Springdale Linux Changelog

What's new in Springdale Linux 6.4

Mar 5, 2013
  • This release follows the 5.9 release in renames to Springdale - so new name, new logos. Of course the big news is over 1000 package updates (~1300 or so) with many goodies and new features. For further information please check RH 6.4 release notes.
  • One small note on an issue we've seen during internal testing. New versions of nss libraries have in effect blocked ssl connections to sites/services using SSL certs with MD5 hash signatures. For example if your ldap server is using such a certificate then sssd will stop working.

New in Springdale Linux 6.2 (Dec 21, 2011)

  • We are publishing the final puias 6.2 today and we made it the default for puias 6. Machines on automatic setup can expect to receive the update tonight - if you would like to keep your machines at 6.1 for now consider either stopping your rsync'ing of the main mirror or creating /etc/yum/vars/releasever file with content 6.1 on such machines.