Sesame Changelog

What's new in Sesame 2.7.3

Jul 4, 2013
  • This is a maintenance release, fixing 13 issues, including two critical bugs, one in the nativestore's B-Tree index and one in the QueryJoinOptimizer.

New in Sesame 2.7.0 (Apr 24, 2013)

  • Maven Central is now used. Java 6 is now required.
  • SailConnection.begin() now indicates transaction start.
  • A new Model interface extends Graph.
  • OpenRDF Workbench now has basic HTTP AUTHN support, query result paging, and saved queries.
  • Federation SAIL and N-Quads format support were added.
  • HTTPRepository now has background parsing/concurrent reading of results.
  • Compliance to standards was improved.

New in Sesame 2.7.0 Beta 2 (Feb 9, 2013)

  • This is a major update of the framework, incorporating several improvements in the core APIs as well as numerous bugfixes, new features, and useful improvements. Since several core APIs have undergone changes, all users are urged to read the upgrade notes. Highlights include a SAIL API overhaul; a requirement for Java 6; a new Model interface; federated Sesame store query; an updated RIO Turtle parser; and SPARQL 1.1 support improvements.

New in Sesame 2.2.4 (Feb 23, 2009)

  • Bugs fixed:
  • [SES-651] - DisjunctiveConstraintOptimizer no longer finds all disjunctive patterns
  • [SES-652] - Calling RDFFormat.getFileExtensions() returns MIME Types
  • [SES-653] - Blank node clashes

New in Sesame 2.2.3 (Jan 23, 2009)

  • Bug fixes:
  • [SES-646] - IllegalArgumentException in DisjunctiveConstraintOptimizer
  • [SES-647] - Sesame distribution files no longer includes the javadoc