SuperCollider Changelog

What's new in SuperCollider 3.2

Dec 18, 2008
  • 2007-11-xx new suite of machine listening ugens - Loudness, BeatTrack, Onsets, KeyTrack, SpecCentroid, SpecPcile, SpecFlatness - nc, ds
  • 2008-01-06 FreeBSD compatibility - hb
  • 2008-01-10 Quarks updating on OSX should now be easier for first-time users; commands are run in a separate terminal window - ds
  • 2008-01-15 "Advanced find" in Mac interface - jt
  • 2008-01-20 Buffer.copy changed to match other .copy methods - now copies language-side object rather than server buffer. Buffer.copyData can be used to copy data from one server buffer to another - jh
  • 2008-01-20 - add volume controls to the Server and Server guis - jp
  • 2008-01-xx Pattern library implementation changes, Pfx, Pbus, Pgroup etc. - rk, jr, jh
  • 2008-01-26 TDuty outputs trigger first, not level. for backwards compatibility TDuty_old - jr
  • 2008-02-03 moved the search location for "startup.rtf" on Mac - now searches in system, then user, "Application Support/SuperCollider" folders - ds
  • 2007-11-16 bug fixes for MIDIIn in connect/disconnect methods. split MIDIOut.sysex into user method and primitive (breaks with previous implementation). default value for uid arg in - mb
  • 2007-11-18 fixed a bug in prTry / protect - jr
  • 2007-11-27 lock avoided in nextTimeOnGrid
  • 2007-12-12 Node-setn fixed when using integers as control indices - jr
  • 2008-01-16 fixed Pen: bug with fillRect, fillOval and fillColor (bugtracker id 1837775) - jt
  • 2008-01-20 CheckBadValues rate-checking was too restrictive - ds
  • 2008-01-20 fix for Saw and Pulse's offset noise on first instantiation, thanks to hisao takagi - ds
  • 2008-01-26 TDuty / Duty does not drift anymore - jr
  • 2008-02-07 Fixed hang and incorrect background drawing in Cocoa scrollviews - sw
  • 2007-11-16 MIDIOut.connect and disconnect - mb
  • 2007-11-18 added T2A UGen - jr
  • 2007-11-18 Refactoring of Document class, including new CocoaDocument class to handle the Cocoa-specific ( document management - ds
  • 2007-11-18 More macros available in the plugin API for UGen programmers: GET_BUF, SIMPLE_GET_BUF, FULLRATE, RGET, RPUT - ds
  • 2007-11-20 UnixPlatform:arch method - jp
  • 2007-11-20 FFTTrigger UGen - a ugen to create "fake" (empty) FFT chains - jp
  • 2007-11-21 StartUp protects its added functions from each other - if one fails this no longer prevents others from running - ds
  • 2007-11-25 added Pclutch and moved StreamClutch to common - jr
  • 2007-11-27 Function:inEnvir added - jh
  • 2007-12-12 added Collection.flatIf - jr
  • 2007-12-15 added control rate functionality to NumRunningSynths - jr
  • 2008-01-08 martin rumori's DiskIn bugfix and loop enhancement - jp
  • 2008-01-10 String:runInTerminal method - ds
  • 2008-01-11 poll now works for scalar ugens - jr
  • 2008-01-15 Collection:maxIndex and Collection:minIndex - nc
  • 2008-01-24 Server.options.rendezvous to (de)activate Rendezvous if desired - ds
  • 2008-01-24 demand ugens accept audio rate inputs correctly - jr
  • 2008-01-26 added Dbufwr ugen, for writing to buffers from a demand ugen chain - jr
  • 2008-01-27 Main:version and associated methods for programmatically determining which version SC is - ds
  • 2008-02-03 Server:defaultRecDir class variable, to allow user to specify default rec location - ds
  • 2008-02-07 SCScrollView and SCScrollTopView no longer fire their action when scrolled programatically - sw