ODK Aggregate Changelog

What's new in ODK Aggregate 1.2.0

Dec 21, 2012
  • Updated javarosa library with cascading select support (as with KoBo Collect).
  • Add a Delete button to the Exports list to enable deleting the generated files.
  • Exported files using filters now export the metadata if displayed by the filter.
  • Improved Map visualization display and pop-ups (showing images)
  • Improved filter, export and publishing pop-ups.
  • Update to use LONGBLOB and LONGSTRING on MySQL (new tables only) See MySQL Usage
  • cache thumbnail images for 1 hr for improved performance and lower AppEngine datastore usage.
  • Form definition files and media attachments can now be altered and those changes uploaded to the ODK Aggregate server. The server still maintains only one version of the form, and all alterations must not affect the number of questions in the form or change the data type of any field (e.g., from int to decimal or string, etc.).
  • Whenever a form or any of its media files are modified, the version attribute in the top-level element (where the form id is defined) must be changed. Version attributes are recommended to be of the form "yyyymmddnn", e.g., 2012060400 -- the last two digits are the form iteration within the given day. They must be integer values and the new value must compare lexically greater than the prior value (this means, for example, since "9" compares lexically greater than "10", you cannot update a version from 9 to 10 -- but you could upgrade from "09" to "10").
  • There is a 15-minute grace period for uploading revisions after which the version must be incremented (e.g., incremented to 2012060401).
  • Note that you will need the soon-to-be-released updates to ODK Briefcase and ODK Form Uploader in order to use those tools with this version of ODK Aggregate.
  • Fix odd start-up failures on Google AppEngine
  • timestamp comment in wrong location