IPython Changelog

What's new in IPython 0.10

Aug 5, 2009
  • This release brings months of slow but steady development, and will be the last before a major restructuring and cleanup of IPython’s internals that is already under way. For this reason, we hope that 0.10 will be a stable and robust release so that while users adapt to some of the API changes that will come with the refactoring that will become IPython 0.11, they can safely use 0.10 in all existing projects with minimal changes (if any).
  • IPython 0.10 is now a medium-sized project, with roughly (as reported by David Wheeler’s sloccount utility) 40750 lines of Python code, and a diff between 0.9.1 and this release that contains almost 28000 lines of code and documentation. Our documentation, in PDF format, is a 495-page long PDF document (also available in HTML format, both generated from the same sources).
  • Many users and developers contributed code, features, bug reports and ideas to this release. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if we’ve failed to acknowledge your contribution here. In particular, for this release we have contribution from the following people, a mix of new and regular names (in alphabetical order by first name):
  • Alexander Clausen: fix #341726.
  • Brian Granger: lots of work everywhere (features, bug fixes, etc).
  • Daniel Ashbrook: bug report on MemoryError during compilation, now fixed.
  • Darren Dale: improvements to documentation build system, feedback, design ideas.
  • Fernando Perez: various places.
  • Gaël Varoquaux: core code, ipythonx GUI, design discussions, etc. Lots...
  • John Hunter: suggestions, bug fixes, feedback.
  • Jorgen Stenarson: work on many fronts, tests, fixes, win32 support, etc.
  • Laurent Dufréchou: many improvements to ipython-wx standalone app.
  • Lukasz Pankowski: prefilter, �it, demo improvements.
  • Matt Foster: TextMate support in �it.
  • Nathaniel Smith: fix #237073.
  • Pauli Virtanen: fixes and improvements to extensions, documentation.
  • Prabhu Ramachandran: improvements to %timeit.
  • Robert Kern: several extensions.
  • Sameer D’Costa: help on critical bug #269966.
  • Stephan Peijnik: feedback on Debian compliance and many man pages.
  • Steven Bethard: we are now shipping his argparse module.
  • Tom Fetherston: many improvements to IPython.demo module.
  • Ville Vainio: lots of work everywhere (features, bug fixes, etc).
  • Vishal Vasta: ssh support in ipcluster.
  • Walter Doerwald: work on the IPython.ipipe system.

New in IPython 0.9.1 (Sep 15, 2008)

  • Version 0.9 turned out to have compatibility problems with Python 2.4. This release fixes this issue but adds no new features.