Qt Creator Changelog

What's new in Qt Creator 4.7.0

Jul 18, 2018
  • C++ Support:
  • We decided that it is time to turn the Clang code model on by default. It made huge progress during the last releases, and at some point we need to do this switch. The built-in model cannot keep up with the developments in the C++ language, nor with the development of the available tooling around it. We nowadays regularly close bug reports with the comment “works with Clang code model”. Also, the Clang code model provides much better information about issues in code without going through the edit-compile-analyze cycle explicitly. Please also have a look at Nikolai’s blog post on the Clang code model and the history of C/C++ support in Qt Creator.
  • There can be situations where the built-in model still works better for you than the Clang code model, and you continue to have the option to use it instead, by disabling the ClangCodeModel plugin. The global symbol index is also still created with the built-in model.
  • Project wide diagnostics and fixits in Qt Creator by clang-tidy and clazy:
  • We upgraded the Clang code model to Clang 6.0. It now provides the information for the overview of the current document, which is used for the symbols dropdown, outline pane and “.” locator filter. You also have more freedom in deciding which Clang-Tidy and Clazy checks you want to run while editing, and have the option to run checks over your whole code base through a new tool in Debug mode (Analyze > Clang-Tidy and Clazy). The warnings and errors from the code model are now also optionally shown in the Issues pane.
  • Test Integration:
  • If your text cursor in the C++ editor is currently inside a test function, you can directly run that individual test with the new Run Test Under Cursor action. The test integration now also marks the location of failed tests in the editor. For Google Test we added support for filtering.
  • Windows Hosts:
  • On Windows we improved the scanning for MSVC compilers, which previously could block Qt Creator. We also fixed an issue which could lead to short term freezes while Qt Creator was listening to the global, shared Windows debug stream. And saving files on network drives should work again in all configurations.
  • Other Improvements:
  • The kit options are one of the most important settings that you might need to adapt for your projects in Qt Creator. So we put them in their own top-level entry in the preferences dialog, which is also the very first one in the list.
  • If you have a HiDPI screen on Windows or Linux, you can now easily choose if you want Qt’s automatic scaling or not, by enabling or disabling the new option in Environment > Interface.
  • The File System view got new options for showing folders on top as opposed to integrated into the alphabetic sorting, and for turning off the synchronization of the base folder with the current document’s project. You can also create new folders directly in the File System view now.

New in Qt Creator 4.4 (Sep 5, 2017)

  • Editing:
  • If you are using the Clang code model or bookmarks, there are new inline annotations in the editor. Bookmarks and Clang errors and warnings are now also shown at the end of the corresponding text line in the editor. This way, you can easily see the details of issues while you type, without the need to hover your mouse over underlined text or the marker on the left side. You can configure the position of the annotations in the Options > Text Editor > Display. (You can also turn the feature off there, if you don’t like it.)
  • We also added the option to smoothly scroll to the new location if you jump to a different place in the same file. If you like to try this feature, turn it on in Options > Text Editor > Display > Animate navigation within file.
  • C++:
  • We enabled some highlighting features that were already available, but didn’t have their own color set in the default color scheme. Local, global and member variables, functions, declarations and output arguments are now distinguishable by their highlighting in the editor. In case that is too colorful for you, we made the more modest previous scheme available as Default Classic in Options > Text Editor > Fonts & Colors.
  • When you rename a class, Qt Creator now offers to rename files with the same base name as well. Just check the Rename files option in the search result panel before pressing the Replace button.
  • If you have the Clang code model enabled, this is now also used for the highlighting of the identifier at the text cursor, which was previously still using the built-in model in any case.
  • CMake:
  • Qt Creator CMake project treeWe did some cleanup of the project tree when using CMake >= 3.7 (“server-mode”). It now defaults to hide empty directories, and the source files moved one level up, getting rid of the additional node. We also fixed the application’s working directory when a CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is specified, and that it was not possible to accept external changes from the CMake configuration has changed on disk dialog.
  • Other changes:
  • We removed the unmaintained support for Windows CE, and changed the ClearCase integration to be disabled by default.

New in Qt Creator 4.3.0 (May 24, 2017)

