TinTin++ Changelog

What's new in TinTin++ 2.00.8

Jan 8, 2012
  • No advertisements for 2012, the world is about to end anyways.
  • Optimized the mapper's path finding algorithm, significantly increasing performance.
  • Added the #map vnum command to change the room's current vnum.
  • #map link now requires the 'both' argument for a two-way exit to be created.
  • Added support to #format for %f to print floating point numbers.
  • Added roomweight to the #map get and #map set options. By default the weight of a room is set to 1.0 and can be anywhere from 0.001 to 1000. The path finder will favor rooms with a low weight.
  • Added terrain as a searchable option to #map list, goto, find, and run.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.7 (Jul 7, 2011)

  • Added basic low level VT100 stripping for answer back codes.
  • Added MSDP array support.
  • Added a set and get option to #map exit that stores and retrieves from a data field. It's suggested to use tables as no further field extensions are planned.
  • Added the terrain and data fields to #map set and #map get.
  • Added MTTS support which works in conjunction with #config CHARSET and #config 256 COLOR.
  • Changed #script to behave as a two argument command by default. Use braces if you want to call it with one argument.
  • Added a #line ignore option to execute a command without checking any triggers.
  • Added a 256 COLOR config option used negotiate 256 color usage with servers.
  • Added support for UTF-8 handling with #config CHARSET UTF-8 enabled.
  • Added a #config CHARSET option which can be either BIG5, UTF-8.
  • Fixed word boundary matching for highlights and substitutions.
  • No longer performing math on table keys to reduce false positives. Math is still performed when looking up an index.
  • Renamed #path map to #path show.
  • Added a #path unzip option that'll properly load speedwalks.
  • Added a #log off option. #log append and overwrite can now be called while already logging.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.5 (Jan 3, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug with embedded variables not getting properly substitued when used in nested variables.
  • Fixed a bug with the verbose state being lost when starting a new session using an alias.
  • Added the option to provide a vnum for #map delete.
  • Added the option to create vnum specific MAP events, like MAP EXIT ROOM 41 or MAP ENTER ROOM 27.
  • Fixed the MAP EXIT ROOM event, it was reporting the next room rather than the current room for %0. %1 now holds the new room, and MAP ENTER ROOM will hold the old room in %1.
  • Fixed split settings not getting properly inherited from the startup session.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.4 (Oct 25, 2010)

  • Added a better verbatim and verbosity handler to more generically deal with aliases and input triggered events.
  • Several mapper messages are no longer displayed when used in scripts.
  • #zap now takes an optional argument to zap a specific session.
  • When UTF8 is defined in tintin.h UTF8 characters should get wordwrapped correctly, still needs a #config option.
  • Added support for named MSDP events, for example IAC SB MSDP HEALTH would trigger on the HEALTH variable being updated, with %0 holding the value.
  • Added #map uninsert command which does the exact opposite of the #map insert command.
  • Added #map at command which executes the given commands at the given location.
  • Fixed the #path zip command.
  • Added better #prompt {line} {substitution} {0} support to print a mud prompt and pending input on the 0 line. Works well in combination with #split 0 0.
  • Added #map map 80x20 {a} option to log in append mode, by default an overwrite is performed.
  • Added the option to use #path load {n;e;s;w;u;d}
  • When using #path run {delay} you can remove pending run commands by using: #undelay PATH %d

New in TinTin++ 2.00.3 (Aug 1, 2010)

  • Added MAP ENTER MAP and MAP EXIT MAP events.
  • #write now only saves triggers that do not belong to a class.
  • Lowered the buffer size to 20,000 because of crash reports.
  • Added MSDP_OPEN and MSDP_CLOSE support, as well as support for arrays.
  • #variable allows additional arguments which can be used to merge tables.
  • #list {var} create/add now allow semi-colon separated arguments.
  • When using the auto mapper, an exit's exit command will behave like an alias when following the map.
  • Statements like %+10s now ignore colors.
  • Added NOFOLLOW flag support to stop auto following of the mapper.
  • Added #map dig {dir} {} option to dig an exit to the given vnum.
  • Added #map goto {} {dig} option to have goto dig a room if it doesn't exist.
  • Merged the #map exit and #map exitdir commands into the #map exit command, adding options for COMMAND, DIRECTION, FLAG, NAME, and VNUM.
  • Added support for GMCP events and JSON to TINTIN conversion.
  • When path finding the path will be highlighted on the ASCII map.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.2 (Jul 3, 2010)

