Nmap Changelog

What's new in Nmap 7.80

Aug 16, 2019
  • [Windows] The Npcap Windows packet capturing library (https://npcap.org/) is faster and more stable than ever. Nmap 7.80 updates the bundled Npcap from version 0.99-r2 to 0.9982, including all of these changes from the last 15 Npcap releases: https://nmap.org/npcap/changelog
  • [NSE] Added 11 NSE scripts, from 8 authors, bringing the total up to 598! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below:
  • [GH#1232] broadcast-hid-discoveryd discovers HID devices on a LAN by sending a discoveryd network broadcast probe. [Brendan Coles]
  • [GH#1236] broadcast-jenkins-discover discovers Jenkins servers on a LAN by sending a discovery broadcast probe. [Brendan Coles]
  • [GH#1016][GH#1082] http-hp-ilo-info extracts information from HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) servers. [rajeevrmenon97]
  • [GH#1243] http-sap-netweaver-leak detects SAP Netweaver Portal with the Knowledge Management Unit enabled with anonymous access. [ArphanetX]
  • https-redirect detects HTTP servers that redirect to the same port, but with HTTPS. Some nginx servers do this, which made ssl-* scripts not run properly. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1504] lu-enum enumerates Logical Units (LU) of TN3270E servers. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [GH#1633] rdp-ntlm-info extracts Windows domain information from RDP services. [Tom Sellers]
  • smb-vuln-webexec checks whether the WebExService is installed and allows code execution. [Ron Bowes]
  • smb-webexec-exploit exploits the WebExService to run arbitrary commands with SYSTEM privileges. [Ron Bowes]
  • [GH#1457] ubiquiti-discovery extracts information from the Ubiquiti Discovery service and assists version detection. [Tom Sellers]
  • [GH#1126] vulners queries the Vulners CVE database API using CPE information from Nmap's service and application version detection. [GMedian, Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1396] Fixed the Windows installer, which would replace the entire PATH system variable with the path for Nmap if it exceeded 1024 bytes. This was fixed by using the "large strings" build of NSIS to build the new installer. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1291][GH#34][GH#1339] Use pcap_create instead of pcap_live_open in Nmap, and set immediate mode on the pcap descriptor. This solves packet loss problems on Linux and may improve performance on other platforms. [Daniel Cater, Mike Pontillo, Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Collected utility functions for string processing into a new library, stringaux.lua. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] New rand.lua library uses the best sources of random available on the system to generate random strings. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] New library, oops.lua, makes reporting errors easy, with plenty of debugging detail when needed, and no clutter when not. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Collected utility functions for manipulating and searching tables into a new library, tableaux.lua. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] New knx.lua library holds common functions and definitions for communicating with KNX/Konnex devices. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1571] The HTTP library now provides transparent support for gzip- encoded response body. (See https://github.com/nmap/nmap/pull/1571 for an overview.) [nnposter]
  • [Nsock][Ncat][GH#1075] Add AF_VSOCK (Linux VM sockets) functionality to Nsock and Ncat. VM sockets are used for communication between virtual machines and the hypervisor. [Stefan Hajnoczi]
  • [Security][Windows] Address CVE-2019-1552 in OpenSSL by building with the prefix "C:Program Files (x86)NmapOpenSSL". This should prevent unauthorized users from modifying OpenSSL defaults by writing configuration to this directory.
  • [Security][GH#1147][GH#1108] Reduced LibPCRE resource limits so that version detection can't use as much of the stack. Previously Nmap could crash when run on low-memory systems against target services which are intentionally or accidentally difficult to match. Someone assigned CVE-2018-15173 for this issue. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1361] Deprecate and disable the -PR (ARP ping) host discovery option. ARP ping is already used whenever possible, and the -PR option would not force it to be used in any other case. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] bin.lua is officially deprecated. Lua 5.3, added 2 years ago in Nmap 7.25BETA2, has native support for binary data packing via string.pack and string.unpack. All existing scripts and libraries have been updated. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Completely removed the bit.lua NSE library. All of its functions are replaced by native Lua bitwise operations, except for `arshift` (arithmetic shift) which has been moved to the bits.lua library. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1571] The HTTP library is now enforcing a size limit on the received response body. The default limit can be adjusted with a script argument, which applies to all scripts, and can be overridden case-by-case with an HTTP request option. (See https://github.com/nmap/nmap/pull/1571 for details.) [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1648] CR characters are no longer treated as illegal in script XML output. [nnposter]
  • [GH#1659] Allow resuming nmap scan with lengthy command line [Clément Notin]
  • [NSE][GH#1614] Add TLS support to rdp-enum-encryption. Enables determining protocol version against servers that require TLS and lays ground work for some NLA/CredSSP information collection. [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE][GH#1611] Address two protocol parsing issues in rdp-enum-encryption and the RDP nse library which broke scanning of Windows XP. Clarify protocol types [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE][GH#1608] Script http-fileupload-exploiter failed to locate its resource file unless executed from a specific working directory. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1467] Avoid clobbering the "severity" and "ignore_404" values of fingerprints in http-enum. None of the standard fingerprints uses these fields. [Kostas Milonas]
  • [NSE][GH#1077] Fix a crash caused by a double-free of libssh2 session data when running SSH NSE scripts against non-SSH services. [Seth Randall]
  • [NSE][GH#1565] Updates the execution rule of the mongodb scripts to be able to run on alternate ports. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [Ncat][GH#1560] Allow Ncat to connect to servers on port 0, provided that the socket implementation allows this. [Daniel Miller]
  • Update the included libpcap to 1.9.0. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1544] Fix a logic error that resulted in scripts not honoring the smbdomain script-arg when the target provided a domain in the NTLM challenge. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Nsock][GH#1543] Avoid a crash (Protocol not supported) caused by trying to reconnect with SSLv2 when an error occurs during DTLS connect. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1534] Removed OSVDB references from scripts and replaced them with BID references where possible. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1504] Updates TN3270.lua and adds argument to disable TN3270E [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [GH#1504] RMI parser could crash when encountering invalid input [Clément Notin]
  • [GH#863] Avoid reporting negative latencies due to matching an ARP or ND response to a probe sent after it was recieved. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Ncat][GH#1441] To avoid confusion and to support non-default proxy ports, option --proxy now requires a literal IPv6 address to be specified using square-bracket notation, such as --proxy [2001:db8::123]:456. [nnposter]
  • [Ncat][GH#1214][GH#1230][GH#1439] New ncat option provides control over whether proxy destinations are resolved by the remote proxy server or locally, by Ncat itself. See option --proxy-dns. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1478] Updated script ftp-syst to prevent potential endless looping. [nnposter]
  • [GH#1454] New service probes and match lines for v1 and v2 of the Ubiquiti Discovery protocol. Devices often leave the related service open and it exposes significant amounts of information as well as the risk of being used as part of a DDoS. New nmap-payload entry for v1 of the protocol. [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE] Removed hostmap-ip2hosts.nse as the API has been broken for a while and the service was completely shutdown on Feb 17th, 2019. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE][GH#1318] Adds TN3270E support and additional improvements to tn3270.lua and updates tn3270-screen.nse to display the new setting. [mainframed]
  • [NSE][GH#1346] Updates product codes and adds a check for response length in enip-info.nse. The script now uses string.unpack. [NothinRandom]
  • [Ncat][GH#1310][GH#1409] Temporary RSA keys are now 2048-bit to resolve a compatibility issue with OpenSSL library configured with security level 2, as seen on current Debian or Kali. [Adrian Vollmer, nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1227] Fix a crash (double-free) when using SSH scripts against non-SSH services. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash when Nmap executable cannot be found and the system PATH contains non-UTF-8 bytes, such as on Windows. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash in results search when using the dir: operator:
  • AttributeError: 'SearchDB' object has no attribute 'match_dir' [Daniel
  • Miller]
  • [Ncat][GH#1372] Fixed an issue with Ncat -e on Windows that caused early termination of connections. [Alberto Garcia Illera]
  • [NSE][GH#1359] Fix a false-positive in http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal when the server responds with 200 status to a POST request to any URI. [Francesco Soncina]
  • [NSE] New vulnerability state in vulns.lua, UNKNOWN, is used to indicate that testing could not rule out vulnerability. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1355] When searching for Lua header files, actually use them where they are found instead of forcing /usr/include. [Fabrice Fontaine, Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1331] Script traceroute-geolocation no longer crashes when www.GeoPlugin.net returns null coordinates [Michal Kubenka, nnposter]
  • Limit verbose -v and debugging -d levels to a maximum of 10. Nmap does not use higher levels internally. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] tls.lua when creating a client_hello message will now only use a SSLv3 record layer if the protocol version is SSLv3. Some TLS implementations will not handshake with a client offering less than TLSv1.0. Scripts will have to manually fall back to SSLv3 to talk to SSLv3-only servers. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1322] Fix a few false-positive conditions in ssl-ccs-injection. TLS implementations that responded with fatal alerts other than "unexpected message" had been falsely marked as vulnerable. [Daniel Miller]
  • Emergency fix to Nmap's birthday announcement so Nmap wishes itself a "Happy 21st Birthday" rather than "Happy 21th" in verbose mode (-v) on September 1, 2018. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#1150] Start host timeout clocks when the first probe is sent to a host, not when the hostgroup is started. Sometimes a host doesn't get probes until late in the hostgroup, increasing the chance it will time out. [jsiembida]
  • [NSE] Support for edns-client-subnet (ECS) in dns.lua has been improved by:
  • [GH#1271] Using ECS code compliant with RFC 7871 [John Bond]
  • Properly trimming ECS address, as mandated by RFC 7871 [nnposter]
  • Fixing a bug that prevented using the same ECS option table more than once [nnposter]
  • [Ncat][GH#1267] Fixed communication with commands launched with -e or -c on Windows, especially when --ssl is used. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Script http-default-accounts can now select more than one fingerprint category. It now also possible to select fingerprints by name to support very specific scanning. [nnposter]
  • [NSE] Script http-default-accounts was not able to run against more than one target host/port. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1251] New script-arg `http.host` allows users to force a particular value for the Host header in all HTTP requests.
  • [NSE][GH#1258] Use smtp.domain script arg or target's domain name instead of "example.com" in EHLO command used for STARTTLS. [gwire]
  • [NSE][GH#1233] Fix brute.lua's BruteSocket wrapper, which was crashing Nmap with an assertion failure due to socket mixup [Daniel Miller]: nmap: nse_nsock.cc:672: int receive_buf(lua_State*, int, lua_KContext): Assertion `lua_gettop(L) == 7' failed.
  • [NSE][GH#1254] Handle an error condition in smb-vuln-ms17-010 caused by IPS closing the connection. [Clément Notin]
  • [Ncat][GH#1237] Fixed literal IPv6 URL format for connecting through HTTP proxies. [Phil Dibowitz]
  • [NSE][GH#1212] Updates vendors from ODVA list for enip-info. [NothinRandom]
  • [NSE][GH#1191] Add two common error strings that improve MySQL detection by the script http-sql-injection. [Robert Taylor, Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE][GH#1220] Fix bug in http-vuln-cve2006-3392 that prevented the script to generate the vulnerability report correctly. [rewardone]
  • [NSE][GH#1218] Fix bug related to screen rendering in NSE library tn3270. This patch also improves the brute force script tso-brute. [mainframed]
  • [NSE][GH#1209] Fix SIP, SASL, and HTTP Digest authentication when the algorithm contains lowercase characters. [Jeswin Mathai]
  • [GH#1204] Nmap could be fooled into ignoring TCP response packets if they used an unknown TCP Option, which would misalign the validation, causing it to fail. [Clément Notin, Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE]The HTTP response parser now tolerates status lines without a reason phrase, which improves compatibility with some HTTP servers. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1169][GH#1170][GH#1171]][GH#1198] Parser for HTTP Set-Cookie header is now more compliant with RFC 6265:
  • empty attributes are tolerated
  • double quotes in cookie and/or attribute values are treated literally
  • attributes with empty values and value-less attributes are parsed equally
  • attributes named "name" or "value" are ignored
  • [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1158] Fix parsing http-grep.match script-arg. [Hans van den Bogert]
  • [Zenmap][GH#1177] Avoid a crash when recent_scans.txt cannot be written to. [Daniel Miller]
  • Fixed --resume when the path to Nmap contains spaces. Reported on Windows by Adriel Desautels. [Daniel Miller]
  • New service probe and match lines for adb, the Android Debug Bridge, which allows remote code execution and is left enabled by default on many devices. [Daniel Miller]

New in Nmap 7.70 (Mar 21, 2018)

