Java checkstyle Tool Changelog

What's new in Java checkstyle Tool 5.3

Oct 21, 2010
  • OuterTypeFilename was added, which checks that the outer type name and the file name match.
  • PackageDeclaration was enhanced to optionally check that the package name matches the name of the directory containing the file.
  • NestedForDepth was added, which restricts nested for blocks to a specified depth (default = 1).
  • MethodCount was added, which checks the number of methods declared in each type.
  • OneStatementPerLine was added, which checks that there is only one statement per line.
  • MagicNumber was enhanced to support the parameter ignoreHashCodeMethod to ignore magic numbers in hashCode() methods.
  • AbstractClassName was enhanced to support checking that matching classes have the abstract modifier.
  • The property types stringSet and intSet were enhanced to support being supplied multiple times to construct the equivalent of a comma separated list.
  • AvoidStarImport was enhanced to support the properties allowClassImports and allowStaticMemberImports for finer control over what is allowed.

New in Java checkstyle Tool 5.0 (Apr 19, 2009)

  • This release is built on Java 5 for Java 5 (and above). All new Checkstyle development is being done on this release. There are new Checks for Java 5 and numerous bug fixes. Note that upgrading should be relatively painless, but expect some changes. See more details at