crpcut Changelog

What's new in crpcut 1.9.2

Apr 8, 2013
  • This version supports distributions with old versions of CMake.

New in crpcut 1.9.1 (Apr 6, 2013)

  • was built but not installed

New in crpcut 1.8.4 (Mar 16, 2013)

  • This is a minor bugfix release correcting valgrind instrumentation problems, test dependencies and faulty test duration attribute in XML reports.

New in crpcut 1.8.2 (Jul 6, 2012)

  • This minor feature enhancement makes the command line parameter --timeout-multiplier=factor now also have effect on the timeouts for fixture construction and destruction.

New in crpcut 1.8.1 (Jun 13, 2012)

  • This minor feature enhancement makes the command line parameter --timeout-multiplier=factor now also have effect on the timeouts for fixture construction and destruction.

New in crpcut 1.7.2 (May 18, 2012)

  • This version fixes a minor bug with the NO_CORE_FILE test modifier which occurred on Linux when /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern described piping the core dump to a program rather than saving to a file.

New in crpcut 1.6.1 (Jan 25, 2012)

  • This is a patch for a bug that in some cases caused malformed XML-output by missing a close on the blocked_tests list.

New in crpcut 1.6.0 (Jan 20, 2012)

  • The new features are an additional optional parameter to ASSERT_THROW() and VERIFY_THROW() which checks the value of an exception object, two istream based version of get_parameter() to pick values passed from the command line , and an option to build libcrpcut as static or shared library.

New in crpcut 1.5.0 (Jan 4, 2012)

  • The major new feature is tagging of tests. Tags are a test selection method orthogonal to that of testsuites. Tags can also be used to distinguish between test that are critical (e.g. regressions) and test that are non-critical (e.g. the functionality currently worked on.)
  • Experimental support is also available for decorating test reports with, for example, ANSI-colour escapes.

New in crpcut 1.4.1 (Dec 21, 2011)

  • This is a major bugfix release that fixes a hidden dependency on, which caused crpcut to SIGSEGV at startup on Ubuntu 11.10.

New in crpcut 1.4.0 (Dec 12, 2011)

  • This is a major release with much new functionality - the most prominent being the possibility to register custom describers for exception information, and converting between the character set produced by tests and the character set displayed.

New in crpcut 1.3.2 (Aug 2, 2011)

  • This is a minor release focusing mainly on compile time speedup for test cases.
  • A user contributed web presentation for test runs is also included.

New in crpcut 1.3.1 (May 31, 2011)

  • This is a minor release that fixes an XML schema violation bug and also adds an optional identifier for a test run, useful for web-presentation of results from auto-builders.

New in crpcut 1.3.0 (May 24, 2011)

  • This release includes improved support for negative tests, and timeout guards for fixture creation/destruction.

New in crpcut 1.2.0 (Jan 24, 2011)

  • Added VERIFY_ macros to mirror the ASSERT_ macros. The difference
  • is that execution of a test continues after a failed VERIFY_,
  • although the test is marked as failed, whereas a failed ASSERT_
  • immediately terminates the failed test.
  • Added the 'fail' entry to the list of entries that can occur
  • in a result log for a test. This is a change in the XML Schema.
  • Added ASSERT_SCOPE_HEAP_LEAK_FREE, making it simpler to assert
  • that a block of code deas not leak heap objects. Failed
  • assertions list all objects that were added in the block of code
  • that still remain allocated at the end of the block.
  • Added experimental support for storing the stack backtrace for
  • heap objects, displayed in failed ASSERT_SCOPE_HEAP_LEAK_FREE
  • and in alloc/dealloc type mismatch messages. The experimental
  • backtrace support is enabled with -DUSE_BACKTRACE=yes on the
  • cmake command line. It requires two non-POSIX functions in
  • libc.
  • for asserting that blocks of code meets performance
  • requirements.
  • Added the --disable-timeouts command line flag, which disables
  • all deadline expectations and scoped time asserts, such that no
  • tests will fail due to their time consumption. This turns out
  • to be useful when running tests under time consuming tools.
  • Tightened a file descriptor leak in the main process.

New in crpcut 1.1.1 (Nov 22, 2010)

  • ASSERT_TRUE() and ASSERT_FALSE() now allow you to write conditions in natural C++ syntax by interpreting the expressions and give detailed information of the subexpressions on failures. For example, ASSERT_TRUE(a + b == 5) can yield the message "evaluated as: 1 + 3 == 5".

New in crpcut 1.1.0 (Oct 26, 2010)

  • The big news is that tests can be expected to time out while requiring a limit on spent CPU time, effectively making it possible to verify that a test goes to sleep.
  • In addition, there are a number of bugfixes and minor improvements.

New in crpcut 1.0.3 (Apr 13, 2010)

  • This release fixes two heap bugs. Most importantly the valgrind instrumentation failed to detect buffer overrun/underrun on heap objects, and inconveniently operator new (all incarnations) did not respect registered new handlers.

New in crpcut 1.0.2 (Feb 23, 2010)

  • crpcut now only calculates dependencies between tests selected for running, instead of for all tests globally. Long readable command line options are added, and information is improved when command line options do not match.