  • [Windows] Updated the bundled Npcap from 0.93 to 0.99-r2, with many stability fixes and installation improvements, as well as fixes to raw 802.11 frame capture. See https://nmap.org/npcap/changelog
  • Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted from March 2017 to August 2017 (728 of them). The signature count went up 1.02% to 11,672, including 26 new softmatches. We now detect 1224 protocols from filenet-pch, lscp, and netassistant to sharp-remote, urbackup, and watchguard. We will try to integrate the remaining submissions in the next release.
  • Integrated all of your IPv4 OS fingerprint submissions from September 2016 to August 2017 (667 of them). Added 298 fingerprints, bringing the new total to 5,652. Additions include iOS 11, macOS Sierra, Linux 4.14, Android 7, and more.
  • Integrated all 33 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from September 2016 to August 2017. New groups for OpenBSD 6.0 and FreeBSD 11.0 were added, as well as strengthened groups for Linux and OS X.
  • Added the --resolve-all option to resolve and scan all IP addresses of a host. This essentially replaces the resolveall NSE script. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][SECURITY] Nmap developer nnposter found a security flaw (directory traversal vulnerability) in the way the non-default http-fetch script sanitized URLs. If a user manualy ran this NSE script with against a malicious web server, the server could potentially (depending on NSE arguments used) cause files to be saved outside the intended destination directory. Existing files couldn't be overwritten. We fixed http-fetch, audited our other scripts to ensure they didn't make this mistake, and we updated the httpspider library API to protect against this by default. [nnposter, Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added 9 NSE scripts, from 8 authors, bringing the total up to 588! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below:
  • deluge-rpc-brute performs brute-force credential testing against Deluge BitTorrent RPC services, using the new zlib library. [Claudiu Perta]
  • hostmap-crtsh lists subdomains by querying Google's Certificate Transparency logs. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#892] http-bigip-cookie decodes unencrypted F5 BIG-IP cookies and reports back the IP address and port of the actual server behind the load-balancer. [Seth Jackson]
  • http-jsonp-detection Attempts to discover JSONP endpoints in web servers. JSONP endpoints can be used to bypass Same-origin Policy restrictions in web browsers. [Vinamra Bhatia]
  • http-trane-info obtains information from Trane Tracer SC controllers and connected HVAC devices. [Pedro Joaquin]
  • [GH#609] nbd-info uses the new nbd.lua library to query Network Block Devices for protocol and file export information. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • rsa-vuln-roca checks for RSA keys generated by Infineon TPMs vulnerable to Return Of Coppersmith Attack (ROCA) (CVE-2017-15361). Checks SSH and TLS services. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#987] smb-enum-services retrieves the list of services running on a remote Windows machine. Modern Windows systems requires a privileged domain account in order to list the services. [Rewanth Cool]
  • tls-alpn checks TLS servers for Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) support and reports supported protocols. ALPN largely replaces NPN, which tls-nextprotoneg was written for. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#978] Fixed Nsock on Windows giving errors when selecting on STDIN. This was causing Ncat 7.60 in connect mode to quit with error: libnsock select_loop(): nsock_loop error 10038: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. [nnposter]
  • [Ncat][GH#197][GH#1049] Fix --ssl connections from dropping on renegotiation, the same issue that was partially fixed for server mode in [GH#773]. Reported on Windows with -e by pkreuzt and vinod272. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1062][GH#1149] Some changes to brute.lua to better handle misbehaving or rate-limiting services. Most significantly, brute.killstagnated now defaults to true. Thanks to xp3s and Adamtimtim for reporing infinite loops and proposing changes.
  • [NSE] VNC scripts now support Apple Remote Desktop authentication (auth type 30) [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1111] Fix a script crash in ftp.lua when PASV connection timed out. [Aniket Pandey]
  • [NSE][GH#1114] Update bitcoin-getaddr to receive more than one response message, since the first message usually only has one address in it. [h43z]
  • [Ncat][GH#1139] Ncat now selects the correct default port for a given proxy type. [Pavel Zhukov]
  • [NSE] memcached-info can now gather information from the UDP memcached service in addition to the TCP service. The UDP service is frequently used as a DDoS reflector and amplifier. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1129] Changed url.absolute() behavior with respect to dot and dot-dot path segments to comply with RFC 3986, section 5.2. [nnposter]
  • Removed deprecated and undocumented aliases for several long options that used underscores instead of hyphens, such as --max_retries. [Daniel Miller]
  • Improved service scan's treatment of soft matches in two ways. First of all, any probes that could result in a full match with the soft matched service will now be sent, regardless of rarity. This improves the chances of matching unusual services on non-standard ports. Second, probes are now skipped if they don't contain any signatures for the soft matched service. Previously the probes would still be run as long as the target port number matched the probe's specification. Together, these changes should make service/version detection faster and more accurate. For more details on how it works, see https://nmap.org/book/vscan.html. [Daniel Miller]
  • --version-all now turns off the soft match optimization, ensuring that all probes really are sent, even if there aren't any existing match lines for the softmatched service. This is slower, but gives the most comprehensive results and produces better fingerprints for submission. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1083] New set of Telnet softmatches for version detection based on Telnet DO/DON'T options offered, covering a wide variety of devices and operating systems. [D Roberson]
  • [GH#1112] Resolved crash opportunities caused by unexpected libpcap version string format. [Gisle Vanem, nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1090] Fix false positives in rexec-brute by checking responses for indications of login failure. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1099] Fix http-fetch to keep downloaded files in separate destination directories. [Aniket Pandey]
  • [NSE] Added new fingerprints to http-default-accounts:
  • Hikvision DS-XXX Network Camera and NUOO DVR [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#1074] ActiveMQ, Purestorage, and Axis Network Cameras [Rob Fitzpatrick, Paulino Calderon]
  • Added a new service detection match for WatchGuard Authentication Gateway. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE][GH#1038][GH#1037] Script qscan was not observing interpacket delays (parameter qscan.delay). [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#1046] Script http-headers now fails properly if the target does not return a valid HTTP response. [spacewander]
  • [Ncat][Nsock][GH#972] Remove RC4 from the list of TLS ciphers used by default, in accordance with RFC 7465. [Codarren Velvindron]
  • [NSE][GH#1022] Fix a false positive condition in ipmi-cipher-zero caused by not checking the error code in responses. Implementations which return an error are not vulnerable. [Juho Jokelainen]
  • [NSE][GH#958] Two new libraries for NSE.
  • idna - Support for internationalized domain names in applications (IDNA)
  • punycode (a transfer encoding syntax used in IDNA)
  • [Rewanth Cool]
  • [NSE] New fingerprints for http-enum:
  • [GH#954] Telerik UI CVE-2017-9248 [Harrison Neal]
  • [GH#767] Many WordPress version detections [Rewanth Cool]
  • [GH#981][GH#984][GH#996][GH#975] Fixed Ncat proxy authentication issues:
  • Usernames and/or passwords could not be empty
  • Passwords could not contain colons
  • SOCKS5 authentication was not properly documented
  • SOCKS5 authentication had a memory leak
  • [nnposter]
  • [GH#1009][GH#1013] Fixes to autoconf header files to allow autoreconf to be run. [Lukas Schwaighofer]
  • [GH#977] Improved DNS service version detection coverage and consistency by using data from a Project Sonar Internet wide survey. Numerouse false positives were removed and reliable softmatches added. Match lines for version.bind responses were also conslidated using the technique below. [Tom Sellers]
  • [GH#977] Changed version probe fallbacks so as to work cross protocol (TCP/UDP). This enables consolidating match lines for services where the responses on TCP and UDP are similar. [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE][GH#532] Added the zlib library for NSE so scripts can easily handle compression. This work started during GSOC 2014, so we're particularly pleased to finally integrate it! [Claudiu Perta, Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#1004] Fixed handling of brute.retries variable. It was being treated as the number of tries, not retries, and a value of 0 would result in infinite retries. Instead, it is now the number of retries, defaulting to 2 (3 total tries), with no option for infinite retries.
  • [NSE] http-devframework-fingerprints.lua supports Jenkins server detection and returns extra information when Jenkins is detected [Vinamra Bhatia]
  • [GH#926] The rarity level of MS SQL's service detection probe was decreased. Now we can find MS SQL in odd ports without increasing version intensity. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#957] Fix reporting of zlib and libssh2 versions in "nmap --version". We were always reporting the version number of the included source, even when a different version was actually linked. [Pavel Zhukov]
  • Add a new helper function for nmap-service-probes match lines: $I(1,">") will unpack an unsigned big-endian integer value up to 8 bytes wide from capture 1. The second option can be "

New in Nmap 7.60 (Sep 4, 2017)

  • [Windows] Updated the bundled Npcap from 0.91 to 0.93, fixing several issues with installation and compatibility with the Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • [NSE][GH#910] NSE scripts now have complete SSH support via libssh2, including password brute-forcing and running remote commands, thanks to the combined efforts of three Summer of Code students: [Devin Bjelland, Sergey Khegay, Evangelos Deirmentzoglou]
  • [NSE] Added 14 NSE scripts from 6 authors, bringing the total up to 579! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below:
  • ftp-syst sends SYST and STAT commands to FTP servers to get system version and connection information. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#916] http-vuln-cve2017-8917 checks for an SQL injection vulnerability affecting Joomla! 3.7.x before 3.7.1. [Wong Wai Tuck]
  • iec-identify probes for the IEC 60870-5-104 SCADA protocol. [Aleksandr Timorin, Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#915] openwebnet-discovery retrieves device identifying information and number of connected devices running on openwebnet protocol. [Rewanth Cool]
  • puppet-naivesigning checks for a misconfiguration in the Puppet CA where naive signing is enabled, allowing for any CSR to be automatically signed. [Wong Wai Tuck]
  • [GH#943] smb-protocols discovers if a server supports dialects NT LM 0.12 (SMBv1), 2.02, 2.10, 3.00, 3.02 and 3.11. This replaces the old smbv2-enabled script. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#943] smb2-capabilities lists the supported capabilities of SMB2/SMB3 servers. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#943] smb2-time determines the current date and boot date of SMB2 servers. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#943] smb2-security-mode determines the message signing configuration of SMB2/SMB3 servers. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#943] smb2-vuln-uptime attempts to discover missing critical patches in Microsoft Windows systems based on the SMB2 server uptime. [Paulino Calderon]
  • ssh-auth-methods lists the authentication methods offered by an SSH server. [Devin Bjelland]
  • ssh-brute performs brute-forcing of SSH password credentials. [Devin Bjelland]
  • ssh-publickey-acceptance checks public or private keys to see if they could be used to log in to a target. A list of known-compromised key pairs is included and checked by default. [Devin Bjelland]
  • ssh-run uses user-provided credentials to run commands on targets via SSH. [Devin Bjelland]
  • [NSE] Removed smbv2-enabled, which was incompatible with the new SMBv2/3 improvements. It was fully replaced by the smb-protocols script.
  • [Ncat][GH#446] Added Datagram TLS (DTLS) support to Ncat in connect (client) mode with --udp --ssl. Also added Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) support with the --ssl-alpn option. [Denis Andzakovic, Daniel Miller]
  • Updated the default ciphers list for Ncat and the secure ciphers list for Nsock to use "!aNULL:!eNULL" instead of "!ADH". With the addition of ECDH ciphersuites, anonymous ECDH suites were being allowed. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#930] Fix ndmp-version and ndmp-fs-info when scanning Veritas Backup Exec Agent 15 or 16. [Andrew Orr]
  • [NSE][GH#943] Added new SMB2/3 library and related scripts. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE][GH#950] Added wildcard detection to dns-brute. Only hostnames that resolve to unique addresses will be listed. [Aaron Heesakkers]
  • [NSE] FTP scripts like ftp-anon and ftp-brute now correctly handle TLS-protected FTP services and use STARTTLS when necessary. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#936] Function url.escape no longer encodes so-called "unreserved" characters, including hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde, as per RFC 3986. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#935] Function http.pipeline_go no longer assumes that persistent connections are supported on HTTP 1.0 target (unless the target explicitly declares otherwise), as per RFC 7230. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#934] The HTTP response object has a new member, version, which contains the HTTP protocol version string returned by the server, e.g. "1.0". [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#938] Fix handling of the objectSID Active Directory attribute by ldap.lua. [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE] Fix line endings in the list of Oracle SIDs used by oracle-sid-brute. Carriage Return characters were being sent in the connection packets, likely resulting in failure of the script. [Anant Shrivastava]
  • [NSE][GH#141] http-useragent-checker now checks for changes in HTTP status (usually 403 Forbidden) in addition to redirects to indicate forbidden User Agents. [Gyanendra Mishra]

New in Nmap 7.50 (Jun 14, 2017)

  • [Windows] Updated the bundled Npcap from 0.78 to 0.91, with several bugfixes for WiFi connectivity problems and stability issues. [Daniel Miller, Yang Luo]
  • Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted from September to March (855 of them). The signature count went up 2.9% to 11,418. We now detect 1193 protocols from apachemq, bro, and clickhouse to jmon, slmp, and zookeeper. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2017/q2/140
  • [NSE] Added 14 NSE scripts from 12 authors, bringing the total up to 566! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below:
  • [GH#743] broadcast-ospf2-discover discovers OSPF 2 routers and neighbors. OSPFv2 authentication is supported. [Emiliano Ticci]
  • [GH#671] cics-info checks IBM TN3270 services for CICS transaction services and extracts useful information. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [GH#671] cics-user-brute does brute-force enumeration of CICS usernames on IBM TN3270 services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [GH#669] http-cookie-flags checks HTTP session cookies for HTTPOnly and Secure flags. [Steve Benson]
  • http-security-headers checks for the HTTP response headers related to security given in OWASP Secure Headers Project, giving a brief description of the header and its configuration value. [Vinamra Bhatia, Ícaro Torres]
  • [GH#740][GH#759] http-vuln-cve2017-5638 checks for the RCE bug in Apache Struts2. [Seth Jackson]
  • [GH#876] http-vuln-cve2017-5689 detects a privilege escalation vulnerability (INTEL-SA-00075) in Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) capable systems. [Andrew Orr]
  • http-vuln-cve2017-1001000 detects a privilege escalation vulnerability in Wordpress 4.7.0 and 4.7.1 (CVE-2017-1001000) [Vinamra Bhatia]
  • [GH#713] impress-remote-discover attempts to pair with the LibreOffice Impress presentation remote service and extract version info. Pairing is PIN-protected, and the script can optionally brute-force the PIN. New service probe and match line also added. [Jeremy Hiebert]
  • [GH#854] smb-double-pulsar-backdoor detects the Shadow Brokers-leaked Double Pulsar backdoor in Windows SMB servers. [Andrew Orr]
  • smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494 detects a remote code execution vulnerability affecting Samba versions 3.5.0 and greater with writable shares. [Wong Wai Tuck]
  • smb-vuln-ms17-010 detects a critical remote code execution vulnerability affecting SMBv1 servers in Microsoft Windows systems (ms17-010). The script also reports patched systems. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [GH#686] tls-ticketbleed checks for the Ticketbleed vulnerability (CVE-2016-9244) in F5 BIG-IP appliances. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • vmware-version queries VMWare SOAP API for version and product information. Submitted in 2011, this was mistakenly turned into a service probe that was unable to elicit any matches. [Aleksey Tyurin]
  • [Ncat] A series of changes and fixes based on feedback from the Red Hat community:
  • [GH#157] Ncat will now continue trying to connect to each resolved address for a hostname before declaring the connection refused, allowing it to fallback from IPv6 to IPv4 or to connect to names that use DNS failover. [Jaromir Koncicky, Michal Hlavinka]
  • The --no-shutdown option now also works in connect mode, not only in listen mode.
  • Made -i/--idle-timeout not cause Ncat in server mode to close while waiting for an initial connection. This was also causing -i to interfere with the HTTP proxy server mode. [Carlos Manso, Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#773] Ncat in server mode properly handles TLS renegotiations and other situations where SSL_read returns a non-fatal error. This was causing SSL-over-TCP connections to be dropped. [Daniel Miller]
  • Enable --ssl-ciphers to be used with Ncat in client mode, not only in server (listen) mode. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#266][GH#704][GH#238][GH#883] NSE libraries smb and msrpc now use fully qualified paths. SMB scripts now work against all modern versions of Microsoft Windows. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] smb library's share_get_list now properly uses anonymous connections first before falling back authenticating as a known user.
  • New service probes and matches for Apache HBase and Hadoop MapReduce. [Paulino Calderon]
  • Extended Memcached service probe and added match for Apache ZooKeeper. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] New script argument "vulns.short" will reduce vulns library script output to a single line containing the target name or IP, the vulnerability state, and the CVE ID or title of the vulnerability. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#862] SNMP scripts will now take a community string provided like `--script-args creds.snmp=private`, which previously did not work because it was interpreted as a username. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Resolved several issues in the default HTTP redirect rules:
  • [GH#826] A redirect is now cancelled if the original URL contains embedded credentials
  • [GH#829] A redirect test is now more careful in determining whether a redirect destination is related to the original host
  • [GH#830] A redirect is now more strict in avoiding possible redirect loops
  • [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#766] The HTTP Host header will now include the port unless it is the default one for a given scheme. [nnposter]
  • [NSE] The HTTP response object has a new member, fragment, which contains a partially received body (if any) when the overall request fails to complete. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#866] NSE now allows cookies to have arbitrary attributes, which are silently ignored (in accordance with RFC 6265). Unrecognized attributes were previously causing HTTP requests with such cookies to fail. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#844] NSE now correctly parses a Set-Cookie header that has unquoted whitespace in the cookie value (which is allowed per RFC 6265). [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#731] NSE is now able to process HTTP responses with a Set-Cookie header that has an extraneous trailing semicolon. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#708] TLS SNI now works correctly for NSE HTTP requests initiated with option any_af. As an added benefit, option any_af is now available for all connections via comm.lua, not just HTTP requests. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#781] There is a new common function, url.get_default_port(), to obtain the default port number for a given scheme. [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#833] Function url.parse() now returns the port part as a number, not a string. [nnposter]
  • No longer allow ICMP Time Exceeded messages to mark a host as down during host discovery. Running traceroute at the same time as Nmap was causing interference. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE][GH#807] Fixed a JSON library issue that was causing long integers to be expressed in the scientific/exponent notation. [nnposter]
  • [NSE] Fixed several potential hangs in NSE scripts that used receive_buf(pattern), which will not return if the service continues to send data that does not match pattern. A new function in match.lua, pattern_limit, is introduced to limit the number of bytes consumed while searching for the pattern. [Daniel Miller, Jacek Wielemborek]
  • [Nsock] Handle any and all socket connect errors the same: raise as an Nsock error instead of fatal. This prevents Nmap and Ncat from quitting with "Strange error from connect:" [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added several commands to redis-info to extract listening addresses, connected clients, active channels, and cluster nodes. [Vasiliy Kulikov]
  • [NSE][GH#679][GH#681] Refreshed script http-robtex-reverse-ip, reflecting changes at the source site (www.robtex.com). [aDoN]
  • [NSE][GH#620][GH#715] Added 8 new http-enum fingerprints for Hadoop infrastructure components. [Thomas Debize, Varunram Ganesh]
  • [NSE][GH#629] Added two new fingerprints to http-default-accounts (APC Management Card, older NetScreen ScreenOS) [Steve Benson, nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#716] Fix for oracle-tns-version which was sending an invalid TNS probe due to a string escaping mixup. [Alexandr Savca]
  • [NSE][GH#694] ike-version now outputs information about supported attributes and unknown vendor ids. Also, a new fingerprint for FortiGate VPNs was submitted by Alexis La Goutte. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#700] Enabled support for TLS SNI on the Windows platform. [nnposter]
  • [GH#649] New service probe and match lines for the JMON and RSE services of IBM Explorer for z/OS. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • Removed a duplicate service probe for Memcached added in 2011 (the original probe was added in 2008) and reported as duplicate in 2013 by Pavel Kankovsky.
  • New service probe and match line for NoMachine NX Server remote desktop. [Justin Cacak]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a recurring installation problem on OS X/macOS where Zenmap was installed to /Applications/Applications/Zenmap.app instead of /Applications/Zenmap.app.
  • [Zenmap][GH#639] Zenmap will no longer crash when no suitable temporary directory is found. Patches contributed by [Varunram Ganesh] and [Sai Sundhar]
  • [Zenmap][GH#626] Zenmap now properly handles the -v0 (no output) option, which was added in Nmap 7.10. Previously, this was treated the same as not specifying -v at all. [lymanZerga11]
  • [GH#630] Updated or removed some OpenSSL library calls that were deprecated in OpenSSL 1.1. [eroen]
  • [NSE] Script ssh-hostkey now recognizes and reports Ed25519 keys [nnposter]
  • [NSE][GH#627] Fixed script hang in several brute scripts due to the "threads" script-arg not being converted to a number. Error message was "nselib/brute.lua:1188: attempt to compare number with string" [Arne Beer]