  • Updated mapper messages to only show up on manual input.
  • Function arguments are no longer separated by spaces but by semicolons, strongly suggested to check your scripts for old functions, and update them.
  • Added BIG5 support to the parse command.
  • Removed the #suspend command, #cursor suspend is available instead.
  • Using $variable[%*] on a non existing nest now returns an empty string rather than 0 so they can be used in loops.
  • Added an optional vnum argument to #map get and #map set commands so #map goto isn't required to loop through all rooms.
  • Added a #config option to enable BIG5 support.
  • Added the #line substitute options which allows the substitution of variables, functions, colors, and escape codes in the provided command argument.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.1 (Apr 4, 2010)

  • Added better \b handling.
  • #path load and #path save now load and save to variables, rather than aliases.
  • Added #map dig {} {new} option.
  • Added documentation for #map exitdir
  • Added support for loading map files edited in Windows.
  • Updated #buffer get to store in reverse if the lower bound is higher than the upper bound.
  • Fixed floating point handling issues.

New in TinTin++ 2.00.0 (Feb 19, 2010)

  • Changed the substitution order of #list add so it'll work better with nested variables.
  • Added support for escaping functions using @@.
  • Trigger priorities can now have a floating point precision.
  • Added a #buffer get option to aid in creating multi-line triggers.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.9 (Dec 30, 2009)

  • Fixed a math bug with negative numbers.
  • Added #buffer clear option.
  • Added PROGRAM START event.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.7 (Aug 28, 2009)

  • The #map color option was added to globally set the room and exits colors for the automapper.
  • The #map list command was updated to support the same arguments as #map goto and report the distance to the listed rooms.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.6 Beta 3 (Aug 25, 2009)

  • Adds support for a desc, area, and note field to rooms in the auto mapper.
  • The fields can be set and retrieved with the #map set and get commands.
  • Additionally #map goto and #map find take multiple optional arguments to match the room's exits besides the room name, as well as the room's exit, area, and note field.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.6b2 (Aug 13, 2009)

  • This release adds the %i and %I arguments to enable or disable case-insensitive matching in triggers, and fixed a formatting error in the #write command.
  • Variables used inside triggers are now substituted.
  • If you want to use an actual variable so the trigger changes whenever you change the variable, you need to use $variable rather than $variable.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.6 (Aug 9, 2009)

  • This release changes the syntax of the #loop and #parse commands to include a variable.
  • All commands now use trigger regular expressions instead of globs, requiring the use of %* where you'd previously use the * wildcard.
  • The #switch, #case, #default, #foreach, #break, #continue, #else, and #elseif statements have been added and should work more or less as expected.
  • Variables can be nested using square brackets, and when doing so behave like associative arrays.
  • In verbatim mode, leading spaces are no longer stripped.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.3 (Mar 21, 2009)

  • This release fixes several bugs that were introduced with the addition of PCRE triggers.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.1 (Mar 2, 2009)

  • Support for PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) was added and integrated into the trigger system, making it much more powerful.
  • This may cause backward compatibility issues with old scripts.

New in TinTin++ 1.99.0 (Feb 16, 2009)

  • This release adds auto tab completion based on the scrollback buffer, and fixes the bug causing the cursor position to be lost in split mode.

New in TinTin++ 1.98.9 (Jan 29, 2009)

  • This release adds the < g00 > to < g23 > color tags to support the xterm 256 color grayscale, and fixes several bugs that were reported.

New in TinTin++ 1.98.8 (Jan 11, 2009)

  • A #while {var} {cmd} command has been added to run while loops.
  • The %t #format option now uses a strftime format to create time stamps.

New in TinTin++ 1.98.7 (Dec 7, 2008)

  • When leaving a map, a last room is set, which can be returned to with "#map return".
  • A timestamp configuration option was added to add timestamps to log files using the strftime format.

New in TinTin++ 1.98.6 (Oct 24, 2008)

  • Variables passed along as an alias argument now go by value instead of by reference.
  • The auto-mapper has been updated to support static rooms, three letter room symbols, breadth first map drawing, and the ability to display room vnums in the ASCII map.

New in TinTin++ 1.98.5 (Aug 31, 2008)

  • The #script command has been updated to take a second argument to store the shell output directly into the given variable.
  • When using #map find, run, and goto and there are multiple matching locations, the nearest location will be returned.