VESTA Changelog

What's new in VESTA 2.1.3

Feb 21, 2010
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a crash after clicking "Remove symmetry" button twice.
  • Enhanced the behavior of "Remove duplicate atoms" button so that duplicate atoms slightly off-centered from a special position will be merged into a single site at the special position.
  • Fixed a problem in Mac OS X version that "2D Data Display" window didn't render any graphics unless the window is once resized. This bug exists in v2.0.2 to v2.1.2.
  • Added support for file format of VASP 5.2 or later.
  • Fixed an issue in Mac and Linux versions that a linefeed character may appear in the middle of title line when exporting input files of RIETAN-FP (*.ins) from CIF (*.cif).
  • When exporting files to DL_POLY format, serial number of each site will now be written.
  • Updated Madel so that it can handle up to 192 symmetry operations (for some of cubic space group settings).
  • Updated the database file for bond valence parameters (bvparm2009.cif).
  • Fixed Wyckoff database for non-conventional complex lattices of triclinic space groups.

New in VESTA 2.0.3 (Feb 16, 2009)

  • Fixed a bug in ver. 2.0.2 that prevents users from importing volumetric data after opening structure data.
  • Enabled to set the default isosurface level in Preference dialog.
  • Fixed a bug where division of a volumetric data set by another data set was calculated as multiplication of the two data sets.
  • Fixed many bugs specific to certain platforms, including crash of the
  • Linux version on Mesa 7.x software driver and crash of the Windows version in combination with Windows Vista and Intel made video chips.
  • As a regression caused by this fix, full scene anti-alias would be temporarily disabled on some platforms.