Mondo Rescue Changelog

What's new in Mondo Rescue 3.0.2

Aug 22, 2012
  • This version correctly supports software RAID on RHEL 6, with re-creation of metadata and UUIDs.
  • It fixes restoration issues for Debian and Ubuntu, as well as on RHEL 5 (the tune2fs command wasn’t working for ext4; it required the use of tune4fs).
  • It supports out of tree kernel modules (such as hpsa from the PSP/SPP) and has improved support for latest HP ProLiant Blades.
  • It fixes many small annoyances (like #616), especially thanks to new automated regression tests.

New in Mondo Rescue (Jun 28, 2011)

  • Various bugfixes (an exclude/include dir issue and rounding disk computation) and some new drivers.

New in Mondo Rescue (Feb 2, 2010)

  • The goal is to provide you with mostly bug fixes, and minimal changes to allow for support teams and stable environment to be the least disrupted as possible. Especially that .1 version fixes #363, #364 and #367 and imroves Debian/Ubuntu support, as well as provides a "nolvm" option. Just a better 2.2.9.