New in Nmap 7.40 (Dec 22, 2016)

  • [Windows] Updated the bundled Npcap from 0.10r9 to 0.78r5, with an improved installer experience, driver signing updates to work with Windows 10 build 1607, and bugfixes for WiFi connectivity problems. [Yang Luo, Daniel Miller]
  • Integrated all of your IPv4 OS fingerprint submissions from April to September (568 of them). Added 149 fingerprints, bringing the new total to 5,336. Additions include Linux 4.6, macOS 10.12 Sierra, NetBSD 7.0, and more. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2016/q4/110 [Daniel Miller]
  • Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted from April to September (779 of them). The signature count went up 3.1% to 11,095. We now detect 1161 protocols, from airserv-ng, domaintime, and mep to nutcracker, rhpp, and usher. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2016/q4/115 [Daniel Miller]
  • Fix reverse DNS on Windows which was failing with the message "mass_dns: warning: Unable to determine any DNS servers." This was because the interface GUID comparison needed to be case-insensitive. [Robert Croteau]
  • [NSE] Added 12 NSE scripts from 4 authors, bringing the total up to 552! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below:
  • cics-enum enumerates CICS transaction IDs, mapping to screens in TN3270 services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • cics-user-enum brute-forces usernames for CICS users on TN3270 services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • fingerprint-strings will print the ASCII strings it finds in the service fingerprints that Nmap shows for unidentified services. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#606] ip-geolocation-map-bing renders IP geolocation data as an image via Bing Maps API. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • [GH#606] ip-geolocation-map-google renders IP geolocation data as an image via Google Maps API. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • [GH#606] ip-geolocation-map-kml records IP geolocation data in a KML file for import into other mapping software [Mak Kolybabi]
  • nje-pass-brute brute-forces the password to a NJE node, given a valid RHOST and OHOST. Helpfully, nje-node-brute can now brute force both of those values. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [GH#557] ssl-cert-intaddr will search for private IP addresses in TLS certificate fields and extensions. [Steve Benson]
  • tn3270-screen shows the login screen from mainframe TN3270 Telnet services, including any hidden fields. The script is accompanied by the new tn3270 library. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • tso-enum enumerates usernames for TN3270 Telnet services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • tso-brute brute-forces passwords for TN3270 Telnet services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • vtam-enum brute-forces VTAM application IDs for TN3270 services. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • [NSE][GH#518] Brute scripts are faster and more accurate. New feedback and adaptivity mechanisms in brute.lua help brute scripts use resources more efficiently, dynamically changing number of threads based on protocol messages like FTP 421 errors, network errors like timeouts, etc. [Sergey Khegay]
  • [GH#353] New option --defeat-icmp-ratelimit dramatically reduces UDP scan times in exchange for labeling unresponsive (and possibly open) ports as "closed|filtered". Ports which give a UDP protocol response to one of Nmap's scanning payloads will be marked "open". [Sergey Khegay]
  • [NSE][GH#533] Removed ssl-google-cert-catalog, since Google shut off that service at some point. Reported by Brian Morin.
  • [NSE][GH#606] New NSE library, geoip.lua, provides a common framework for storing and retrieving IP geolocation results. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • [Ncat] Restore the connection success message that Ncat prints with -v. This was accidentally suppressed when not using -z.
  • [GH#316] Added scan resume from Nmap's XML output. Now you can --resume a canceled scan from all 3 major output formats: -oN, -oG, and -oX. [Tudor Emil Coman]
  • [Ndiff][GH#591] Fix a bug where hosts with the same IP but different hostnames were shown as changing hostnames between scans. Made sort stable with regard to hostnames. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE][GH#540] Add tls.servername script-arg for forcing a name to be used for TLS Server Name Indication extension. The argument overrides the default use of the host's targetname. [Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet]
  • [GH#505] Updated Russian translation of Zenmap by Alexander Kozlov.
  • [NSE][GH#588] Fix a crash in smb.lua when using smb-ls due to a floating-point number being passed to os.time ("bad argument"). [Dallas Winger]
  • [NSE][GH#596] Fix a bug in mysql.lua that caused authentication failures in mysql-brute and other scripts due to including a null terminator in the salt value. This bug affects Nmap 7.25BETA2 and later releases. [Daniel Miller]
  • The --open option now implies --defeat-rst-ratelimit. This may result in inaccuracies in the numbers of "Not shown:" closed and filtered ports, but only in situations where it also speeds up scan times. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added known Diffie-Hellman parameters for haproxy, postfix, and IronPort to ssl-dh-params. [Frank Bergmann]
  • Added service probe for ClamAV servers (clam), an open source antivirus engine used in mail scanning. [Paulino Calderon]
  • Added service probe and UDP payload for Quick UDP Internet Connection (QUIC), a secure transport developed by Google and used with HTTP/2. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Enabled resolveall to run against any target provided as a hostname, so the resolveall.hosts script-arg is no longer required. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Revised script http-default-accounts in several ways [nnposter]:
  • Added 21 new fingerprints, plus broadened 5 to cover more variants.
  • [GH#577] It can now can test systems that return status 200 for non-existent pages.
  • [GH#604] Implemented XML output. Layout of the classic text output has also changed, including reporting blank usernames or passwords as "", instead of just empty strings.
  • Added CPE entries to individual fingerprints (where known). They are reported only in the XML output.
  • [NSE][GH#573] Updated http.lua to allow processing of HTTP responses with malformed header names. Such header lines are still captured in the rawheader list but skipped otherwise. [nnposter]
  • [GH#416] New service probe and match line for iperf3. [Eric Gershman]
  • [NSE][GH#555] Add Drupal to the set of web apps brute forced by http-form-brute. [Nima Ghotbi]

New in Nmap 7.31 (Oct 25, 2016)

  • [Windows] Updated the bundled Npcap from 0.10r2 to 0.10r9, bringing increased stability, bug fixes, and raw 802.11 WiFi capture (unused by Nmap). Further details on these changes can be found at https://github.com/nmap/npcap/releases. [Yang Luo]
  • Fixed the way Nmap handles scanning names that resolve to the same IP. Due to changes in 7.30, the IP was only being scanned once, with bogus results displayed for the other names. The previous behavior is now restored. [Tudor Emil Coman]
  • [Nping][GH#559] Fix Nping's ability to use Npcap on Windows. A privilege check was performed too late, so the Npcap loading code assumed the user had no rights. [Yang Luo, Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#350] Fix an assertion failure due to floating point error in equality comparison, which triggered mainly on OpenBSD...
  • assertion "diff

New in Nmap 7.30 (Sep 29, 2016)

  • Integrated all 12 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from June to September. No new groups, but several classifications were strengthened, especially Windows localhost and OS X. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added 7 NSE scripts, from 3 authors, bringing the total up to 541! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below (authors are listed in brackets)...
  • [GH#369] coap-resources grabs the list of available resources from CoAP endpoints. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • fox-info retrieves detailed version and configuration info from Tridium Niagara Fox services. [Stephen Hilt]
  • ipmi-brute performs authentication brute-forcing on IPMI services. [Claudiu Perta]
  • ipmi-cipher-zero checks IPMI services for Cipher Zero support, which allows connection without a password. [Claudiu Perta]
  • ipmi-version retrieves protocol version and authentication options from ASF-RMCP (IPMI) services. [Claudiu Perta]
  • [GH#352] mqtt-subscribe connects to a MQTT broker, subscribes to topics, and lists the messages received. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • pcworx-info retrieves PLC model, firmware version, and date from Phoenix Contact PLCs. [Stephen Hilt]
  • Upgraded Npcap, our new Windows packet capturing driver/library, from version to 0.09 to 0.10r2. This includes many bug fixes, with a particular on emphasis on concurrency issues discovered by running hundreds of Nmap instances at a time. More details are available from https://github.com/nmap/npcap/releases. [Yang Luo, Daniel Miller, Fyodor]
  • New service probes and match lines for DTLS, IPMI-RMCP, MQTT, PCWorx, ProConOS, and Tridium Fox, [Stephen Hilt, Mak Kolybabi, Daniel Miller]
  • Improved some output filtering to remove or escape carriage returns ('r') that could allow output spoofing by overwriting portions of the screen. Issue reported by Adam Rutherford. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Fixed a few bad Lua patterns that could result in denial of service due to excessive backtracking. [Adam Rutherford, Daniel Miller]
  • Fixed a discrepancy between the number of targets selected with -iR and the number of hosts scanned, resulting in output like "Nmap done: 1033 IP addresses" when the user specified -iR 1000. [Daniel Miller]
  • Fixed a bug in port specification parsing that could cause extraneous 'T', 'U', 'S', and 'P' characters to be ignored when they should have caused an error. [David Fifield]
  • [GH#543] Restored compatibility with LibreSSL, which was lost in adding library version checks for OpenSSL 1.1. [Wonko7]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a bug in the Compare Scans window of Zenmap on OS X resulting in this message instead of Ndiff output...
  • ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/Zenmap.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/datetime.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did find:
  • /Applications/Zenmap.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/datetime.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture
  • [NSE] Fixed a bug in ssl-enum-ciphers and ssl-dh-params which caused them to not output TLSv1.2 info with DHE ciphersuites or others involving ServerKeyExchange messages. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added X509v3 extension parsing to NSE's sslcert code. ssl-cert now shows the Subject Alternative Name extension; all extensions are shown in the XML output. [Daniel Miller]

New in Nmap 7.25 Beta 2 (Sep 6, 2016)

  • [NSE] Upgraded NSE to Lua 5.3, adding bitwise operators, integer data type, a utf8 library, and native binary packing and unpacking functions. Removed bit library, added bits.lua, replaced base32, base64, and bin libraries.
  • Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted from January to April (578 of them). The signature count went up 2.2% to 10760. We now detect 1122 protocols, from elasticsearch, fhem, and goldengate to ptcp, resin-watchdog, and siemens-logo.
  • Upgraded Npcap, our new Windows packet capturing driver/library, from version 0.07-r17 to 0.09.
  • [Nsock] Added the new IOCP Nsock engine which uses the Windows Overlapped I/O API to improve performance of version scan and NSE against many targets on Windows.
  • Windows binaries are now code-signed with our "Insecure.Com LLC" SHA256 certificate. This should give our users extra peace-of-mind and avoid triggering Microsoft's ever-increasing security warnings.
  • Various performance improvements for large-scale high-rate scanning, including increased ping host groups, faster probe matching, and ensuring data types can handle an Internet's-worth of targets.
  • [NSE] Added the oracle-tns-version NSE script which decodes the version number from Oracle Database Server's TNS listener.
  • [NSE] Added the clock-skew NSE script which analyzes and reports clock skew between Nmap and services that report timestamps, grouping hosts with similar skews.
  • [Zenmap] Long-overdue Spanish language translation has been added! Muybien!
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash when closing Zenmap due to a read-only zenmap.conf. User will be warned that config cannot be saved and that they should fix the file permissions.
  • [NSE] Fix a crash when parsing TLS certificates that OpenSSL doesn't support, like DH certificates or corrupted certs. When this happens, ssl-enum-ciphers will label the ciphersuite strength as "unknown." Reported by Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet.
  • [NSE] Fix two issues in sslcert.lua that prevented correct operations against LDAP services when version detection or STARTTLS were used.
  • Remove a workaround for lack of selectable pcap file descriptors on Windows, which required including pcap-int.h and locking us to a single version of libpcap. The new method, using WaitForSingleObject should work with all versions of both WinPcap and Npcap.
  • [NSE] Added a --script-timeout option for limiting run time for every individual NSE script.
  • [Ncat] Added a -z option to Ncat. Just like the -z option in traditional netcat, it can be used to quicky check the status of a port. Port ranges are not supported since we recommend a certain other tool for port scanning.
  • Fix checking of Npcap/WinPcap presence on Windows so that "nmap -A" and "nmap" with no options result in the same behaviors as on Linux (and no crashes)
  • [NSE] ssl-enum-ciphers will now warn about 64-bit block ciphers in CBC mode, which are vulnerable to the SWEET32 attack.
  • [NSE] tftp-enum now only brute-forces IP-address-based Cisco filenames when the wordlist contains "{cisco}". Previously, custom wordlists would still end up sending these extra 256 requests.
  • Avoid an unnecessary assert failure in timing.cc when printing estimated completion time. Instead, we'll output a diagnostic error message: Timing error: localtime(n) is NULL where "n" is some number that is causing problems.
  • [NSE] Removed the obsolete script ip-geolocation-geobytes.
  • [NSE] Completed a refresh and validation of almost all fingerprints for script http-default-accounts. Also improved the script speed.
  • Added support for decoys in IPv6. Earlier we supported decoys only in IPv4.
  • Allow Nmap to compile on some older Red Hat distros that disable EC crypto support in OpenSSL.
  • Nmap now supports OpenSSL 1.1.0-pre5 and previous versions.
  • [Ncat] Fix a crash ("add_fdinfo() failed.") when --exec was used with --ssl and --max-conns, due to improper accounting of file descriptors.
  • FTP Bounce scan: improved some edge cases like anonymous login without password, 500 errors used to indicate port closed, and timeouts for LIST command. Also fixed a 1-byte array overrun (read) when checking for privileged ports.
  • Allow target DNS names up to 254 bytes. We previously imposed an incorrect limit of 64 bytes in several parts of Nmap.
  • [NSE] The hard limit on number of concurrently running scripts can now increase above 1000 to match a high user-set --min-parallelism value.
  • [NSE] Solved a memory corruption issue that would happen if a socket connect operation produced an error immediately, such as Network Unreachable. The event handler was throwing a Lua error, preventing Nsock from cleaning up properly, leaking events.
  • [NSE] Added the datetime library for performing date and time calculations, and as a helper to the clock-skew script.
  • Made Nmap's parallel reverse DNS resolver more robust, fully handling truncated replies. If a response is too long, we now fall back to using the system resolver to answer it.
  • [Zenmap] Added a legend for the Topography window.