  • Qt Quick Designer:
  • For Qt Creator 4.3 we integrated a code editor into Qt Quick Designer. This allows you to use the Properties editor and the Navigator also while editing code. Additionally, you can split the view to show both the graphical and the code editor, and directly see how a change in the graphical editor affects the code, and vice versa. Of course, you can still use the code-only editor in the Edit mode as well.
  • There have been many more improvements and additions to Qt Quick Designer, like better support of stacked containers and a new tool bar for common actions. Please take a look at the blog post that focuses only on what is new in Qt Quick Designer.
  • CMake:
  • If you use Qt Creator with CMake 3.7 or later, we now use the server-mode that was added to CMake 3.7 for the benefit of IDEs. It provides much better information about the project structure, include paths, and more, than what we could parse from the generators and Makefile before. As a result you also see products and targets in the project tree and can build them individually.
  • Regardless of CMake version we added header files to the project tree, even if they are not listed explicitly in the project files. You now can also import existing builds of a CMake project, like we already provide for QMake based projects, which sets up a kit with the information found in the CMake cache from the build, and registers new toolchains and Qt versions as needed.
  • C++:
  • If you are coding in C besides C++, or use files in different (sub-)projects with different defines, you will find a new feature in the C++ editor helpful: If a file is used in different contexts, a drop down menu appears in the tool bar on top of the editor, that allows you to choose the (sub-)project and language that the editor should interpret the file in (documentation).
  • If you are up for a bit of experimentation, enable the ClangRefactoring plugin. It adds preliminary support for clang-query to Advanced Find and uses Clang for the local renaming refactoring.
  • CDB / MSVC Debugging:
  • Our CDB support for debugging MSVC code now uses a Python based backend for pretty printing. This results in much better performance and, since it shares most pretty printing code with our GDB and LLDB backends, also in more, better, and unified pretty printers for Qt Creator’s CDB support.
  • Note: The CDB debugging support moved to a separate, optional component in the installers (enabled by default). Unfortunately that means that if you use the online installer to update to Qt Creator 4.3, this new component will not be installed. You have to restart the maintenance tool, choose “Add or remove components”, and install the Qt > Tools > Qt Creator CDB Debugger Support component to get it back.
  • QML Profiler:
  • When you profile your Qt Quick application with the QML Profiler, you see performance information now also directly in the QML code editor. The profiler itself received many performance improvements as well, and many smaller UI issues were fixed.
  • Android:
  • Qt Creator 4.3 fixes the issues created by changes in the Android SDK version 25.3.1.
  • iOS:
  • If you use Qt Creator for iOS development, you can now choose the developer team and provisioning profile used for signing. This overrides the default that QMake chooses and any settings you have in your project files.

New in Qt Creator 4.2.1 (Jan 25, 2017)

  • This is a pure bugfix release, and takes care of various important bugs.
  • Several properties of run configurations were only initialized when entering the Projects mode, leading to various issues when running QMake projects, and projects that run custom executables, which have now been fixed.
  • In 4.2 we fixed iOS Simulator support for Xcode 8. Unfortunately there still were problems, especially when running on iOS 10 simulator devices.
  • We adapted the way we start applications on the simulator, and this should now reliably work again.

New in Qt Creator 4.1.0 (Aug 29, 2016)

  • Themes:
  • We added Flat Light and Flat Dark themes, complementing the Flat theme which was added in 4.0. They are available in the Environment > Interface > Theme settings. We also added some more editor color schemes which you find in Text Editor > Fonts & Colors.
  • Editing:
  • Text Editors now behave much better with regards to automatically inserting and skipping characters. If you type a quote or bracket, the corresponding closing character is added. If you remove the opening character, it is removed again. If you type the closing character yourself, it replaces the automatically inserted one. Both of these now only happen as long as the text cursor did not move away from the closing character. You can also configure automatic insertion of brackets and quotes individually in the Text Editor > Completion settings.
  • C++:
  • Aside from fixing bugs in the code model and static analyzer integration, we also updated our binary packages to use Clang 3.8.1, which also fixes many issues, especially with MSVC. We also added a more recent patch to Clang that makes it work better with MSVC2015 Update 3.
  • Qt Quick:
  • Both Qt Quick Designer and QML Profiler received many performance improvements. You can now choose a Qt Quick Controls 2 style which Qt Quick Designer uses to render your items. The new Move to Component action moves an item and its contents into a separate file.
  • CMake:
  • Many bugs were fixed for supporting CMake projects, and the workflow further improved. CMake is only run automatically if Qt Creator is the active application, and you can turn automatic running completely off (Build & Run > CMake). If you set the QML_IMPORT_PATH variable in the CMake cache for your project, Qt Creator picks this up and feeds it to the QML code model, so you can access your QML imports in the editor. (Example CMake code: set(QML_IMPORT_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/qml ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/imports CACHE string "" FORCE))
  • Other improvements:
  • If you turn on the plugin (Help > About Plugins, or Qt Creator > About Plugins on macOS), Qt Creator gains experimental support for the Nim programming language. Many thanks to Filippo Cucchetto for this contribution. It supports syntax highlighting, indentation, coding style settings, and simple project management, including building, running and debugging applications.

New in Qt Creator 4.0.0 (May 13, 2016)

