Vrapper Changelog

What's new in Vrapper 0.40.0

Feb 10, 2014
  • This version adds a new optional clang-format plugin, support for an "omap" command and an "iskeyword" property, and various defect fixes.

New in Vrapper 0.38.0 (Dec 9, 2013)

  • This version adds a ":set contentassistmode" to enable and in the content-assist dropdown.
  • It also fixes various defects including the autocmd command, AltGr handling, and visual mode behavior.

New in Vrapper 0.36.0 (Oct 7, 2013)

  • This is mainly a bugfix release, therefore no real major defects have been fixed or functionality added, just more constant progress forward.

New in Vrapper 0.34.1 (Aug 14, 2013)

  • A number of people found defects in 0.34.0 in the week since it was released.
  • One defect in particular was major enough to warrant a new release.
  • 0.34.1 addresses those defects, specifically a defect on Linux systems which made the cursor disappear (or not move) during horizontal movements.

New in Vrapper 0.34.0 (Aug 5, 2013)

  • Adds support for the big three feature requests in Vrapper: VisualBlockMode, Split Editor (:split, :vsplit) via and optional plugin, and confirm 'c' flag for substitution. Several other minor feature enhancements and defect fixes.

New in Vrapper 0.32.0 (Jun 3, 2013)

  • This version adds a new ':vim' command that launches gvim with the current file in Eclipse for complex editing.
  • When you save and exit vim, Eclipse reloads the file with your changes.
  • There is a new 'improved paragraph motion' (ipmotion) optional plugin.
  • There are fixes for several long-standing defects that required Eclipse knowledge (among other defect fixes).

New in Vrapper 0.30.0 (Mar 30, 2013)

  • Lots of miscellaneous bugfixes and new features, including sentence motions '(' and ')', support for mappings with Shift and Alt, and change list traversals 'g,' and 'g;'.
  • Marks now stay put as the document changes.

New in Vrapper 0.28.0 (Jan 30, 2013)

  • This version introduces a new optional PyDev plugin, adds and increment/decrement operations, adds basic support for :sort, and adds miscellaneous new commandline operations.

New in Vrapper 0.26.0 (Nov 19, 2012)

  • This version includes the ability to open files with ':e' or ':find' and the corresponding commands to support them.
  • Other changes include miscellaneous bugfixes and features such as: support for Ctrl+w (delete word) in command-line modes, a fix for backspace behavior in replace mode, and a fix for single-character mappings in insert mode.

New in Vrapper 0.24.0 (Sep 17, 2012)

  • This is primarily a bugfix release. It doesn't include anything major.

New in Vrapper 0.22.0 (Jul 7, 2012)

  • This version adds support for the much-requested substitution feature, a history for commandline modes, basic support for the :g command, unnamed clipboards, and more.

New in Vrapper 0.20.0 (May 15, 2012)

  • Added support for the following commands was added: v_~, [{, [(, ]}, ]), |, @@, "_, i_ctrl-w, i_ctrl-r, i_ctrl-a, i_ctrl-e, i_ctrl-y.
  • See the vim documentation for explanations. 'recording' is now displayed while recording a macro.
  • Modifying search settings (noic, hlsearch) affects the current search.
  • Configurable boolean values can now be checked with :set ?.
  • Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

New in Vrapper 0.16.0 (Jun 28, 2011)

  • This version added incremental search (:set incsearch), highlight search (:set hlsearch), line number toggle (:set number), show whitespace toggle (:set list), and miscellaneous bugfixes.

New in Vrapper 0.10.1 (Sep 23, 2009)

  • This release fixes compatibility issues with Eclipse 3.3.