New in Nmap 7.12 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • [Zenmap] Avoid file corruption in zenmap.conf, reported as files containing many null ("\x00") characters. Example exceptions: TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list' ValueError: unable to parse colour specification
  • [NSE] VNC updates including vnc-brute support for TLS security type and negotiating a lower RFB version if the server sends an unknown higher version. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added STARTTLS support for VNC, NNTP, and LMTP [Daniel Miller]
  • Added new service probes and match lines for OpenVPN on UDP and TCP.

New in Nmap 7.11 (Mar 22, 2016)

  • [NSE][GH#341] Added support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-* SSH key exchange methods to ssh2.lua, allowing ssh-hostkey to run on servers that only support custom Diffie-Hellman groups. [Sergey Khegay]
  • [NSE] Added support in sslcert.lua for Microsoft SQL Server's TDS protocol, so you can now grab certs with ssl-cert or check ciphers with ssl-enum-ciphers. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash when setting default window geometry:
  • TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash when displaying the date from an Nmap XML file due to an empty or unknown locale:
  • File "zenmapCore/NmapParser.py", line 627, in get_formatted_date
  • locale.getpreferredencoding())
  • LookupError: unknown encoding:
  • [Zenmap] Fix a crash due to incorrect file paths when installing to /usr/local prefix. Example:
  • Exception: File '/home/blah/.zenmap/scan_profile.usp' does not exist or could not be found!

New in Nmap 7.10 (Mar 17, 2016)

  • [NSE] Added 12 NSE scripts from 7 authors, bringing the total up to 527! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below (authors are listed in brackets):
  • [GH#322] http-apache-server-status parses the server status page of Apache's mod_status. [Eric Gershman]
  • http-vuln-cve2013-6786 detects a XSS and URL redirection vulnerability in Allegro RomPager web server. Also added a fingerprint for detecting CVE-2014-4019 to http-fingerprints.lua. [Vlatko Kosturjak]
  • [GH#226] http-vuln-cve2014-3704 detects and exploits the "Drupalgeddon" pre-auth SQL Injection vulnerability in Drupal. [Mariusz Ziulek]
  • imap-ntlm-info extracts hostname and sometimes OS version from NTLM-auth-enabled IMAP services. [Justin Cacak]
  • ipv6-multicast-mld-list discovers IPv6 multicast listeners with MLD probes. The discovery is the same as targets-ipv6-multicast-mld, but the subscribed addresses are decoded and listed. [Alexandru Geana, Daniel Miller]
  • ms-sql-ntlm-info extracts OS version and sometimes hostname from MS SQL Server instances via the NTLM challenge message. [Justin Cacak]
  • nntp-ntlm-info extracts hostname and sometimes OS version from NTLM-auth-enabled NNTP services. [Justin Cacak]
  • pop3-ntlm-info extracts hostname and sometimes OS version from NTLM-auth-enabled POP3 services. [Justin Cacak]
  • rusers retrieves information about logged-on users from the rusersd RPC service. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#333] shodan-api queries the Shodan API (https://www.shodan.io) and retrieves open port and service info from their Internet-wide scan data. [Glenn Wilkinson]
  • smtp-ntlm-info extracts hostname and sometimes OS version from NTLM-auth-enabled SMTP and submission services. [Justin Cacak]
  • telnet-ntlm-info extracts hostname and sometimes OS version from NTLM-auth-enabled Telnet services. [Justin Cacak]
  • Integrated all of your IPv4 OS fingerprint submissions from October to January (536 of them). Added 104 fingerprints, bringing the new total to 5089. Additions include Linux 4.2, more Windows 10, IBM i 7, and more. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2016/q1/270 [Daniel Miller]
  • Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted from October to January (508 of them). The signature count went up 2.2% to 10532. We now detect 1108 protocols, from icy, finger, and rtsp to ipfs, basestation, and minecraft-pe. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2016/q1/271 [Daniel Miller]
  • Integrated all 12 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from October to January. The classifier added 3 new groups, including new and expanded groups for OS X, bringing the new total to 96. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2016/q1/273 [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Upgrade to http-form-brute allowing correct handling of token-based CSRF protections and cookies. Also, a simple database of common login forms supports Django, Wordpress, MediaWiki, Joomla, and others. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] [GH#247] Remember window geometry (position and size) from the previous time Zenmap was run. [isjing]
  • New service probe for CORBA GIOP (General Inter-ORB Protocol) detection should elicit a not-found exception from GIOP services that do not respond to non-GIOP probes. [Quentin Hardy]
  • [GH#284] Fix retrieval of route netmasks on FreeBSD. IPv6 routes were given /32 netmasks regardless of actual netmask configured, resulting in failed routing. Reported by Martin Gysi. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#272][GH#269] Give option parsing errors after the usage statement, or avoid printing the usage statement in some cases. The options summary has grown quite large, requiring users to scroll to the top to see the error message. [Abhishek Singh]
  • [GH#249][Nsock] Avoid a crash on Windows reported by users using Zenmap's Slow Comprehensive Scan profile. In the case of unknown OpenSSL errors, ERR_reason_error_string would return NULL, which could not be printed with the "%s" format string. Reported by Dan Baxter. [Gisle Vanem, Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#293][Zenmap] Fix a regression in our build that caused copy-and-paste to not work in Zenmap on Windows.
  • Changed Nmap's idea of reserved and private IP addresses to include 169.254/16 (RFC3927) and remove 6/8, 7/8, and 55/8 networks. This list, in libnetutil's isipprivate function, is used to filter -iR randomly generated targets. The newly-valid address ranges belong to the U.S. Department of Defense, so users wanting to avoid those ranges should use their own exclusion lists with --exclude or --exclude-file. [Bill Parker, Daniel Miller]
  • Allow the -4 option for Nmap to indicate IPv4 address family. This is the default, and using the option doesn't change anything, but does make it more explicit which address family you want to scan. Using -4 with -6 is an error. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#265] When provided a verbosity of 0 (-v0), Nmap will not output any text to the screen. This happens at the time of argument parsing, so the usual meaning of "verbosity 0" is preserved. [isjing]
  • [NSE][GH#314] Fix naming of SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 and SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 ciphers in sslv2 in order to match the draft specification from Mozilla. [Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet]
  • [NSE][GH#320] Add STARTTLS support to sslv2 to enable SSLv2 detection against services that are not TLS encrypted by default but that support post connection upgrade. This will enable more comprehensive detection of SSLv2 and DROWN (CVE-2016-0800) attack oracles. [Tom Sellers]
  • [NSE][GH#301] Added default credential checks for RICOH Web Image Monitor and BeEF to http-default-accounts. [nnposter]
  • Properly display Next-hop MTU value from ICMP Type 3 Code 4 Fragmentation Required messages when tracing packets or in Nping output. Improper offset meant we were printing the total IP length. [Sławomir Demeszko]
  • [NSE] Added support for DHCP options "TFTP server name" and "Bootfile name" to dhcp.lua and enabled checking for options with a code above 61 by default. [Mike Rykowski]
  • [NSE] whois-ip: Don't request a remote IANA assignments data file when the local filesystem will not permit the file to cached in a local file. [jah]
  • [NSE] Updated http-php-version hash database to cover all versions from PHP 4.1.0 to PHP 5.4.45. Based on scans of a few thousand PHP web servers pulled from Shodan API (https://www.shodan.io/) [Daniel Miller]
  • Use the same ScanProgressMeter for FTP bounce scan (-b) as for the other scan types, allowing periodic status updates with --stats-every or keypress events. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#274] Use a shorter pcap_select timeout on OpenBSD, just as we do for OS X, old FreeBSD, and Solaris, which use BPF for packet capture and do not have properly select-able fds. Fix by OpenBSD port maintainer [David Carlier]
  • Print service info in grepable output for ports which are not listed in nmap-services when a service tunnel (SSL) is detected. Previously, the service info ("ssl|unknown") was not printed unless the service inside the tunnel was positively identified. http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2015/q4/260 [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] [GH#242] Fix multiple false-positive sources in http-backup-agent. [Tom Sellers]

New in Nmap 7.01 (Dec 10, 2015)

  • Switch to using gtk-mac-bundler and jhbuild for building the OS X installer. This promises to reduce a lot of the problems we've had with local paths and dependencies using the py2app and macports build system.

New in Nmap 7.00 (Nov 19, 2015)

  • This is the most important release since Nmap 6.00 back in May 2012! For a list of the most significant improvements and new features, see the announcement at: https://nmap.org/7
  • [NSE] Added 6 NSE scripts from 6 authors, bringing the total up to 515! They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below (authors are listed in brackets):
  • targets-xml extracts target addresses from previous Nmap XML results files. [Daniel Miller]
  • [GH#232] ssl-dh-params checks for problems with weak, non-safe, and export-grade Diffie-Hellman parameters in TLS handshakes. This includes the LOGJAM vulnerability (CVE-2015-4000). [Jacob Gajek]
  • nje-node-brute does brute-forcing of z/OS JES Network Job Entry node names. [Soldier of Fortran]
  • ip-https-discover detectings support for Microsoft's IP over HTTPS tunneling protocol. [Niklaus Schiess]
  • [GH#165] broadcast-sonicwall-discover detects and extracts information from SonicWall firewalls. [Raphael Hoegger]
  • [GH#38] http-vuln-cve2014-8877 checks for and optionally exploits a vulnerability in CM Download Manager plugin for Wordpress. [Mariusz Ziulek]
  • [Ncat] [GH#151] [GH#142] New option --no-shutdown prevents Ncat from shutting down when it reads EOF on stdin. This is the same as traditional netcat's "-d" option. [Adam Saponara]
  • [NSE] [GH#229] Improve parsing in http.lua for multiple Set-Cookie headers in a single response. [nnposter]

New in Nmap 6.47 (Aug 23, 2014)

  • Integrated all of your IPv4 OS fingerprint submissions since June 2013 (2700+ of them). Added 366 fingerprints, bringing the new total to 4485. Additions include Linux 3.10 - 3.14, iOS 7, OpenBSD 5.4 - 5.5, FreeBSD 9.2, OS X 10.9, Android 4.3, and more. Many existing fingerprints were improved. Highlights: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2014/q3/325 [Daniel Miller]
  • (Windows, RPMs) Upgraded the included OpenSSL to version 1.0.1i. [Daniel Miller]
  • (Windows) Upgraded the included Python to version 2.7.8. [Daniel Miller]
  • Removed the External Entity Declaration from the DOCTYPE in Nmap's XML. This was added in 6.45, and resulted in trouble for Nmap XML parsers without network access, as well as increased traffic to Nmap's servers.
  • [Ndiff] Fixed the installation process on Windows, which was missing the actual Ndiff Python module since we separated it from the driver script. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Ndiff] Fixed the ndiff.bat wrapper in the zipfile Windows distribution, which was giving the error, "\Microsoft was unexpected at this time." See https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2524009 [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed the Zenmap .dmg installer for OS X. Zenmap failed to launch, producing this error: Could not import the zenmapGUI.App module: 'dlopen(/Applications/Zenmap.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/glib/_glib.so, 2): Library not loaded: /Users/david/macports-10.5/lib/libffi.5.dylib\n Referenced from: /Applications/Zenmap.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/glib/_glib.so\n Reason: image not found'.
  • [Ncat] Fixed SOCKS5 username/password authentication. The password length was being written in the wrong place, so authentication could not succeed. Reported with patch by Pierluigi Vittori.
  • Avoid formatting NULL as "%s" when running nmap --iflist. GNU libc converts this to the string "(null)", but it caused segfault on Solaris. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap][Ndiff] Avoid crashing when users have the antiquated PyXML package installed. Python tries to be nice and loads it when we import xml, but it isn't compatible. Instead, we force Python to use the standard library xml module. [Daniel Miller]
  • Handle ICMP admin-prohibited messages when doing service version detection. Crash reported by Nathan Stocks was: Unexpected error in NSE_TYPE_READ callback. Error code: 101 (Network is unreachable) [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Fix a bug causing http.head to not honor redirects. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • [Zenmap] Fix a bug in DiffViewer causing this crash: TypeError: GtkTextBuffer.set_text() argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not NmapParserSAX Crash happened when trying to compare two scans within Zenmap. [Daniel Miller]

New in Nmap 6.45 (Apr 12, 2014)