  • Starting with this release, we are making the Clang static analyzer integration, extended QML profiler features and auto test integration (experimental) available under open source. The previously commercial-only connection editor and path editor of Qt Quick Designer were already open sourced with Qt Creator 3.6.0. Qt Creator is now available under commercial license and GPLv3 (with exceptions). The exceptions ensure that there are no license restrictions on generated code, and that bridging to 3rd party code is still possible.
  • Users of CMake will find that we improved the workflow for CMake-based projects. CMake is now triggered automatically when necessary, and kit settings like the used Qt version or tool chain are automatically configured. Projects mode now features a UI to change the CMake configuration for a build directory. You can also change the CMake configuration that is common to all projects that use the same kit. Qt Creator will no longer create CMake build directories before the project is built. This makes for a much tidier work environment, especially when users only want to study source code using the CMake build system.
  • The Clang code model is now automatically used if the (experimental) plugin is turned on. We added customizable configurations for warnings, which you can also specify per project.
  • On the debugging side we fixed multiple issues that appeared with the new LLDB included in Xcode 7.3 on OS X. You’ll also find more pretty printers for standard types, as well as many bug fixes.
  • If you wonder where Analyze mode has gone: It was merged with Debug mode. In the new, unified Debug mode you now find the Debugger, Clang Static Analyzer, Memcheck, Callgrind and QML Profiler tools. The QML Profiler adds a new visualization of statistics: The Flamegraph. In this view, the horizontal bars show the amount of time all invocations of a function took, and vertical nesting on top shows which functions were called by which other ones, making for a very concise overview.
  • In Qt Quick Designer you can now move the canvas by dragging with the left mouse button while the space key is pressed. It adds support for the new Qt Quick Controls 2 and received many bug fixes. Please also head over to the post and video about Qt Quick Designer and Qt Quick Controls 2 that we recently published on our blog.
  • Qt Creator now also has a new, flat theme, which is based on the concept that Diana presented a year ago. It is default for everyone who hasn’t ever changed the theme in Qt Creator. The old theme is also still available as “Classic” in Tools > Options > Environment > Interface.

New in Qt Creator 3.5.0 (Aug 20, 2015)

  • The most apparent new feature in this version is probably the highlighting that we added to the editors’ vertical scroll bars. You can now easily see where
  • bookmarks, breakpoints, warnings, errors and search results are located in the open document.
  • We also improved the performance of the global searches in Qt Creator. While the code model based searches like Find Usages were always multi-threaded, that wasn’t the case for the purely text based searches, which is fixed now.
  • Qt Creator’s own C++ code model received many fixes, for example for many issues with templates again. There also was much progress with the Clang based code model, which is now running in a separate process, which should make us safer from bugs in Clang itself. We also upgraded our binary packages to use Clang 3.6.
  • Since Qt Quick 1 was succeeded by Qt Quick 2 in Qt 5 and is now officially deprecated in Qt 5.5, we removed support for Qt Quick 1 from Qt Quick Designer. We also removed the Qt Quick 1 wizards and support for profiling with V8. The visual designer for Qt Quick 2, the code editor for Qt Quick 1 and 2, and profiling of Qt Quick 2 from Qt 5.2 and later and of Qt Quick 1 are not affected.
  • We also removed support for BlackBerry 10 development, lacking a maintainer. QNX development is not affected by this.
  • On Windows, we fixed an issue that could lead to Qt Creator sometimes freezing for some seconds when a user application was running. On Linux, we fixed a performance issue when Qt Creator was compiled with journald support. For Android development, we fixed issues with Android M, 64 bit, and Google AVDs.

New in Qt Creator 3.4.1 (Jun 3, 2015)

  • This release includes fixes for the following regressions: manually registered documentation on Windows was deregistered again on restart, and disabling plugins could disable most of the About Plugins dialog.

New in Qt Creator 3.4.0 (Apr 23, 2015)

  • The C++ support in Qt Creator now has a new refactoring action that moves all function definitions out of a class declaration. We also added auto-completion for signals and slots in Qt 5 style connects. Just type the “&” and let auto-completion figure out the type of the object. Also new is a locator filter, All Included C/C++ Files, which finds all files that are used in your project by including them, even if they are not explicitly mentioned in your project. The filter is part of the default that is used when you just type in the Locator input field, and shares the shortcut string with Files in Any Project.
  • For users of the Professional or Enterprise edition we added experimental integration for Qt Test based auto tests and Qt Quick tests. It adds another navigation pane Tests, which lists the tests defined in your project, provides ways to run individual or sets of tests, and nicely shows test results in a new Test Results output pane. To try it, open Help > About Plugins (Qt Creator > About Plugins, on OS X), turn on Utilities > AutoTest, and restart Qt Creator. We also moved the Clang static analyzer integration out of experimental state. If you have at least Clang 3.6 installed, it now also supports using it with MSVC and MinGW. We also added suppression of individual diagnostics for a file, and a new page in Projects mode for managing these.
  • Changing the environment for running external tools
  • Searching through QML Profiler event notes
  • Using 64bit Android tool chains
  • Using generic projects for bare metal development
  • Highlighting of parenthesis in generic highlighters

New in Qt Creator 3.3.2 (Mar 11, 2015)

  • deployment of the Clang code model plugin on OS X (QTCREATORBUG-14038)
  • a crash with Qt Quick emulation layer when using fallback emulation (QTCREATORBUG-14031)

New in Qt Creator 3.3.1 (Feb 24, 2015)

