw-r--r--") and octal representations of the current modes. These are currently read-only, included for reference, you cannot edit them directly.
  • The Configure window no longer has a hardcoded "good" height set; it was unnecessary and messed up GTK+'s handling of resizing.
  • Properly register most (all?) dialogs and popups (including the text reader and config windows) as "transients" of the main window, which groups them when minimizing and so on.
  • Fixed a bug that caused glib to spew out massive amounts of signal-related warnings if you enabled a 'Huge Parent Button' and then moved the main window.

New in gentoo 0.15.2 (Mar 13, 2009)

  • Rewrote guts of "file"-driven file type identification to use glib's process spawning API. No longer uses a temporary file, but simply uses pipes instead. This removes a potential security hole (in temporary file name generation) and should also be quicker.
  • The code that runs "file" to identify file types now also catches the SIGPIPE signal, and checks for bad pipes when writing to the child process. This should hopefully help prevent gentoo from crashing if the "file" program exits prematurely (or doesn't exist).
  • All calls to the obsolete gtk_signal_connect() function have been replaced with the g_signal_connect() function. Feels a bit fresher.

New in gentoo 0.15.1 (Mar 7, 2009)

  • Integrated new OdMultiButton widget.
  • Ported command selection dialog (seen in Run command and when picking in config) to GTK+ 2.0 tree widget.
  • Removed main (left) GtkCList in Configuration window, replaced with proper GTK+ 2.0 tree widget.
  • SelectSuffix now acts a bit like SelectExt if there is no current mouse click, no focus, and at least one selected row. It will only process the first selected row though.
  • Added a "Upper Case Initial" mode to RenameRE's Case page, that is not in gentoo 0.11.x.
  • This release does not include the mmap buffer size setting added in gentoo 0.11.x; it seems to work just fine without it.
  • Fixed very secretive bug that caused seemingly spurious "error 34" when entering a directory. This was caused by overflow in the numerical-comparison routines, truing to strtol() very long runs of digits. Fixed by implementing a comparison that does not convert to binary. Reported by "Trilobit", thanks a lot!
  • Applied lots of other safeguards against spurious errors from the same Trilobit.