  • [NSE] Add ssl-heartbleed script to detect the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 [Patrik Karlsson] [NSE] Fixed an error-handling bug in socks-open-proxy that caused it to fail when scanning a SOCKS4-only proxy. Reported on IRC by Husky. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Improved ntp-info script to handle underscores in returned data. [nnposter]
  • [NSE] Add quake1-info script for retrieving server and player information from Quake 1 game servers. Reports potential DoS amplification factor. [Ulrik Haugen]
  • [NSE] Add unicode library for decoding and encoding UTF-8, UTF-16, CP437 and other character sets to Unicode code points. Scripts that previously just added or skipped nulls in UTF-16 data can use this to support non-ASCII characters. [Daniel Miller]
  • When doing a ping scan (-sn), the --open option will prevent down hosts from being shown when -v is specified. This aligns with similar output for other scan types. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Ncat] Added support for socks5 and corresponding regression tests. [Marek Lucaszuk, Petr Stodulka]
  • [NSE] Add http-ntlm-info script for getting server information from Web servers that require NTLM authentication. [Justin Cacak]
  • Added TCP support to dns.lua. [John Bond]
  • Added safe fd_set operations. This makes nmap fail gracefully instead of crashing when the number of file descriptors grows over FD_SETSIZE. Jacek Wielemborek reported the crash. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] Added tls library for functions related to SSLv3 and TLS messages. Existing ssl-enum-ciphers, ssl-date, and tls-nextprotoneg scripts were updated to use this library. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Add sstp-discover script to discover Microsoft's Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc247338.aspx) [Niklaus Schiess]
  • [NSE] Added unittest library and NSE script for adding unit tests to NSE libraries. See unittest.lua for examples, and run `nmap --script=unittest --script-args=unittest.run -d` to run the tests. [Daniel Miller]
  • Updated bundled liblua from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 (bugfix release) [Daniel Miller]
  • Added version detection signatures and probes for a bunch of Android remote mouse/keyboard servers, including AndroMouse, AirHID, Wifi-mouse, and RemoteMouse. [Paul Hemberger]
  • [NSE] Added allseeingeye-info for gathering information from games using this query protocol. A version detection probe was also added. [Marin Maržić]
  • [NSE] Add freelancer-info to gather information about the Freelancer game server. Also added a related version detection probe and UDP protocol payload for detecting the service. [Marin Maržić]
  • [Ncat] Fixed compilation when --without-liblua is specified in configure (an #include needed an ifdef guard). [Quentin Glidic]
  • [NSE] Add http-server-header script to grab the Server header as a last-ditch effort to get a software version. This can't be done as a softmatch because of the need to match non-HTTP services that obey some HTTP requests. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Add rfc868-time script to get the date and time from an RFC 868 Time server. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Add weblogic-t3-info script that detects the T3 RMI protocol used by Oracle/BEA Weblogic. Extracts the Weblogic version, as well [Alessandro Zanni, Daniel Miller]
  • Fixed a bug in libdnet with handling interfaces with AF_LINK addresses on FreeBSD >9 reported by idwer on IRC. Likely affected other *BSDs. Handled by skipping these non-network addresses. [Daniel Miller]
  • Fixed a bug with UDP checksum calculation. When the UDP checksum is zero (0x0000), it must be transmitted as 1's-complement -0 (0xffff) to avoid ambiguity with +0, which indicates no checksum was calculated. This affected UDP on IPv4 only. Reported by Michael Weber. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Removed a fixed value (28428) which was being set for the Request ID in the snmpWalk library function; a value based on nmap.clock_ms will now be set instead. [jah]
  • [NSE] Add http-iis-short-name-brute script that detects Microsoft IIS servers vulnerable to a file/folder name disclosure and a denial of service vulnerability. The script obtains the "shortnames" of the files and folders in the webroot folder. [Paulino Calderon]
  • Idle scan now supports IPv6. IPv6 packets don't usually come with fragments identifiers like IPv4 packets do, so new techniques had to be developed to make idle scan possible. The implementation is by Mathias Morbitzer, who made it the subject of his master's thesis.
  • [NSE] Add http-dlink-backdoor script that detects DLink routers with firmware backdoor allowing admin access over HTTP interface. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • The ICMP ID of ICMP probes is now matched against the sent ICMP ID, to reduce the chance of false matches. Patch by Chris Johnson.
  • [NSE] Made telnet-brute support multiple parallel guessing threads, reuse connections, and support password-only logins. [nnposter]
  • [NSE] Made the table returned by ssh1.fetch_host_key contain a "key" element, like that of ssh2.fetch_host_key. This fixed a crash in the ssh-hostkey script reported by Dan Farmer and Florian Pelgrim. The "key" element of ssh2.fetch_host_key now is base64-encoded, to match the format used by the known_hosts file. [David Fifield]
  • [Nsock] Handle timers and timeouts via a priority queue (using a heap) for improved performance. Nsock now only iterates over events which are completed or expired instead of inspecting the entire event set at each iteration. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] Update dns-cache-snoop script to use a new list of top 50 domains rather than a 2010 list. [Nicolle Neulist]
  • [NSE] Added the qconn-exec script by Brendan Coles, which tests the QNX QCONN service for remote command execution.
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a crash that would happen when you entered a search term starting with a colon: "AttributeError: 'FilteredNetworkInventory' object has no attribute 'match_'". Reported by Kris Paernell. [David Fifield]
  • [Ncat] Added NCAT_PROTO, NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR, NCAT_REMOTE_PORT, NCAT_LOCAL_ADDR and NCAT_LOCAL_PORT environment variables being set in all --*-exec child processes.

New in Nmap 6.40 (Jul 29, 2013)

  • [Ncat] Added NCAT_PROTO, NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR, NCAT_REMOTE_PORT, NCAT_LOCAL_ADDR and NCAT_LOCAL_PORT environment variables being set in all --*-exec child processes.
  • [Nping] Nping now checks for a matching ICMP ID on echo replies, to avoid receiving crosstalk from other ping programs running at the same time. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Added http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301.nse. It exploits an authentication bypass vulnerability in Adobe Coldfusion servers. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] The ipOps.isPrivate library now considers the deprecated site-local prefix fec0::/10 to be private. [Marek Majkowski]
  • [Ncat] Added --lua-exec. This feature is basically an equivalent of ncat --sh-exec "lua " and allows you to run Lua scripts with Ncat, redirecting all stdin and stdout operations to the socket connection. [Jacek Wielemborek]
  • [NSE] Oops, there was a vulnerability in one of our 437 NSE scripts. If you ran the (fortunately non-default) http-domino-enum-passwords script with the (fortunately also non-default) domino-enum-passwords.idpath parameter against a malicious server, it could cause an arbitrarily named file to to be written to the client system. Thanks to Trustwave researcher Piotr Duszynski for discovering and reporting the problem. We've fixed that script, and also updated several other scripts to use a new stdnse.filename_escape function for extra safety. This breaks our record of never having a vulnerability in the 16 years that Nmap has existed, but that's still a fairly good run. [David, Fyodor]
  • [NSE] Added teamspeak2-version.nse by Marin Maržić.
  • Nmap's routing table is now sorted first by netmask, then by metric. Previously it was the other way around, which could cause a very general route with a low metric to be preferred over a specific route with a higher metric.
  • [Ncat] The -i option (idle timeout) now works in listen mode as well as connect mode. [Tomas Hozza]
  • Fixed a byte-ordering problem on little-endian architectures when doing idle scan with a zombie that uses broken ID incremements. [David Fifield]
  • [Ncat] Ncat now support chained certificates with the --ssl-cert option. [Greg Bailey]
  • Stop parsing TCP options after reaching EOL in libnetutil. Bug reported by Gustavo Moreira. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] The dns-ip6-arpa-scan script now optionally accepts "/" syntax for a network mask. Based on a patch by Indula Nayanamith.
  • [Ncat] Reduced the default --max-conns limit from 100 to 60 on Windows, to stay within platform limitations. Suggested by Andrey Olkhin.
  • Fixed IPv6 routing table alignment on NetBSD.
  • [NSE] Added http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal by Alexey Meshcheryakov.
  • Added a service probe for Erlang distribution nodes. [Michael Schierl]
  • Updated libdnet to not SIOCIFNETMASK before SIOCIFADDR on OpenBSD. This was reported to break on -current as of May 2013. [Giovanni Bechis]
  • Fixed address matching for SCTP (-PY) ping. [Marin Maržić]
  • Removed some non-ANSI-C strftime format strings ("%F") and locale-dependent formats ("%c") from NSE scripts and libraries. C99-specified %F was noticed by Alex Weber. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Added Polish translation by Jacek Wielemborek.
  • [NSE] Added http-coldfusion-subzero. It detects Coldfusion 9 and 10 vulnerable to a local file inclusion vulnerability and grabs the version, install path and the administrator credentials. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [Nsock] Added a minimal regression test suite for nsock. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] Updated redis-brute.nse and redis-info.nse to work against the latest versions of redis server. [Henri Doreau]
  • [Ncat] Fixed errors in conneting to IPv6 proxies. [Joachim Henke]
  • Added a service probe for Minecraft servers. [Eric Davisson]
  • [NSE] Updated hostmap-bfk to work with the latest version of their website. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] Added XML structured output support to hostmap-bfk, hostmap-robtex, and hostmap-ip2hosts. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] Added hostmap-ip2hosts. It uses the service provider ip2hosts.com to list domain names pointing to the same IP address. [Paulino Calderon]
  • [NSE] Added http-vuln-cve2013-0156. It detects Ruby on Rails servers vulnerable to remote command execution (CVE-2013-0156). [Paulino Calderon]
  • Added a service probe for the Hazelcast data grid. [Pavel Kankovsky]
  • [NSE] Rewrote telnet-brute for better compatibility with a variety of telnet servers. [nnposter]
  • [Nsock] Added initial proxy support to nsock. Nsock based modules (version scan, nse) of nmap can now establish TCP connections through chains of proxies. HTTP CONNECT and SOCKS4 protocols are supported, with some limitations. [Henri Doreau]
  • Fixed a regression that changed the number of delimiters in machine output. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Updated the Italian translation. [Giacomo]
  • Handle ICMP type 11 (Time Exceeded) responses to port scan probes. Ports will be reported as "filtered", to be consistent with existing Connect scan results, and will have a reason of time-exceeded. DiabloHorn reported this issue via IRC. [Daniel Miller]
  • Add new decoders (BROWSER, DHCP6 and LLMNR) to broadcast-listener and changed output of some of the decoders slightly. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • Timeout script-args are now standardized to use the timespec that Nmap's command-line arguments take (5s, 5000ms, 1h, etc.). Some scripts that previously took an integer number of milliseconds will now treat that as a number of seconds if not explicitly denoted as ms. [Daniel Miller]
  • The list of nameservers on Windows now ignores nameservers from inactive interfaces. [David Fifield]
  • Namespace the pipes used to communicate with subprocesses by PID, to avoid multiple instances of Ncat from interfering with each other. Patch by Andrey Olkhin.
  • Nmap may now partially rearrange its target list for more efficient host groups. Previously, a single target with a different interface, or with an IP address the same as a that of a target already in the group, would cause the group to be broken off at whatever size it was. Now, we buffer a small number of such targets, and keep looking through the input for more targets to fill out the current group. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Changed ip-geolocation-geoplugin to use the web service's new output format. Reported by Robin Wood.
  • Limited the number of open sockets in ultra_scan to FD_SETSIZE. Very fast connect scans could write past the end of an fd_set and cause a variety of crashes: nmap: scan_engine.cc:978: bool ConnectScanInfo::clearSD(int): Assertion `numSDs > 0' failed. select failed in do_one_select_round(): Bad file descriptor (9) [David Fifield]
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Nmap from finding any interfaces when one of them had the type ARP_HDR_APPLETALK; this was the case for AppleTalk interfaces. However, This support is not complete since AppleTalk interfaces use different size hardware addresses than Ethernet. Nmap IP level scans should work without any problem, please refer to the '--send-ip' switch and to the following thread: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2013/q1/214 This bug was reported by Steven Gregory Johnson. [Daniel Miller]
  • [Nping] Nping now skips localhost targets for privileged pings (with an error message) because those generally don't work. [David Fifield]
  • [Ncat] Ncat now keeps running in connect mode after receiving EOF from the remote socket, unless --recv-only is in effect. [Tomas Hozza]
  • Routes are now sorted to prefer those with a lower metric. Retrieval of metrics is supported only on Linux and Windows. [David Fifield]
  • Packet trace of ICMP packets now include the ICMP ID and sequence number by default. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Added ike-version and a new ike library by Jesper Kückelhahn. Thanks also go to Roy Hills, who allowed the use of the signature database from the ike-scan tool.
  • [NSE] Fixed various NSEDoc bugs found by David Matousek.
  • [Zenmap] Zenmap now understands the NMAP_PRIVILEGED and NMAP_UNPRIVILEGED environment variables. [Tyler Wagner]
  • It's now possible to mix IPv4 range notation with CIDR netmasks in target specifications. For example, 192.168-170.4-100,200.5/16 is effectively the same as 192.168.168-170.0-255.0-255. [David Fifield]
  • Added nmap-fo.xsl, contributed by Tilik Ammon. This converts Nmap XML into XSL-FO, which can be converted into PDF using Apache FOP.
  • Increased the number of slack file descriptors not used during connect scan. Previously, the calculation did not consider the descriptors used by various open log files. Connect scans using a lot of sockets could fail with the message "Socket creation in sendConnectScanProbe: Too many open files". [David Fifield]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed internationalization files. Running in a language other than the default English would result in the error "ValueError: too many values to unpack". [David Fifield]
  • Changed the --webxml XSL stylesheet to point to the new location of nmap.xsl in the new respository, https://svn.nmap.org/nmap/docs/nmap.xsl This was noticed by Simon John.
  • [NSE] Made the vulnerability library able to preserve vulnerability information across multiple ports of the same host. The bug was reported by iphelix. [Djalal Harouni]
  • [NSE] Added ventrilo-info by Marin Maržić. This gets information from a Ventrilo VoIP server.
  • Removed the undocumented -q option, which renamed the nmap process to something like "pine".
  • Moved the Japanese man page from man1/jp to man1/ja. jp is a country code while ja is a language code. Reported by Christian Neukirchen.
  • [NSE] Added mysql-enum script which enumerates valid mysql server usernames [Aleksandar Nikolic]
  • [Nsock] Reworked the logging infrastructure to make it more flexible and consistent. Updated nmap, nping and ncat accordingly. Nsock log level can now be adjusted at runtime by pressing d/D in nmap. [Henri Doreau, David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Fixed scripts using unconnected UDP sockets. The bug was reported by Dhiru Kholia. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Added structured output to http-git.nse. [Alex Weber]
  • [NSE] Added murmur-version by Marin Maržić. This gets the server version and other information for Murmur, the server for the Mumble VoIP system.
  • Added a corresponding UDP payload for Murmur. [Marin Maržić]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a crash that could be caused by opening the About dialog, using the window manager to close it, and opening it again. This was reported by Yashartha Chaturvedi and Jordan Schroeder. [David Fifield]
  • [Ncat] Made test-addrset.sh exit with nonzero status if any tests fail. This in turn causes "make check" to fail if any tests fail. [Andreas Stieger]
  • Fixed compilation with --without-liblua. The bug was reported by Rick Farina, Nikos Chantziaras, and Alex Turbov. [David Fifield]
  • Fixed CRC32c calculation (as used in SCTP scans) on 64-bit platforms. [Pontus Andersson]
  • [NSE] Added multicast group name output to broadcast-igmp-discovery.nse. [Vasily Kulikov]
  • [NSE] Added new fingerprints for http-enum: Sitecore, Moodle, typo3, SquirrelMail, RoundCube. [Jesper Kückelhahn]

New in Nmap 6.25 (Nov 30, 2012)

  • [NSE] Added CPE to smb-os-discovery output.
  • [Ncat] Fixed the printing of warning messages for large arguments to the -i and -w options. [Michal Hlavinka]
  • [Ncat] Shut down the write part of connected sockets in listen mode when stdin hits EOF, just as was already done in connect mode. [Michal Hlavinka]
  • [Zenmap] Removed a crashing error that could happen when canceling a "Print to File" on Windows: Traceback (most recent call last): File "zenmapGUI\MainWindow.pyo", line 831, in _print_cb File "zenmapGUI\Print.pyo", line 156, in run_print_operation GError: Error from StartDoc This bug was reported by Imre Adácsi. [David Fifield]
  • [NSE] Added new fingerprints for http-enum: Sitecore, Moodle, typo3, SquirrelMail, RoundCube. [Jesper Kückelhahn]
  • Added some new checks for failed library calls. [Bill Parker]

New in Nmap 5.59 Beta 1 (Jul 11, 2011)