  • Editing:
  • Fixed crash with some highlighting files (QTCREATORBUG-13883)
  • CMake Projects:
  • Fixed include completion (QTCREATORBUG-13567)
  • Fixed highlighting for CMake files (QTCREATORBUG-13588)
  • C++ Support:
  • Fixed comment continuation (QTCREATORBUG-13415)
  • Fixed Convert to Pointer refactoring action for auto variables (QTCREATORBUG-13605)
  • Fixed that triggering refactoring actions from the context menu
  • worked only if the text cursor was set first (QTCREATORBUG-13388)
  • Fixed crash if no kits are available (QTCREATORBUG-13730)
  • Fixed infinite loop when parsing some files (QTCREATORBUG-13703)
  • Fixed crash when #if nesting is deeper than 512 levels
  • Version Control Systems:
  • Git
  • Fixed reverting chunks in diff viewer when diff.mnemonicprefix is set (QTCREATORBUG-13782)
  • ClearCase
  • Fixed that check out was requested even though the file was already checked out (QTCREATORBUG-13782)
  • Code Pasting:
  • Fixed pasting to pastebin.ca (QTCREATORBUG-13802)
  • Platform Specific
  • OS X:
  • Fixed dropping files from Finder onto Qt Creator (QTBUG-40449)
  • Android:
  • Fixed crash when removing auto-detected kits (QTCREATORBUG-13736)
  • Fixed debugging applications that link many modules (QTCREATORBUG-13691)
  • WinRT:
  • Fixed installing custom files into package root (QTCREATORBUG-13835)
  • Fixed occasional crashes when debugging

New in Qt Creator 3.3.0 (Dec 10, 2014)

  • This release comes with a great set of new features as well as a big amount of bug fixes.
  • Other features include support for the Gradle build system for Android development, a refactoring action for adopting the new connect style in Qt 5, BareMetal support for CMake projects, and an option to use the Qt Quick Compiler for your Qmake based QML projects. Please also see our change log for a more complete list of changes.
  • For users of the Professional or Enterprise edition, we added experimental support for running the Clang Static Analyzer on your projects, as a new tool in Analyze mode. The scene graph events category in the QML Profiler has been significantly improved and will now visualize the time ranges of all scene graph related events instead of showing them as a list of numbers. You can also see input events in the QML profiler now, in a separate category. In Qt Quick Designer we added direct editing of TabViews, and additional checks for form files (.ui.qml) as well as buttons for exporting form items for use in the implementation files.

New in Qt Creator 3.3.0 Beta 1 (Nov 3, 2014)

  • It comes with enhanced support for splitting editors and additional editor windows. You can now drag & drop editors between splits by dragging the new file type icon, next to the document drop down (see screenshot). Hold the Ctrl key (or Option key on OS X) to open another editor on the same document, instead of moving it. The navigation views (such as Projects and Open Documents) also support dragging files onto splits. Dropping files from the system onto a Qt Creator window now will also open the file in the appropriate split.
  • It is now possible to specify environment variables to be used with specific kits. Display names of kits and Qt versions can contain variables like %{Qt:Version}, which are automatically filled with the corresponding values. We also added a check box to select and deselect all kits when setting up projects.
  • Opening QMake projects is now also done asynchronously, like the reparsing that is done when .pro or .pri files change. You can now add files to Qbs projects via the context menu on the Projects view.
  • The QML Profiler got support for reordering, showing, and hiding categories in the timeline. Also, you can attach notes to events, that are then exported together with the profiling data and can be shared with others.
  • When pressing the Enter key while the text cursor is within a C++ string literal, the string is now (optionally) split and continued on the next line, adding the necessary quotes for you automatically. We also added a little refactoring action for converting connect() calls to use the new connect style in Qt 5.
  • For Android development we added support for the Gradle build system.
  • For users of the Professional or Enterprise edition, we added experimental support for running the Clang Static Analyzer on your projects, as a new tool in Analyze mode. The scene graph events category in the QML Profiler has been significantly improved and will now visualize the time ranges of all scene graph related events instead of showing them as a list of numbers. You can also see input events in the QML profiler now, in a separate category.
  • We fixed many more bugs and made improvements, such as enhancing the appearance of Qt Creator on high DPI displays, adding a list of open windows to the Window menu, and adding an optional sidebar with Contents, Index, Bookmarks and Search views to the external help window. See our change log for a more complete list of changes.
  • Note: With Qt Creator 3.3 we drop support for compiling Qt Creator with Qt 4. The minimal required Qt version to compile Qt Creator itself is currently Qt 5.3.1. This does not affect your own projects, of course, we still fully support development of Qt 4-based applications with Qt Creator.

New in Qt Creator 3.2.2 (Oct 17, 2014)

  • Qt Creator 3.2.2 provides improvements for example to Xcode 6 and iOS Simulator usage.

New in Qt Creator 3.2.1 (Sep 16, 2014)

