dvtm Changelog

What's new in dvtm 0.10

Dec 30, 2013
  • Improved redraw logic to reduce cursor flickering
  • Better non blocking input handling
  • A couple of fixes to dvtm.info terminfo description (kbs, rs1)
  • Various other fixes (fd leakage, misuse of strncpy, handling of I/O errors)

New in dvtm 0.8 (Aug 2, 2012)

  • Changes include AIX support, a Cygwin compile fix, terminal emulation correctness fixes, and some minor code cleanups here and there.

New in dvtm 0.6 (Oct 11, 2010)

  • window content buffering upon resize, this actually improves usability quite a bit. Thanks to Niki Yoshiuchi for the initial patch
  • multiplexing mode, press MOD+a and your keystrokes will be sent to all non minimized windows. Could be handy if you have to do something interactive simultaneously on multiple servers.
  • a bug fix which should prevent leaking open file descriptors

New in dvtm 0.5.2 (Jul 8, 2009)

  • compile fix for Mac OS X
  • optional beep on terminal bell (enable it per window with MOD+B)
  • the whole screen redraw command which is now by default associated with MOD+r reads the terminal size and adjust the working area accordingly

New in dvtm 0.5.1 (Feb 9, 2009)

  • This is a bugfix release that contains a compile fix for curses libraries that do not provide the set_escdelay function.
  • The home and end keys should now work more reliably.

New in dvtm 0.5 (Jan 26, 2009)

  • This release introduces scrollback and 256-color support, fixes some bugs, and contains lots of small code cleanups.