  • [NSE] Added 40 scripts, bringing the total to 217! You can learn more about any of them at http://nmap.org/nsedoc/. Here are the new ones (authors listed in brackets):
  • afp-ls: Lists files and their attributes from Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) volumes. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • backorifice-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against the BackOrifice remote administration (trojan) service. [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • backorifice-info: Connects to a BackOrifice service and gathers information about the host and the BackOrifice service itself. [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • broadcast-avahi-dos: Attempts to discover hosts in the local network using the DNS Service Discovery protocol, then tests whether each host is vulnerable to the Avahi NULL UDP packet denial of service bug (CVE-2011-1002). [Djalal Harouni]
  • broadcast-netbios-master-browser: Attempts to discover master browsers and the Windows domains they manage. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • broadcast-novell-locate: Attempts to use the Service Location Protocol to discover Novell NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) servers. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • creds-summary: Lists all discovered credentials (e.g. from brute force and default password checking scripts) at end of scan. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • dns-brute: Attempts to enumerate DNS hostnames by brute force guessing of common subdomains. [Cirrus]
  • dns-nsec-enum: Attempts to discover target hosts' services using the DNS Service Discovery protocol. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • dpap-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against an iPhoto Library. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • epmd-info: Connects to Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (epmd) and retrieves a list of nodes with their respective port numbers. [Toni Ruottu]
  • http-affiliate-id: Grabs affiliate network IDs (e.g. Google AdSense or Analytics, Amazon Associates, etc.) from a web page. These can be used to identify pages with the same owner. [Hani Benhabiles, Daniel Miller]
  • http-barracuda-dir-traversal: Attempts to retrieve the configuration settings from a Barracuda Networks Spam & Virus Firewall device using the directory traversal vulnerability described at http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Oct/119. [Brendan Coles]
  • http-cakephp-version: Obtains the CakePHP version of a web application built with the CakePHP framework by fingerprinting default files shipped with the CakePHP framework. [Paulino Calderon]
  • http-majordomo2-dir-traversal: Exploits a directory traversal vulnerability existing in the Majordomo2 mailing list manager to retrieve remote files. (CVE-2011-0049). [Paulino Calderon]
  • http-wp-plugins: Tries to obtain a list of installed WordPress plugins by brute force testing for known plugins. [Ange Gutek]
  • ip-geolocation-geobytes: Tries to identify the physical location of an IP address using the Geobytes geolocation web service (http://www.geobytes.com/iplocator.htm). [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • ip-geolocation-geoplugin: Tries to identify the physical location of an IP address using the Geoplugin geolocation web service (http://www.geoplugin.com/). [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • ip-geolocation-ipinfodb: Tries to identify the physical location of an IP address using the IPInfoDB geolocation web service (http://ipinfodb.com/ip_location_api.php). [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • ip-geolocation-maxmind: Tries to identify the physical location of an IP address using a Geolocation Maxmind database file (available from http://www.maxmind.com/app/ip-location). [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • ldap-novell-getpass: Attempts to retrieve the Novell Universal Password for a user. You must already have (and include in script arguments) the username and password for an eDirectory server administrative account. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • mac-geolocation: Looks up geolocation information for BSSID (MAC) addresses of WiFi access points in the Google geolocation database. [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • mysql-audit: Audit MySQL database server security configuration against parts of the CIS MySQL v1.0.2 benchmark (the engine can also be used for other MySQL audits by creating appropriate audit files). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • ncp-enum-users: Retrieves a list of all eDirectory users from the Novell NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) service. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • ncp-serverinfo: Retrieves eDirectory server information (OS version, server name, mounts, etc.) from the Novell NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) service. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • nping-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against an Nping Echo service. [Toni Ruottu]
  • omp2-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against the OpenVAS manager using OMPv2. [Henri Doreau]
  • omp2-enum-targets: Attempts to retrieve the list of target systems and networks from an OpenVAS Manager server. [Henri Doreau]
  • ovs-agent-version: Detects the version of an Oracle OVSAgentServer by fingerprinting responses to an HTTP GET request and an XML-RPC method call. [David Fifield]
  • quake3-master-getservers: Queries Quake3-style master servers for game servers (many games other than Quake 3 use this same protocol). [Toni Ruottu]
  • servicetags: Attempts to extract system information (OS, hardware, etc.) from the Sun Service Tags service agent (UDP port 6481). [Matthew Flanagan]
  • sip-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against Session Initiation Protocol (SIP - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Initiation_Protocol) accounts. This protocol is most commonly associated with VoIP sessions. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • sip-enum-users: Attempts to enumerate valid SIP user accounts. Currently only the SIP server Asterisk is supported. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • smb-mbenum: Queries information managed by the Windows Master Browser. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344: Checks for and/or exploits a heap overflow within versions of Exim prior to version 4.69 (CVE-2010-4344) and a privilege escalation vulnerability in Exim 4.72 and prior (CVE-2010-4345). [Djalal Harouni]
  • smtp-vuln-cve2011-1720: Checks for a memory corruption in the Postfix SMTP server when it uses Cyrus SASL library authentication mechanisms (CVE-2011-1720). This vulnerability can allow denial of service and possibly remote code execution. [Djalal Harouni]
  • snmp-ios-config: Attempts to downloads Cisco router IOS configuration files using SNMP RW (v1) and display or save them. [Vikas Singhal, Patrik Karlsson]
  • ssl-known-key: Checks whether the SSL certificate used by a host has a fingerprint that matches an included database of problematic keys. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • targets-sniffer: Sniffs the local network for a configurable amount of time (10 seconds by default) and prints discovered addresses. If the newtargets script argument is set, discovered addresses are added to the scan queue. [Nick Nikolaou]
  • xmpp: Connects to an XMPP server (port 5222) and collects server information such as supported auth mechanisms, compression methods and whether TLS is supported and mandatory. [Vasiliy Kulikov]
  • Nmap has long supported IPv6 for basic (connect) port scans, basic host discovery, version detection, Nmap Scripting Engine. This release dramatically expands and improves IPv6 support:
  • IPv6 raw packet scans (including SYN scan, UDP scan, ACK scan, etc.) are now supported. [David, Weilin]
  • IPv6 raw packet host discovery (IPv6 echo requests, TCP/UDP discovery packets, etc.) is now supported. [David, Weilin]
  • IPv6 traceroute is now supported [David]
  • IPv6 protocol scan (-sO) is now supported, including creating realistic headers for many protocols. [David]
  • IPv6 support to the wsdd, dnssd and upnp NSE libraries. [Daniel Miller, Patrik]
  • The --exclude and --excludefile now support IPV6 addresses with netmasks. [Colin]
  • Scanme.Nmap.Org (the system anyone is allowed to scan for testing purposes) is now dual-stacked (has an IPv6 address as well as IPv4) so you can scan it during IPv6 testing. We also added a DNS record for ScanmeV6.nmap.org which is IPv6-only. See http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2011/q2/428. [Fyodor]
  • The Nmap.Org website as well as sister sites Insecure.Org, SecLists.Org, and SecTools.Org all have working IPv6 addresses now (dual stacked). [Fyodor]
  • Nmap now determines the filesystem location it is being run from and that path is now included early in the search path for data files (such as nmap-services). This reduces the likelihood of needing to specify --datadir or getting data files from a different version of Nmap installed on the system. For full details, see http://nmap.org/book/data-files-replacing-data-files.html. Thanks to Solar Designer for implementation advice. [David]
  • Created a page on our SecWiki for collecting Nmap script ideas! If you have a good idea, post it to the incoming section of the page. Or if you're in a script writing mood but don't know what to write, come here for inspiration: https://secwiki.org/w/Nmap_Script_Ideas.
  • The development pace has greatly increased because Google (again) sponsored a 7 full-time college and graduate student programmer interns this summer as part of their Summer of Code program! Thanks, Google Open Source Department! We're delighted to introduce the team: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2011/q2/312
  • [NSE] Added 7 new protocol libraries, bringing the total to 66. You can read about them all at http://nmap.org/nsedoc/. Here are the new ones (authors listed in brackets):
  • creds: Handles storage and retrieval of discovered credentials (such as passwords discovered by brute force scripts). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • ncp: A tiny implementation of Novell Netware Core Protocol (NCP). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • omp2: OpenVAS Management Protocol (OMP) version 2 support. [Henri Doreau]
  • sip: Supports a limited subset of SIP commands and methods. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • smtp: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) operations. [Djalal Harouni]
  • srvloc: A relatively small implementation of the Service Location Protocol. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • tftp: Implements a minimal TFTP server. It is used in snmp-ios-config to obtain router config files.[Patrik Karlsson]
  • Improved Nmap's service/version detection database by adding:
  • Apple iPhoto (DPAP) protocol probe [Patrik]
  • Zend Java Bridge probe [Michael Schierl]
  • BackOrifice probe [Gorjan Petrovski]
  • GKrellM probe [Toni Ruotto]
  • Signature improvements for a wide variety of services (we now have 7,375 signatures)
  • [NSE] ssh-hostkey now additionally has a postrule that prints hosts found during the scan which share the same hostkey. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] Added 300+ new signatures to http-enum which look for admin directories, JBoss, Tomcat, TikiWiki, Majordomo2, MS SQL, Wordpress, and more. [Paulino]
  • Made the final IP address space assignment update as all available IPv4 address blocks have now been allocated to the regional registries. Our random IP generation (-iR) logic now only excludes the various reserved blocks. Thanks to Kris for years of regular updates to this function!
  • [NSE] Replaced http-trace with a new more effective version. [Paulino]
  • Performed some output cleanup work to remove unimportant status lines so that it is easier to find the good stuff! [David]
  • [Zenmap] now properly kills Nmap scan subprocess when you cancel a scan or quit Zenmap on Windows. [Shinnok]
  • [NSE] Banned scripts from being in both the "default" and "intrusive" categories. We did this by removing dhcp-discover and dns-zone-transfer from the set of scripts run by default (leaving them "intrusive"), and reclassifying dns-recursion, ftp-bounce, http-open-proxy, and socks-open-proxy as "safe" rather than "intrusive" (keeping them in the "default" set).
  • [NSE] Added a credential storage library (creds.lua) and modified the brute library and scripts to make use of it. [Patrik]
  • [Ncat] Created a portable version of ncat.exe that you can just drop onto Microsoft Windows systems without having to run any installer or copy over extra library files. See the Ncat page (http://nmap.org/ncat/) for binary downloads and a link to build instructions. [Shinnok]
  • Fix a segmentation fault which could occur when running Nmap on various Android-based phones. The problem related to NULL being passed to freeaddrinfo(). [David, Vlatko Kosturjak]
  • [NSE] The host.bin_ip and host.bin_ip_src entries now also work with 16-byte IPv6 addresses. [David]
  • [Ncat] Updated the ca-bundle.crt list of trusted certificate authority certificates. [David]
  • [NSE] Fixed a bug in the SMB Authentication library which could prevent concurrently running scripts with valid credentials from logging in. [Chris Woodbury]
  • [NSE] Re-worked http-form-brute.nse to better autodetect form fields, allow brute force attempts where only the password (no username) is needed, follow HTTP redirects, and better detect incorrect login attempts. [Patrik, Daniel Miller]
  • [Zenmap] Changed the "slow comprehensive scan" profile's NSE script selection from "all" to "default or (discovery and safe)" categories. Except for testing and debugging, "--script all" is rarely desirable.
  • [NSE] Added the stdnse.silent_require method which is used for library requires that you know might fail (e.g. "openssl" fails if Nmap was compiled without that library). If these libraries are called with silent_require and fail to load, the script will cease running but the user won't be presented with ugly failure messages as would happen with a normal require. [Patrick Donnelly]
  • [Ncat] ncat now listens on both localhost and ::1 when you run ncat -l. It works as before if you specify -4 or -6 or a specific address. [Colin Rice]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a bug in topology mapper which caused endpoints behind firewalls to sometimes show up in the wrong place (see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2011/q2/733). [Colin Rice]
  • [Zenmap] If you scan a system twice, any open ports from the first scan which are closed in the 2nd will be properly marked as closed. [Colin Rice].
  • [Zenmap] Fixed an error that could cause a crash ("TypeError: an integer is required") if a sort column in the ports table was unset. [David]
  • [Ndiff] Added nmaprun element information (Nmap version, scan date, etc.) to the diff. Also, the Nmap banner with version number and data is now only printed if there were other differences in the scan. [Daniel Miller, David, Dr. Jesus]
  • [NSE] Added nmap.get_interface and nmap.get_interface_info functions so scripts can access characteristics of the scanning interface. Removed nmap.get_interface_link. [Djalal]
  • Fixed an overflow in scan elapsed time display that caused negative times to be printed after about 25 days. [Daniel Miller]
  • Updated nmap-rpc from the master list, now maintained by IANA. [Daniel Miller, David]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a bug in the option parser: -sN (null scan) was interpreted as -sn (no port scan). This was reported by Shitaneddine. [David]
  • [Ndiff] Fixed the Mac OS X packages to use the correct path for Python: /usr/bin/python instead of /opt/local/bin/python. The bug was reported by Wellington Castello. [David]
  • Removed the -sR (RPC scan) option--it is now an alias for -sV (version scan), which always does RPC scan when an rpcinfo service is detected.
  • [NSE] Improved the ms-sql scripts and library in several ways:
  • Improved version detection and server discovery
  • Added support for named pipes, integrated authentication, and connecting to instances by name or port
  • Improved script and library stability and documentation.
  • [Patrik Karlsson, Chris Woodbury]
  • [NSE] Fixed http.validate_options when handling a cookie table. [Sebastian Prengel]
  • Added a Service Tags UDP probe for port 6481/udp. [David]
  • [NSE] Enabled firewalk.nse to automatically find the gateways at which probes are dropped and fixed various bugs. [Henri Doreau]
  • [Zenmap] Worked around a pycairo bug that prevented saving the topology graphic as PNG on Windows: "Error Saving Snapshot: Surface.write_to_png takes one argument which must be a filename (str), file object, or a file-like object which has a 'write' method (like StringIO)". The problem was reported by Alex Kah. [David]
  • The -V and --version options now show the platform Nmap was compiled on, which features are compiled in, the version numbers of libraries it is linked against, and whether the libraries are the ones that come with Nmap or the operating system. [Ambarisha B., David]
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in nmap-os-db reported by Xavier Sudre from netVigilance.
  • The Nmap Win32 uninstaller now properly deletes nping.exe. [Fyodor]
  • [NSE] Added a shortport.ssl function which can be used as a script portrule to match SSL services. It is similar in concept to our existing shortport.http. [David]
  • Set up the RPM build to use the compat-glibc and compat-gcc-34-c++ packages (on CentOS 5.3) to resolve a report of Nmap failing to run on old versions of Glibc. [David]
  • We no longer support Nmap on versions of Windows earlier than XP SP2. Even Microsoft no longer supports Windows versions that old. But if you must use Nmap on such systems anyway, please see https://secwiki.org/w/Nmap_On_Old_Windows_Releases.
  • There were hundreds of other little bug fixes and improvements (especially to NSE scripts). See the SVN logs for revisions 22,274 through 24,460 for details.