  • General:
  • Fixed freeze when using shortcut for all projects or current project
  • locator filters (QTCREATORBUG-12875)
  • Fixed crash when activating timers by removing the unsupported UpdateInfo
  • plugin that triggered it (QTCREATORBUG-11262)
  • Qbs Projects:
  • Fixed adding and removing files when project file is write protected by VCS
  • Fixed crash when removing empty install step
  • C++ Support:
  • Fixed crash when opening context menu on macro parameter (QTCREATORBUG-12853)
  • QML Support:
  • Added missing members to date objects
  • Added templates for Qt Quick 2.3 and Qt Quick Controls 1.2 applications
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts in QML/JS console (QTCREATORBUG-12956)
  • Qt Quick Designer:
  • Added option to use fallback QML puppet and set it to be the default
  • Fixed updating of color properties (QTCREATORBUG-12841)
  • Fixed duplication of ApplicationWindow properties (QTCREATORBUG-12910)
  • Platform Specific
  • OS X:
  • Fixed deployment of Clang library in binary packages
  • Fixed deployment of fallback QML puppets in binary packages
  • Removed wrong File > Exit menu item
  • iOS:
  • Fixed determination of newest SDK version when no version is explicitly stated
  • Remote Linux:
  • Fixed mixed QML and C++ debugging (QTCREATORBUG-12928)
  • Fixed check for maximum packet size for SSH connections (QTCREATORBUG-12884)
  • Windows Phone:
  • Fixed font deployment for Windows Phone 8.0

New in Qt Creator 3.2.0 (Aug 19, 2014)

  • Block selections in text editors now allow you to do “column editing”, meaning that all selected lines are edited simultaneously (Qt Creator Manual)
  • Context help can now be configured to open in an external window (without disabling Help mode)
  • Support for C99 designated initializers and concatenated strings was added to the C++ code model, as well as improvements to encoding handling and lambda support and many other things
  • More panes are now searchable with Ctrl+F, for example the project tree
  • The QML profiler received many performance and stability improvements again
  • Enterprise Qt Creator users can now also use the QML profiler to debug their JavaScript memory usage in QML. (This is only available when using Qt 5.4 for the debugged application.)

New in Qt Creator 3.2.0 RC1 (Aug 5, 2014)

  • The file system locator filter ‘f’ can now be used to create new files.
  • More panes are searchable, e.g. the project tree.
  • The qbs plugin now supports adding and removing files from projects.
  • The C++ code model received a lot of fixes e.g. for editing lambdas.

New in Qt Creator 3.2.0 Beta 1 (Jul 8, 2014)

  • In the text editors you can now do “column editing” in block selections, so typing in a block selection will adapt all lines simultaneously. Context help can now be configured to open in an external window (without disabling Help mode). When opening the same file in multiple splits, the editors will now keep showing the same part of the file, even when adding or removing lines in another split. There were also many fixes in the C++ model, including support for C99 designated initializers, concatenated strings, and fixes for encoding issues.
  • In the debugger views, you can now expand and collapse columns by clicking on the header. There were several types added to the debugging helpers, and if you are brave, you can now also provide your own debugging helpers for your own types. The QML profiler received many performance and stability improvements again. Enterprise users can now debug their JavaScript memory usage in QML, using the new memory profiling feature of the QML profiler. (This is only available when using Qt 5.4.)

New in Qt Creator 3.1.2 (Jun 26, 2014)

  • Fix of a crash in editing with highlight definitions and indentation based folding enabled (QTCREATORBUG-12172)
  • Fix of a GDB crash with large object names (QTCREATORBUG-12330)
  • Fixed filtering in help topic chooser

New in Qt Creator 3.1.1 (May 20, 2014)

  • General:
  • Fixed editing of MIME types while filtering is applied (QTCREATORBUG-12149)
  • Managing and Building Projects:
  • Fixed performance regression in Issues pane (QTCREATORBUG-12109)
  • Qbs Projects:
  • Fixed support for VS2013 compiler (QTCREATORBUG-11025)
  • C++ Support:
  • Fixed issue with missing semantic highlighting (QTCREATORBUG-11367)
  • Qt Quick Designer:
  • Fixed several UI issues (QTCREATORBUG-12040, QTCREATORBUG-12035, QTCREATORBUG-11904, QTCREATORBUG-12018)
  • Fixed anchor and alignment handling (QTCREATORBUG-12006)
  • Diff Viewer:
  • Fixed crash when showing binary file containing carriage return character (QTCREATORBUG-12056)
  • Version Control Systems:
  • Git
  • Fixed encoding issues on Window
  • Fixed crash when closing Qt Creator after revert (QTCREATORBUG-12099)
  • FakeVim
  • Platform Specific:
  • QNX:
  • Fixed crash when no device is configured (QTCREATORBUG-12143)
  • Fixed Qt environment settings for running on devices (QTCREATORBUG-12171)
  • Android:
  • Fixed selection of Ant executable on OS X (QTCREATORBUG-12184)
  • iOS:
  • Fixed parsing of build issues
  • Added warning if provisioning profile does not contain selected device (QTCREATORBUG-12175)

New in Qt Creator 3.1.0 RC1 (Apr 4, 2014)

  • We ship a new, experimental plugin for WinRT development (only available on Windows).
  • The iOS plugin went out of experimental state, and is enabled by default now (only available on Mac OS X). It now supports QML debugging and profiling, and many things have been fixed and tweaked, for example you can set the simulated device in your simulator run configurations now.

New in Qt Creator 3.0.0 (Dec 13, 2013)

  • The new Qt Creator improves support on mobile platforms and improved stability of it’s plugin APIs. This will create a foundation for 3rd party plugin extensions for Qt Creator, something we’re looking forward to expanding more in the future.
  • A couple of new modules and APIs also made it into Qt 5.2. Most notable are probably the support for positioning with the Qt Positioning module, Bluetooth support for Linux and BlackBerry with the Qt Bluetooth module, NFC support on BlackBerry, support for time zones and Unicode collation and the new Windows, Mac and Android Extras modules.

