Ultimate Bashrc File Changelog

What's new in Ultimate Bashrc File 3.7

Aug 25, 2011
  • More functions/aliases:
  • allVideos, command-timer, count_files_by_ext, fileName, svn_find, gotxt2imgmail, hourglass, lsr_, manswitch, prep, timeDNS, wireless_sniffer; also improved 'dd' aliases, including adding 'dd' with progress options (using 'pv'), more 'cleanup' aliases, and an 'extundelete' section for easy recovery for deleted files/folders

New in Ultimate Bashrc File 3.6 (Aug 4, 2011)

  • Added an optional holiday greeting, a default 'VIDEO_FORMAT' bash setting which is sometimes required for certain mencoder commands, and added several more functions/aliases, including a video2dvd I wrote, oports, sedi, and bluray2xvid

New in Ultimate Bashrc File 3.25 (Feb 16, 2011)

  • Major ripping functions update, now with a universal all2avi for extremely easy use

New in Ultimate Bashrc File 2.9 (Jan 5, 2011)

  • Added several more functions and aliases, including atomtitles, audioextract_dvd, boxeedl, buf, charcount, cmfu_rating, ffa, findtcp, hiddenpnps, ie, image_resize, irssi, kfire, laptop_display, linecount, lssd, netscan, netstats, ngramviewerdl, oe, qrurl, restoremod, rtfm, setessid, stopflash, txt2md, urlping, vimcmd, and wordcount

New in Ultimate Bashrc File 2.8 (Dec 21, 2010)

  • Added several more functions and aliases, such as where, cp_mp3_to, functions, supportWrap, source_print, deadlib, freqwatch, 4chanimages, googlevideo, randommac, freemusiccharts, flv2ogg, among several.