New in Nmap 5.50 (Feb 2, 2011)

  • [Zenmap] Added a new script selection interface, allowing you to choose scripts and arguments from a list which includes descriptions of every available script. Just click the "Scripting" tab in the profile editor. [Kirubakaran]
  • [Nping] Added echo mode, a novel technique for discovering how your packets are changed (or dropped) in transit between the host they originated and a target machine. It can detect network address translation, packet filtering, routing anomalies, and more. You can try it out against our public Nping echo server using this command: nping --echo-client "public" echo.nmap.org' Or learn more about echo mode at http://nmap.org/book/nping-man-echo-mode.html. [Luis]
  • [NSE] Added an amazing 46 scripts, bringing the total to 177! You can learn more about any of them at http://nmap.org/nsedoc/. Here are the new ones (authors listed in brackets):
  • broadcast-dns-service-discovery: Attempts to discover hosts' services using the DNS Service Discovery protocol. It sends a multicast DNS-SD query and collects all the responses. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • broadcast-dropbox-listener: Listens for the LAN sync information broadcasts that the Dropbox.com client broadcasts every 20 seconds, then prints all the discovered client IP addresses, port numbers, version numbers, display names, and more. [Ron Bowes, Mak Kolybabi, Andrew Orr, Russ Tait Milne]
  • broadcast-ms-sql-discover: Discovers Microsoft SQL servers in the same broadcast domain. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • broadcast-upnp-info: Attempts to extract system information from the UPnP service by sending a multicast query, then collecting, parsing, and displaying all responses. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • broadcast-wsdd-discover: Uses a multicast query to discover devices supporting the Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery) protocol. It also attempts to locate any published Windows Communication Framework (WCF) web services (.NET 4.0 or later). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • db2-discover: Attempts to discover DB2 servers on the network by querying open ibm-db2 UDP ports (normally port 523). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • dns-update.nse: Attempts to perform an unauthenticated dynamic DNS update. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • domcon-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against the Lotus Domino Console. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • domcon-cmd: Runs a console command on the Lotus Domino Console with the given authentication credentials (see also: domcon-brute). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • domino-enum-users: Attempts to discover valid IBM Lotus Domino users and download their ID files by exploiting the CVE-2006-5835 vulnerability. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • firewalk: Tries to discover firewall rules using an IP TTL expiration technique known as firewalking. [Henri Doreau]
  • ftp-proftpd-backdoor: Tests for the presence of the ProFTPD 1.3.3c backdoor reported as OSVDB-ID 69562. This script attempts to exploit the backdoor using the innocuous id command by default, but that can be changed with a script argument. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • giop-info: Queries a CORBA naming server for a list of objects. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • gopher-ls: Lists files and directories at the root of a Gopher service. Remember those? [Toni Ruottu]
  • hddtemp-info: Reads hard disk information (such as brand, model, and sometimes temperature) from a listening hddtemp service. [Toni Ruottu]
  • hostmap: Tries to find hostnames that resolve to the target's IP address by querying the online database at http://www.bfk.de/bfk_dnslogger.html. [Ange Gutek]
  • http-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against http basic authentication. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • http-domino-enum-passwords: Attempts to enumerate the hashed Domino Internet Passwords that are (by default) accessible by all authenticated users. This script can also download any Domino ID Files attached to the Person document. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • http-form-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against http form-based authentication. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • http-vhosts: Searches for web virtual hostnames by making a large number of HEAD requests against http servers using common hostnames. [Carlos Pantelides]
  • informix-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against IBM Informix Dynamic Server. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • informix-query: Runs a query against IBM Informix Dynamic Server using the given authentication credentials (see also: informix-brute). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • informix-tables: Retrieves a list of tables and column definitions for each database on an Informix server. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • iscsi-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against iSCSI targets. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • iscsi-info: Collects and displays information from remote iSCSI targets. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • modbus-discover: Enumerates SCADA Modbus slave ids (sids) and collects their device information. [Alexander Rudakov]
  • nat-pmp-info: Queries a NAT-PMP service for its external address. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • netbus-auth-bypass: Checks if a NetBus server is vulnerable to an authentication bypass vulnerability which allows full access without knowing the password. [Toni Ruottu]
  • netbus-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against the Netbus backdoor ("remote administration") service. [Toni Ruottu]
  • netbus-info: Opens a connection to a NetBus server and extracts information about the host and the NetBus service itself. [Toni Ruottu]
  • netbus-version: Extends version detection to detect NetBuster, a honeypot service that mimes NetBus. [Toni Ruottu]
  • nrpe-enum: Queries Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) daemons to obtain information such as load averages, process counts, logged in user information, etc. [Mak Kolybabi]
  • oracle-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against Oracle servers. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • oracle-enum-users: Attempts to enumerate valid Oracle user names against unpatched Oracle 11g servers (this bug was fixed in Oracle's October 2009 Critical Patch Update). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • path-mtu: Performs simple Path MTU Discovery to target hosts. [Kris Katterjohn]
  • resolveall: Resolves hostnames and adds every address (IPv4 or IPv6, depending on Nmap mode) to Nmap's target list. This differs from Nmap's normal host resolution process, which only scans the first address (A or AAAA record) returned for each host name. [Kris Katterjohn]
  • rmi-dumpregistry: Connects to a remote RMI registry and attempts to dump all of its objects. [Martin Holst Swende]
  • smb-flood: Exhausts a remote SMB server's connection limit by by opening as many connections as we can. Most implementations of SMB have a hard global limit of 11 connections for user accounts and 10 connections for anonymous. Once that limit is reached, further connections are denied. This script exploits that limit by taking up all the connections and holding them. [Ron Bowes]
  • ssh2-enum-algos: Reports the number of algorithms (for encryption, compression, etc.) that the target SSH2 server offers. If verbosity is set, the offered algorithms are each listed by type. [Kris Katterjohn]
  • stuxnet-detect: Detects whether a host is infected with the Stuxnet worm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet). [Mak Kolybabi]
  • svn-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against Subversion source code control servers. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • targets-traceroute: Inserts traceroute hops into the Nmap scanning queue. It only functions if Nmap's --traceroute option is used and the newtargets script argument is given. [Henri Doreau]
  • vnc-brute: Performs brute force password auditing against VNC servers. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • vnc-info: Queries a VNC server for its protocol version and supported security types. [Patrik Karlsson]
  • wdb-version: Detects vulnerabilities and gathers information (such as version numbers and hardware support) from VxWorks Wind DeBug agents. [Daniel Miller]
  • wsdd-discover: Retrieves and displays information from devices supporting the Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery) protocol. It also attempts to locate any published Windows Communication Framework (WCF) web services (.NET 4.0 or later). [Patrik Karlsson]
  • [NSE] Added 12 new protocol libraries:
  • - dhcp.lua by Ron
  • - dnssd.lua (DNS Service Discovery) by Patrik
  • - ftp.lua by David
  • - giop.lua (CORBA naming service) by Patrik
  • - informix.lua (Informix database) by Patrik
  • - iscsi.lua (iSCSI - IP based SCSI data transfer) by Patrik
  • - nrpc.lua (Lotus Domino RPC) by Patrik
  • - rmi.lua (Java Remote Method Invocation) by Martin Holst Swende
  • - tns.lua (Oracle) by Patrik
  • - upnp.lua (UPnP support) by Thomas Buchanan and Patrik
  • - vnc.lua (Virtual Network Computing) by Patrik
  • - wsdd.lua (Web Service Dynamic Discovery) by Patrik
  • [NSE] Added a new brute library that provides a basic framework and logic for brute force password auditing scripts. [Patrik]
  • [Zenmap] Greatly improved performance for large scans by benchmarking intensively and then recoding dozens of slow parts.
  • Time taken to load our benchmark file (a scan of just over a million IPs belonging to Microsoft corporation, with 74,293 hosts up) was reduced from hours to less than two minutes. Memory consumption decreased dramatically as well. [David]
  • Performed a major OS detection integration run. The database has grown more than 14% to 2,982 fingerprints and many of the existing fingerprints were improved. Highlights include Linux 2.6.37, iPhone OS 4.2.1, Solaris 11, AmigaOS 3.1, GNU Hurd 0.3, and MINIX 2.0.4. David posted highlights of his integration work at
  • http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q4/651
  • Performed a huge version detection integration run. The number of signatures has grown by more than 11% to 7,355. More than a third of our signatures are for http, but we also detect 743 other service protocols, from abc, acap, access-remote-pc, and achat to zenworks, zeo, and zmodem. David posted highlights at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q4/761.
  • [NSE] Added the target NSE library which allows scripts to add newly discovered targets to Nmap's scanning queue. This allows Nmap to support a wide range of target acquisition techniques. Scripts which can now use this feature include dns-zone-ransfer, hostmap, ms-sql-info, snmp-interfaces, targets-traceroute, and several more. [Djalal]
  • [NSE] Nmap has two new NSE script scanning phases. The new pre-scan occurs before Nmap starts scanning. Some of the initial pre-scan scripts use techniques like broadcast DNS service discovery or DNS zone transfers to enumerate hosts which can optionally be treated as targets. The other phase (post scan) runs after all of Nmap's
  • scanning is complete. We don't have any of these scripts yet, but they could compile scan statistics or present the results in a different way. One idea is a reverse index which provides a list of services discovered during a network scan, along with a list of IPs found to be running each service. See http://nmap.org/book/nse-usage.html#nse-script-types. [Djalal]
  • [NSE] A new --script-help option describes all scripts matching a given specification. It accepts the same specification format as --script does. For example, try 'nmap -script-help "default or http-*"'. [David, Martin Holst Swende]
  • Dramatically improved nmap.xsl (used for converting Nmap XML output to HTML). In particular:
  • Put verbose details behind expander buttons so you can see them if you want, but they don't distract from the main output. In particular, offline hosts and traceroute results are collapsed by default.
  • Improved the color scheme to be less garish.
  • Added support for the new NSE pre-scan and post-scan phases.
  • Changed script output to use 'pre' tags to keep even lengthy output readable.
  • Added a floating menu to the lower-right for toggling whether closed/filtered ports are shown or not (they are now hidden by default if Javascript is enabled).
  • Many smaller improvements were made as well. You can find the new file at http://nmap.org/svn/docs/nmap.xsl, and here is an example scan processed through it: http://nmap.org/tmp/newxsl.html. [Tom]
  • [NSE] Created a new "broadcast" script category for the broadcast-* scripts. These perform network discovery by broadcasting on the local network and listening for responses. Since they don't directly relate to targets specified on the command line, these are kept out of the default category (nor do they go in "discovery").
  • Integrated cracked passwords from the Gawker.com compromise (http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q4/674) into Nmap's top-5000 password database. A team of Nmap developers lead by Brandon Enright has cracked 635,546 out of 748,081 password hashes so far (85%). Gawker doesn't exactly have the most sophisticated users on the Internet--their top passwords are "123456", "password", "12345678", "lifehack", "qwerty", "abc123", "12345", "monkey", "111111", "consumer", and "letmein".
  • XML output now excludes output for down hosts when only doing host discovery, unless verbosity (-v) was requested. This is how it already worked for normal scans, but the ping-only case was overlooked. [David]
  • Updated the Windows build process to work with (and require) Visual C++ 2010 rather than 2008. If you want to build Zenmap too, you now need Python 2.7 (rather than 2.6) and GTK+ 2.22. See http://nmap.org/book/inst-windows.html#inst-win-source [David, Rob Nicholls, KX]
  • Merged port names in the nmap-services file with allocated names from the IANA (http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers). We only added IANA names which were "unknown" in our file--we didn't deal with conflicting names. [David]
  • Enabled the ASLR and DEP security technologies for Nmap.exe,Ncat.exe and Nping.exe on Windows Vista and above. Visual C++ will set the /DYNAMICBASE and /NXCOMPAT flags in the PE header. Executables generated using py2exe or NSIS and third party binaries (OpenSSL, WinPcap) still don't support ASLR or DEP. Support for DEP on XP SP3, using SetProcessDEPPolicy(), could still be implemented. See http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/328. [Robert]
  • Investigated using the CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) standard for describing operating systems, devices, and service names for Nmap OS and service detection. You can read David's reports at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/278 and http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/303.
  • [Zenmap] Improved the output viewer to show new output in constant time.
  • previously it would get slower and slower as the output grew longer, eventually making Zenmap appear to freeze with 100% CPU. Rob Nicholls and Ray Middleton helped with testing. [David]
  • The Linux RPM builds of Nmap and related tools (ncat, nping, etc.) now link to system libraries dynamically rather than statically. They still link statically to dependency libraries such as OpenSSL, Lua, LibPCRE, Libpcap, etc. We hope this will improve portability so the RPMs will work on distributions with older software (like RHEL, Debian stable) as well as more bleeding edge ones like Fedora. [David]
  • [NSE] Added the ability to send and receive on unconnected sockets. This can be used, for example, to receive UDP broadcasts without having to use Libpcap. A number of scripts have been changed so that they can work as prerule scripts to discover services by UDP broadcasting, and optionally add the discovered targets to the
  • scanning queue:
  • - ms-sql-info
  • - upnp-info
  • - dns-service-discovery
  • The nmap.new_socket function can now optionally take a default protocol and address family, which will be used if the socket is not connected. There is a new nmap.sendto function to be used with unconnected UDP sockets. [David, Patrik]
  • [Nping] Substantially improved the Nping man page. You can read it online at http://nmap.org/book/nping-man.html. [Luis, David]
  • Documented the licenses of the third-party software used by Nmap and it's sibling tools: http://nmap.org/svn/docs/3rd-party-licenses.txt. [David]
  • [NSE] Improved the SMB scripts so that they can run in parallel rather than using a mutex to force serialization. This quadrupled the SMB scan speed in one large scale test. See http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/819. [Ron]
  • Added a simple Nmap NSE script template to make writing new scripts easier: http://nmap.org/svn/docs/sample-script.nse. [Ron]
  • [Zenmap] Made the topology node radiuses grow logarithmically instead of linearly, so that hosts with thousands of open ports don't overwhelm the diagram. Also only open ports (not open|filtered) are considered when calculating node sizes. Henri Doreau found and fixed a bug in the implementation. [Daniel Miller]
  • [NSE] Added the get_script_args NSE function for parsing script arguments in a clean and standardized way (http://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/stdnse.html#get_script_args). [Djalal]
  • Increased the initial RTT timeout for ARP scans from 100 ms to 200 ms. Some wireless and VPN links were taking around 300 ms to respond. The default of one retransmission gives them 400 ms to be detected.
  • Added new version detection probes and signatures from Patrik for:
  • - Lotus Domino Console running on tcp/2050 (shows OS and hostname)
  • - IBM Informix Dynamic Server running native protocol (shows hostname, and file path)
  • - Database servers running the DRDA protocol
  • - IBM Websphere MQ (shows name of queue-manager and channel)
  • Fix Nmap compilation on OpenSolaris (see http://blogs.sun.com/sdaven/entry/nmap_5_35dc1_compile_on) [David]
  • [NSE] The http library's request functions now accept an additional "auth" table within the option table, which causes Basic authentication credentials to be sent. [David]
  • Improved IPv6 host output in that we now remember and report the forward DNS name (given by the user) and any non-scanned addresses (usually because of round robin DNS). We already did this for IPv4. [David]
  • [Zenmap] Upgraded to the newer gtk.Tooltip API to avoid deprecation messages about gtk.Tooltip. [Rob Nicholls]
  • [NSE] Made dns-zone-transfer script able to add new discovered DNS records to the Nmap scanning queue. [Djalal]
  • [NSE] Enhance ssl-cert to also report the type and bit size of SSL certificate public keys [Matt Selsky]
  • [Ncat] Make --exec and --idle-timeout work when connecting with --proxy. Florian Roth reported the bug. [David]
  • [Nping] Fixed a bug which caused Nping to fail when targeting broadcast addresses (see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/752). [Luis]
  • [Nping] Nping now limits concurrent open file descriptors properly based on the resources available on the host (see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q4/2). [Luis]
  • [NSE] Improved ssh2's kex_init() parameters: all of the algorithm and language lists can be set using new keys in the "options" table argument. These all default to the same value used before. Also, the required "cookie" argument is now replaced by an optional "cookie" key in the "options" table, defaulting to random bytes as suggested by the RFC. [Kris]
  • Ncat now logs Nsock debug output to stderr instead of stdout for consistency with its other debug messages. [David]
  • [NSE] Added a new function, shortport.http, for HTTP script portrules and changed 14 scripts to use it. [David]
  • Updated to the latest config.guess and config.sub. Thanks to Ty Miller for a reminder. [David]
  • [NSE] Added prerule support to snmp-interfaces and the ability to add the remote host's interface addresses to the scanning queue.
  • The new script arguments used for this functionality are "host" (required) and "port" (optional). [Kris]
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in nmap-os-db and a small memory leak that would happen where there was more than one round of OS detection. These were reported by Xavier Sudre from netVigilance. [David]
  • [NSE] Fixed a bug with worker threads calling the wrong destructors. Fixing this allows better parallelism in http-brute.nse. The problem was reported by Patrik Karlsson. [David, Patrick]
  • Upgraded the OpenSSL binaries shipped in our Windows installer to version 1.0.0a. [David]
  • [NSE] Added prerule support to the dns-zone-transfer script, allowing it to run early to discover IPs from DNS records and optionally add those IPs to Nmap's target queue. You must specify the DNS server and domain name to use with script arguments. [Djalal]
  • Changed the name of libdnet's sctp_chunkhdr to avoid a conflict with a struct of the same name in . This caused a compilation error when Nmap was compiled with an OpenSSL that had SCTP support. [Olli Hauer, Daniel Roethlisberger]
  • [NSE] Implemented a big cleanup of the Nmap NSE Nsock library binding code. [Patrick]
  • Added a bunch of Apple and Netatalk AFP service detection signatures. These often provide extra details such as whether the target is a MacBook Pro, Air, Mac Mini, iMac, etc. [Brandon]
  • [NSE] Host tables now have a host.traceroute member available when --traceroute is used. This array contains the IP address, reverse DNS name, and RTT for each traceroute hop. [Henri Doreau]
  • [NSE] Made the ftp-anon script return a directory listing when anonymous login is allowed. [Gutek, David]
  • [NSE] Added the nmap.resolve() function. It takes a host name and optionally an address family (such as "inet") and returns a table containing all of its matching addresses. If no address family is specified, all addresses for the name are returned. [Kris]
  • [NSE] Added the nmap.address_family() function which returns the address family Nmap is using as a string (e.g., "inet6" is returned if Nmap is called with the -6 option). [Kris]
  • [NSE] Scripts can now access the MTU of the host.interface device using host.interface_mtu. [Kris]
  • Restrict the default Windows DLL search path by removing the current directory. This adds extra protection against DLL hijacking attacks, especially if we were to add file type associations to Nmap in the future. We implement this with the SetDllDirectory function when available (Windows XP SP1 and later). Otherwise, we call SetCurrentDirectory with the directory containing the executable. [David]
  • Nmap now prints the MTU for interfaces in --iflist output. [Kris]
  • [NSE] Removed references to the MD2 algorithm, which OpenSSL 1.x.x no longer supports. [Alexandru]
  • [Ncat,NSE] Server Name Indication (SNI) is now supported by Ncat and Nmap NSE, allowing them to connect to servers which run multiple SSL websites on one IP address. To enable this for NSE, the nmap.connect function has been changed to accept host and port tables (like those provided to the action function) in place of a string and a number. [David]
  • [NSE] Renamed db2-info and db2-brute scripts to drda-*. Added support other DRDA based databases such as IBM Informix Dynamic Server and Apache Derby. [Patrik]
  • [Nsock] Added a new function, nsi_set_hostname, to set the intended hostname of the target. This allows the use of Server Name Indication in SSL connections. [David]
  • [NSE] Limits the number of ports that qscan will scan (now up to 8 open ports and up to 1 closed port by default). These limits can be controlled with the qscan.numopen and qscan.numclosed script arguments. [David]
  • [NSE] Made sslv2.nse give special output when SSLv2 is supported, but no SSLv2 ciphers are offered. This happened with a specific Sendmail configuration. [Matt Selsky]
  • [NSE] Added a "times" table to the host table passed to scripts. This table contains Nmap's timing data (srtt, the smoothed round trip time; rttvar, the rtt variance; and timeout), all represented as floating-point seconds. The ipidseq and qscan scripts were
  • updated to utilize the host's timeout value rather than using a conservative guess of 3 seconds for read timeouts. [Kris]
  • Fixed the fragmentation options (-f in Nmap, --mtu in Nmap & Nping), which were improperly sending whole packets in version 5.35DC1. [Kris]
  • [NSE] When receiving raw packets from Pcap, the packet capture time is now available to scripts as an additional return value from pcap_receive(). It is returned as the floating point number of seconds since the epoch. Also added the nmap.clock() function which returns the current time (and convenience functions clock_ms() and
  • clock_us()). Qscan.nse was updated to use this more accurate timing data. [Kris]
  • [Ncat,Nsock] Fixed some minor bugs discovered using the Smatch source code analyzer (http://smatch.sourceforge.net/). [David]
  • [Zenmap] Fixed a crash that would happen after opening the search window, entering a relative date criterion such as "after:-7", and then clicking the "Expressions" button. The error message was AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'strftime' [David]
  • Added a new packet payload--a NAT-PMP external address request for port 5351/udp. Payloads help us elicit responses from listening UDP services to better distinguish them from filtered ports. This payload goes well with our new nat-pmp-info script. [David, Patrik]
  • Updated IANA IP address space assignment list for random IP (-iR) generation. [Kris]
  • [Ncat] Ncat now uses case-insensitive string comparison when checking authentication schemes and parameters. Florian Roth found a server offering "BASIC" instead of "Basic", and the HTTP RFC requires case-insensitive comparisons in most places. [David]
  • [NSE] There is now a limit of 1,000 concurrent running scripts, instituted to keep memory under control when there are many open ports. Nathan reported 3 GB of memory use (with an out-of-memory NSE crash) for one host with tens of thousands of open ports. This limit can be controlled with the variable CONCURRENCY_LIMIT in nse_main.lua. [David]
  • The command line in XML output (/nmaprun/@args attribute) now does quoting of whitespace using double quotes and backslashes. This allows recovering the original command line array even when arguments contain whitespace. [David]
  • Added a service detection probe for master servers of Quake 3 and related games. [Toni Ruottu]