New in Qt Creator 3.0.0 RC1 (Nov 29, 2013)

  • We have been doing a lot of bug fixing since the beta release, and think that Qt Creator 3.0 is now relatively close to what we would like to release as the final. So we would really like you to have a try and report remaining issues that you find.

New in Qt Creator 3.0.0 Beta 1 (Oct 23, 2013)

  • Improved Android support: Aside from many bug fixes, we added support for the new deployment mechanism available in Qt 5.2. This was described in more detail in a separate blog post.
  • Experimental support for iOS: Qt 5.2 comes with full support for iOS, and Qt Creator 3.0 adds experimental support for building, deploying and running Qt applications on the iOS simulator and iOS devices. (Experimental means that you have to turn on this feature in Help > About Plugins > Device Support > iOS.)
  • Experimental support for ‘bare metal’ devices: Also experimental is support for ‘bare metal’ devices, meaning that Qt Creator only requires a gdb-compatible debugger running on it. Many thanks to Tim Sander for this contribution!
  • For C++, ”Optimize For Loop” and ”Extract Constant as Function Parameter” refactoring actions have been added, and you can now specify special preprocessor directives for the internal code model for individual files (see the little ‘#’ button next to the line number information in the editor tool bar). Also new is a view showing the include hierarchy of a file. Special thanks for this feature, and many many bug fixes, go to Przemyslaw Gorszkowski.
  • Also, the application and compile output now support ANSI colors, the diff viewer can be switched between side-by-side and inline views, and too many other things to mention them in this blog post.

New in Qt Creator 2.8.0 (Jul 12, 2013)

  • You can now open extra editor windows, that behave similar to the editor area in Edit mode. Open a new window with Window > Open in New Window or the same item in the editor views’ split menu
  • Progress information moved to the bottom-right corner, with the option of only showing a summarized progress bar
  • C++ got more refactoring actions:
  • Moving function definitions from inline in the header to source
  • Assigning a method return value or ‘new’ expression to a local variable
  • Adding declarations and implementations for virtual methods from the superclass
  • Experimental support for debugging with LLDB on Mac was added (configure the debugger of your kit to be LLDB and point it to your lldb binary)
  • Features that were added to Android support:
  • Graphical editor for manifest files
  • QML debugging and profiling on devices
  • There is a BlackBerry development environment setup wizard now, making it easier to get started with on-device development
  • Git version control integration got many new features, including support for interactive rebases
  • Git now uses a side-by-side diff viewer by default, you can change the default in the version control settings
  • An editor specific for Python was added, with highlighting and indentation, and a Python class wizard

New in Qt Creator 2.8.0 Beta (May 30, 2013)

  • Moving function definitions from inline in the header to source
  • Assigning a method return value or ‘new’ expression to a local variable
  • Adding declarations and implementations for pure virtual methods from the superclass (many thanks to Lorenz Haas!)

New in Qt Creator 2.7.0 (Mar 22, 2013)

  • C++ support in Qt Creator got even more improvements for C++11, like handling of alignof, alignas and noexcept, brace initializers, and more lambda fixes. Also, if Qt Creator cannot find out if your tool chain expects C++11 or C++98/03, it defaults to C++11 now, for a better out of the box experience. Also there are improvements on the refactoring actions side, for example quick fixes for adding getters and setters for class members, and for adding the getters and setters that are specified in a Q_PROPERTY.
  • QML support got lots of fixes for Qt Quick 2 in the code editor, and there was a lot of work done to make Qt Quick Designer work with Qt Quick 2. Please note though that the Qt Creator standalone binary packages are based on Qt 4 and do not provide the necessary Qt Quick 2 based external worker tool (which of course needs to be built with Qt 5). For now you either need to compile Qt Creator with Qt 5 yourself, or at least compile the qml2puppet yourself with Qt 5 (qt-creator/share/qtcreator/qml/qmlpuppet/qml2puppet) and put that into qtbase/bin of your Qt 5 install (and make sure that your project uses a Kit that uses that Qt version). Or you wait for Qt 5.0.2 packages that will contain a Qt 5 based build of Qt Creator again.
  • On the BlackBerry support side, we got a new settings page, which allows to easily generate Kits (and the necessary Qt version and compiler information) from an NDK path, and helps users with registering and generating developer certificates and other files that are needed for uploading apps to their devices. Also the editor for bar descriptor files, which define application appearance and behavior, can now be switched between editing the pure XML and a graphical editor. There were many other improvements as well, for example regarding debugging on devices.
  • Experimental support for the (also experimental) QBS build tool was added to Qt Creator, and the binary packages now also contain it (in contrast to the prereleases), though it is disabled by default. To enable it, open “Help > About Plugins” (on Mac it’s in “Qt Creator > About Plugins”), tick the QbsProjectManager, and restart Qt Creator, no further downloads/installations are necessary. The Qt Creator sources themselves also come with QBS project files, if you were wondering which project you can open with it now ;) . If you want to build Qt Creator with QBS support yourself, you first need to pull in its sources: Qt Creator’s git repository now has QBS as a submodule, so “git submodule update –init && qmake -r && make” in the top-level directory of your git checkout should be all you need to do.
  • Of course this is only a very small part of the actual improvements that were done, but talking about all of them – Debugging, Android, VCS, FakeVim, just to mention a few – would be beyond the scope of the blog post. Even bookmarks got some love this time, thanks Vasiliy Sorokin.

