Xplanet Changelog

What's new in Xplanet 1.2.1

May 13, 2009
  • Add shadows from satellites on Saturn's rings, let brightness of rings go to zero as Saturn approaches equinox.
  • Add trail_output option to satellite files to print out satellite positions.
  • Calculate eclipse shadows a little past the terminator so they don't get cut off sharply.
  • Reload satellite files in case TLE files are updated between renderings. Suggested by Lutz Mändle.
  • Added Lambert Equal Area projection
  • Check that -origin above or below is not specified for the Sun.
  • Add patch from Doug Hawkins to support marker_* keywords in config file.
  • Added the -label_body option. This is useful in conjunction with -separation to specify which body the label should apply to.
  • Added the -separation option. This places the observer at a point in space where two bodies have the specified separation.
  • Allow -glare 0 to remove sun glare.
  • Fixed a bug where arcs were sometimes not drawn if they were vertical or horizontal lines.
  • A thickness value may now be specified for arcs.
  • Added max_radius and min_radius keywords to marker files. This disables drawing of the marker if the planet radius is larger than or smaller than the specified value, respectively.
  • Fixed a bug where the arc color was not reset to the default color for subsequent arcs in the file.