New in Nmap 5.35DC1 (Jul 30, 2010)

  • It has been 3.5 months since the last Nmap release (5.30BETA1 on March 29), and anyone following the nmap-dev list knows that we've been very busy during that time. So I'm pleased to release Nmap version 5.35DC1 containing the fruits of that labor. The Defcon name is because that conference is awesome! And also because David Fifield and I have an exciting Nmap talk planned there and at Black Hat in a couple weeks (see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q3/108).
  • This release includes 131 NSE scripts (17 new), 6,622 version detection signatures, 2,608 OS fingerprints, and more. I'm particularly excited about the new db2 and ms-sql scripts, and nfs-ls really makes NFS discovery easy! We also added Eugene Alexeev's clever new dns-cache-snoop script. Nping and Ncat were significantly improved as well.
  • The Nmap 5.35DC1 source code and packages for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows are available for download at the usual place.

New in Nmap 5.21 (Jan 27, 2010)

  • [Zenmap] Added a workaround for a Ubuntu Python packaging idiosyncrasy. As of version python2.6-2.6.4-0ubuntu3, Ubuntu's distutils modifies self.prefix, a variable we use in the setup.py script. This would cause Zenmap to look in the wrong place for its configuration files, and show the dialog "Error creating the per-user configuration directory" with the specific error "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/zenmap/config'". This problem was reported by Chris Clements, who also helped debug. [David]
  • Fixed an error that occurred when UDP scan was combined with version scan. UDP ports would appear in the state "unknown" at the end of the scan, and in some cases an assertion failure would be raised. This was an unintended side effect of the memory use reduction changes in 5.20. The bug was reported by Jon Kibler. [David]
  • [NSE] Did some simple bit-flipping on the nmap_service.exe program used by the smb-psexec script, to avoid its being falsely detected as malware. [Ron]
  • [NSE] Fixed a bug in http.lua that could lead to an assertion failure. It happened when there was an error getting the a response at the beginning of a batch in http.pipeline. The symptoms of the bug were: NSE: Received only 0 of 1 expected reponses. Decreasing max pipelined requests to 0. NSOCK (0.1870s) Write request for 0 bytes... nmap: nsock_core.c:516: handle_write_result: Assertion `bytesleft > 0' failed. The error was reported by Brandon Enright and pyllyukko.
  • [NSE] Restored the ability of http.head to return a body if the server returns one. This was lost in the http.lua overhaul from 5.20. [David]
  • [NSE] Fixed the use of our strict.lua library on distributions that install their own strict.lua. The error message was nse_main.lua:97: attempt to call a boolean value It was reported by Onur K. [Patrick]
  • Fixed handing of nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf so it could handle entries containing more than 16 bytes, which can occur with IPv6 addresses. Gunnar Lindberg reported the problem and contributed an initial patch, then Brandon and Kris refined and implemented it.
  • [NSE] Corrected a behavior change in http.request that was accidentally made in 5.20: it could return nil instead of a table indicating failure. [David]
  • [NSE] Fixed the use of an undefined variable in smb-enum-sessions, reported by Brandon. [Ron]
  • Fixed a compiler error when --without-liblua is used. [Brandon]
  • [NSE] Fixed an error with running http-enum.nse along with the --datadir option. The script would report the error http-enum.nse:198: bad argument #1 to 'lines' (nselib/data/http-fingerprints: No such file or directory) The error was reported by Ron Meldau and Brandon. [Kris]
  • Added a function that was missing from http-favicon.nse. Its absence would cause the error http-favicon.nse:141: variable 'dirname' is not declared when a web page specified an relative icon URL through the link element. This bug was reported by Ron Meldau. [David]
  • Fixed a bug with the decoding of NMAP OID component values greater than 127. [Patrik Karlsson, David]

New in Nmap 4.90 RC1 (Jun 29, 2009)

  • [Zenmap] Fixed a display hanging problem on Mac OS X reported by Christopher Caldwell at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q2/0721.html. This was done by adding gtk2 back to macports-1.8.0-universal.diff and removing the dependency on shared-mime-info so it doesn't expect /usr/share/mime files at runtime. Also included GDK pixbuf loaders statically rather than as external loadable modules. [David]
  • Fixed a memory bug (access of freed memory) when loading exclude targets with --exclude. This was reported to occasionally cause a crash. Will Cladek reported the bug and contributed an initial patch. [David]
  • Zenmap application icons were regenerated using the newer SVG representation of the Nmap eye. [David]

New in Nmap 4.85 Beta 9 (May 15, 2009)

  • Integrated all of your 1,156 of your OS detection submissions and your 50 corrections since January 8. Please keep them coming! The second generation OS detection DB has grown 14% to more than 2,000 fingerprints! That is more than we ever had with the first system. The 243 new fingerprints include Microsoft Windows 7 beta, Linux 2.6.28, and much more. See http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q2/0335.html. [David]
  • [Ncat] A whole lot of work was done by David to improve SSL security and functionality:
  • Ncat now does certificate domain and trust validation against trusted certificate lists if you specify --ssl-verify.
  • [Ncat] To enable SSL certificate verification on systems whose default trusted certificate stores aren't easily usable by OpenSSL, we install a set of certificates extracted from Windows in the file ca-bundle.crt. The trusted contents of this file are added to whatever default trusted certificates the operating system may provide. [David]
  • Ncat now automatically generates a temporary keypair and certificate in memory when you request it to act as an SSL server but you don't specify your own key using --ssl-key and --ssl-cert options. [David]
  • [Ncat] In SSL mode, Ncat now always uses secure connections, meaning that it uses only good ciphers and doesn't use SSLv2. Certificates can optionally be verified with the --ssl-verify and --ssl-trustfile options. Nsock provides the option of making SSL connections that prioritize either speed or security; Ncat uses security while version detection and NSE continue to use speed. [David]
  • [NSE] Added Boolean Operators for --script. You may now use ("and", "or", or "not") combined with categories, filenames, and wildcarded filenames to match a set files. Parenthetical subexpressions are allowed for precedence too. For example, you can now run:
  • nmap --script "(default or safe or intrusive) and not http-*" scanme.nmap.org
  • For more details, see http://nmap.org/book/nse-usage.html#nse-args. [Patrick]
  • [Ncat] The HTTP proxy server now works on Windows too. [David]
  • [Zenmap] The command wizard has been removed. The profile editor has the same capabilities with a better interface that doesn't require clicking through many screens. The profile editor now has its own "Scan" button that lets you run an edited command line immediately without saving a new profile. The profile editor now comes up showing the current command rather than being blank. [David]
  • [Zenmap] Added an small animated throbber which indicates that a scan is still running (similar in concept to the one on the upper-right Firefox corner which animates while a page is loading). [David]
  • Regenerate script.db to remove references to non-existent smb-check-vulns-2.nse. This caused the following error messages when people used the --script=all option: "nse_main.lua:319: smb-check-vulns-2.nse is not a file!" The script.db entries are now sorted again to make diffs easier to read. [David,Patrick]
  • Fixed --script-updatedb on Windows--it was adding bogus backslashes preceding file names in the generated script.db. Reported by Michael Patrick at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2009/q2/0192.html, and fixed by Jah. The error message was also improved.
  • The official Windows binaries are now compiled with MS Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition SP1 rather than the RTM version. We also now distribute the matching SP1 version of the MS runtime components (vcredist_x86.exe). A number of compiler warnings were fixed too. [Fyodor,David]
  • Fixed a bug in the new NSE Lua core which caused it to round fractional runlevel values to the next integer. This could cause dependency problems for the smb-* scripts and others which rely on floating point runlevel values (e.g. that smb-brute at runlevel 0.5 will run before smb-system-info at the default runlevel of 1).
  • The SEQ.CI OS detection test introduced in 4.85BETA4 now has some examples in nmap-os-db and has been assigned a MatchPoints value of 50. [David]
  • [Ncat] When using --send-only, Ncat will now close the network connection and terminate after receiving EOF on standard input. This is useful for, say, piping a file to a remote ncat where you don't care to wait for any response. [Daniel Roethlisberger]
  • [Ncat] Fix hostname resolution on BSD systems where a recently fixed libc bug caused getaddrinfo(3) to fail unless a socket type hint is provided. Patch originally provided by Hajimu Umemoto of FreeBSD. [Daniel Roethlisberger]
  • [NSE] Fixed bug in the DNS library which caused the error message "nselib/dns.lua:54: 'for' limit must be a number". [Jah]
  • Fixed Solaris 10 compilation by renaming a yield structure which conflicted with a yield function declared in unistd.h on that platform. [Pieter Bowman, Patrick]
  • [Ncat] Minor code cleanup of Ncat memory allocation and string duplication calls. [Ithilgore]
  • Fixed a bug which could cause -iR to only scan the first host group and then terminate prematurely. The problem related to the way hosts are counted by o.numhosts_scanned. [David]
  • Fixed a bug in the su-to-zenmap.sh script so that, in the cases where it calls su, it uses the proper -c option rather than -C. [Michal Januszewski, Henry Gebhardt]
  • Overhaul the NSE documentation "Usage and Examples" section and add many more examples: http://nmap.org/book/nse-usage.html [David]
  • [NSE] Made hexify in nse_nsock.cc take an unsigned char * to work around an assertion in Visual C++ in Debug mode. The isprint, isalpha, etc. functions from ctype.h have an assertion that the value of the character passed in is = 128, it is cast to an unsigned int, making it a large positive number and failing the assertion. This is the same thing that was reported in http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2007/q2/0257.html, in regard to non-ASCII characters in nmap-mac-prefixes. [David]
  • [NSE] Fixed a segmentation fault which could occur in scripts which use the NSE pcap library. The problem was reported by Lionel Cons and fixed by Patrick.
  • [NSE] Port script start/finish debug messages now show the target port number as well as the host/IP. [Jah]
  • Updated IANA assignment IP list for random IP (-iR) generation. [Kris]
  • [NSE] Fixed http.table_argument so that user-supplied HTTP headers are now properly sent in HTTP requests. [Jah]