New in Qt Creator 2.6.2 (Feb 4, 2013)

  • A quick count yields 55 patches on top of 2.6.1, the majority of them of the Mostly Harmless kind, fixing usability and UI issues. Some serious issues got fixed, too, most notably the code editor freeze some people encountered on certain constructs in the C++ editor (see QTCREATORBUG-8472 and QTCREATORBUG-8532).

New in Qt Creator 2.6.1 (Dec 28, 2012)

  • General:
  • Fixed opening files ending in "++" (QTCREATORBUG-8272)
  • Editing:
  • Fixed freeze when searching for certain regular expressions in a selected block (QTCREATORBUG-8159)
  • Managing Projects:
  • Fixed setting the default kit (QTCREATORBUG-8205)
  • Fixed several crashes when managing kits
  • Fixed cloning of auto-detected kits (QTCREATORBUG-8231)
  • CMake Projects:
  • Fixed a crash when selecting kit without tool chain when opening project
  • Debugging:
  • Fixed connection problems when remotely attaching to a running application
  • Debugging QML/JS:
  • Fixed remote QML debugging which ignored the kit settings
  • Fixed that locals and expressions could become disabled (QTCREATORBUG-8167)
  • C++ Support:
  • Fixed code completion for Qt containers (QTCREATORBUG-8228)
  • QML/JS Support:
  • Fixed the warning about missing QmlViewer in Qt 5 (QTCREATORBUG-8187)
  • Split up Qt Quick wizards into Qt Quick 1 and Qt Quick 2 versions (QTCREATORBUG-8236, QTCREATORBUG-8269)
  • Qt Quick Designer:
  • Removed a confusing warning about qml2puppet not being found (QTCREATORBUG-7858)
  • Git:
  • Fixed detection of Git version with 2-digit patch number

New in Qt Creator 2.6.0 (Nov 8, 2012)

