Minimum Profit Changelog

What's new in Minimum Profit 5.2.7

Dec 30, 2013
  • This version adds file format dependent build targets (to be used if a Makefile is not found in the current directory).
  • open_under_cursor now also works over diff file marks.
  • A new configuration variable that adds options to make was implemented.
  • \x{HHHH} Unicode code points are now accepted in search and replace.
  • A new status line format token that shows the Unicode codepoint of the character under the cursor was implemented.
  • Some minor bugs were fixed.

New in Minimum Profit 5.1.4 (Aug 25, 2010)

  • If a block is selected, any keystroke substitutes it.
  • Support for Alt + keys (ASCII and movement) has been added, and mostly left unbound to be used by the user for his own keybindings.
  • A new tab mode, which uses the previous line as a template for tab columns.
  • Fixed action open_under_cursor.
  • The mp.paste() function returns the clipboard content as a string if called without arguments.
  • New Grutatxt syntax highlighter.
  • Fix F10 in Win32.
  • Fix a bug when calculating the drawing position in the selected block, that were leading to crashes.

New in Minimum Profit 5.1.3 (Sep 21, 2009)

  • This release features a new Qt4 driver, a new hexadecimal viewer, dropping from system UI windows, improved charset detection, and some clipboard and platform-specific fixes.

New in Minimum Profit 5.1.2 (May 10, 2009)

  • Grep can be recursive, new syntax colors for special documentation blocks (different from source comments), a new action to jump to special section lists inside each document (as, for example, function definitions), another new action to search for repeated words too near from each other (an aid to writing), several fixes to the GTK and Win32 drivers and other minor bug fixes.

New in Minimum Profit 5.1.1 (Dec 7, 2008)

  • Internationalization works in all platforms (including KDE4, were it was faulty, and win32, where it was non-existent since the 3.x series), the status line format string can also include the %w token to show the number of words in the current document or selection (can be slow), and search and replace is now limited to the selected block, if any.