  • General:
  • Added a wizard for creating a temporary text file
  • Added a menu for showing and hiding the output pane buttons
  • Added a visual hint for canceled searches (QTCREATORBUG-6820)
  • Fixed the New dialog for dark themes (QTCREATORBUG-7435)
  • Added support for jumping to a line in a specific file to Locator (with "+" or ":" appended to the file name, for example "myfile.cpp:41")
  • Fixed that several settings where saved every few seconds even without changes (QTCREATORBUG-7718)
  • Editing:
  • Added a context menu for adding and removing UTF-8 bom
  • Added shortcuts for searching for next and previous occurrence of selected text without opening the find tool bar (QTCREATORBUG-464)
  • Made resource files searchable (Ctrl+F)
  • Integrated VCS support into the resource editor
  • Added file type icons to the resource editor
  • Added opening of files from the resource editor
  • Added renaming of files from the resource editor
  • Added highlighting of missing files in the resource editor
  • Added support for animated images in the image viewer
  • Fixed problems when closing documents in a split view (QTCREATORBUG-7361)
  • Managing Projects:
  • Introduced "Kits" that supersede the previous "Targets". They bundle the settings for the target device, compiler, debugger, Qt version and more into a user definable, reusable setting.
  • Moved the debugger setting from tool chains to kits and renamed tool chains to compilers
  • Added experimental support for Android (enable the plugin in Help > About Plugins)
  • Added support for QNX
  • Made it possible to disable deploy configurations
  • Added double-clicking of file names in compile errors to open the file
  • Added a Cancel Build button to the Compile Output pane
  • Added CurrentProject::BuildPath variable for external tools (QTCREATORBUG-4885)
  • QMake Projects:
  • Added an action for compiling a single file (QTCREATORBUG-106)
  • Added actions for (re)building and cleaning the current subproject
  • CMake Projects:
  • Added CMake specific context menu items to the CMakeLists.txt editor
  • Debugging:
  • Updated dumpers to internal changes in Qt 5 (structure layout, namespaces)
  • Adjusted state engine to changes in GDB/MI notifications
  • Made all views searchable (Ctrl+F)
  • Made extensive use of HistoryCompleter
  • Consolidated the special start options in Debug > Start Debugging after the Kits changes
  • Renamed "Watcher" into "Expression Evaluator"
  • Generalized process listing and attaching facilities
  • Adjusted to changed code generation in MinGW 4.6
  • Added GUI support for temporary breakpoints
  • Added a shortcut (F10) for start-and-stop-at-main
  • Added direct loading of remote core files
  • Added an option to create watch points in the Memory view context menu
  • Added GDB pretty-printers for QFiniteStack, QHash::{const_}iterator, std::{map,set}::iterator
  • Added support for IPv6-enabled builds of GDB
  • Improved logging and output pane performance
  • Improved performance of retrieving large arrays of plain data
  • Fixed use of non-xterm terminals (QTCREATORBUG-1633)
  • Fixed use of multi-line breakpoint commands
  • Fixed off-by-one error in the Address field in the Symbols view
  • Debugging QML/JS:
  • Merged the (experimental) QML/JS Inspector plugin into the Debugger:
  • Added the QML object tree to the Expressions window
  • Added Console window to evaluate JS expressions at runtime
  • Added QML specific buttons to the toolbar
  • Analyzing Code:
  • Added an option to shorten template names in function profiler output
  • Simplified the remote start dialogs
  • C++ Support:
  • Fixed lambda formatting issues
  • Added support for variadic arguments (__VA_ARGS__)
  • Added support for raw string literals (QTCREATORBUG-6722)
  • Fixed the display of results when searching for macro usages (QTCREATORBUG-7217)
  • Added highlighting of macro usages
  • Implemented renaming of macro usages (QTCREATORBUG-413)
  • Fixed detection of C++11 features for MSVC
  • QML/JS Support:
  • Added support for adding the file to VCS when moving a component into a separate file (QTCREATORBUG-7246)
  • GLSL Support:
  • Fixed a crash on declaration without type (QTCREATORBUG-7548)
  • Fixed a freeze when using the conditional operator (QTCREATORBUG-7517)
  • Qt Quick Designer:
  • Made hiding the navigation side bar in the Help mode possible (QTCREATORBUG-1533)
  • Qt Designer:
  • Version control plugins
  • Added experimental support for ClearCase (enable the plugin in Help > About Plugins)
  • Git:
  • Added a customizable repository browser command
  • Fixed commit and amend when not on a branch
  • Added partial support for Gerrit (Tools > Git > Gerrit)
  • SVN:
  • Fixed project status command when no document is open
  • Fixed completion in the submit editor
  • FakeVim:
  • Added support for smartcase searching
  • Added support for last selection operations
  • Added support for counts in block selections (for example "2vi)", "3da{")
  • Added support for special registers "+ and "*
  • Added selection commands for strings (for example "di'", "ca`")
  • Improved emulation of Vim regexps
  • Fixed :!cmd if there is no selection
  • Fixed handling of "ci(", "di[", "ca{" inside nested blocks
  • Fixed search without matches
  • Fixed pasting text [count] times and in selection
  • Fixed pasting from clipboard
  • Made clipboard data format compatible with Vim
  • Platform Specific:
  • Mac:
  • Added support for fullscreen (Lion and later)
  • Changed the VCS shortcuts to use the Ctrl modifier instead of the Opt modifier (the Opt modifier inserts special characters on Mac)
  • Made the shortcut modifiers (for example Cmd+...) searchable in the Filter functionality of the keyboard shortcut settings
  • Linux (GNOME and KDE):
  • Worked around a problem in the KDE file dialog that prevented selecting qmake (QTCREATORBUG-7771)
  • Remote Linux Support:
  • Removed generic MeeGo support due to complete irrelevance

New in Qt Creator 2.3.0 (Sep 1, 2011)

  • Qt Creator 2.3: Plenty of small improvements to improve the basic developer experience. For more information, read the release blog.
  • Qt Simulator 1.2: in addition to a significant UI facelift, Qt Simulator 1.2 is introducing several new features: sensor simulation, simulation of NFC tags as well as gesture simulation.
  • Notifications API 1.1 is introducing QML bindings and quality improvements.
  • Qt 4.7.4 for desktop app developers.
  • MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan beta: This version of the Harmattan target is built on the same software image that was used in the version released in June so does not introduce new features, but is required to be updated in order to continue developing MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan apps.
  • Update to Symbian Complementary Package: important CODA update to expand the support also to the latest Symbian Belle devices. Note that the apps created with the beta level new target for Symbian Belle devices can not yet be submitted to OviStore.
  • Update to Qt Quick Components for Symbian is not introducing functional changes.

New in Qt Creator 2.3 Beta (Jul 14, 2011)

  • Example and tutorial browsing with descriptive texts, and filtering for examples matching a keyword
  • Enhanced C++ coding style options, with indent settings and alignment settings split up for the different use cases depending on element, including preview and separation between global and project specific settings
  • Support for deployment and running to a more general “remote Linux” – just add your remote deploy and run configuration to your desktop target and define remote Linux “device” settings (you have to set up your cross-compiler on your own though)
  • Support for compiling projects with the Clang compiler
  • Code completion is now populated in a separate thread, no editor blocking any more
  • Profiling now has it’s own “Analyze” mode. Added two more profiling options:
  • QML profiling
  • Function profiling using Valgrind’s Callgrind
  • Symbian got CODA support, allowing for deployment via WiFi
  • Various Qt Quick support enhancements besides the QML profiling:
  • Support for models and delegates in the Qt Quick Designer – fully populated ListViews, GridViews and PathViews are now available from the item library
  • Support for editing inline components and delegates
  • Improved Live Preview (a.k.a. modifying QML while the app is running in the debugger)
  • Added ‘Find usages’ functionality for QML types