GnuCash Changelog

What's new in GnuCash 3.8

Dec 30, 2019
  • Changes:
  • Bug 412151 - Not handling exception when guile is compiled w/o regexp support
  • disable qif-import and make-regexp if guile is compiled without regex
  • Bug 724219 - Customer Summary includes Closing Entries when reporting across the end of year
  • Bug 743943 - "Edit->Post Invoice" is ambiguous Read invoice type and set label and tooltip texts to the translations of static definitions. Remove unnecessary list counts.
  • Bug 759005 - Print negatives in red
  • Bug 787295 - Allow UI jump from Business accounts to their relevant invoice/bill/voucher
  • Bug 796530 - [txn csv importer] usability suggestions
  • Bug 796736 - Register cell pop up columns width to narrow
  • Bug 796945 - Search dialog update
  • Bug 797078 - "Automatic decimal point" Should Not Cause 2 Different Behaviors
  • Bug 797086 - Import customer dialog – headers not translated
  • Bug 797279 - Reports RTL do not support RTL
  • Bug 797326 - Enhancement: budget's Estimate tool should ignore Closing Entries
  • Bug 797356 - ninja check fails with GCC-9
  • Bug 797390 - xaccAccountRecomputeBalance also tallies no-closing balances
  • Bug 797397 - Import Map Editor, Ctrl-A with filter
  • Bug 797401 - Invoice Reports need an overall page width set
  • Use html5 @media to set main-table to page width.
  • Bug 797405 - : Fix hiding PIN entry window behind online banking log window
  • If there is a log window, make the PIN entry transient_for that one instead of its parent.
  • Bug 797408 - Find Transaction Window -> Search Criteria Section -> Add Search Criteria -> Section does not expand to new size to include a newly added Search Criteria
  • Bug 797416 - Enter key does not move to blank tx or next line
  • Bug 797418 - In budget report, column with Actual Totals for Liabilities and Income are reversed
  • Bug 797453 - Chart of Accounts is slow to update / redraw
  • Bug 797459 - Installation (for 3.7) Readme Version number shows 2.2.x
  • Bug 797462 - gnc:strify reports the amount and value incorrectly
  • Bug 797468 - Receivable Aging report - phantom company with negative total
  • Bug 797473 - UTF8 characters not processed correctly with aqbanking6
  • Bug 797481 - crash on close of unsaved tabs by pressing [X]
  • Bug 797482 - Can't edit date when using Edit Payment function
  • Bug 797492 - Lock up on 'Find Account'
  • Bug 797500 - valgrind errors - new/delete vs malloc/free
  • Bug 797506 - New Aging errors out with guile backtrace in case of a few uncommon transactions
  • Bug 797519 - Budget Viewer Totals do not redraw upon to Sign-Reversal changes
  • Bug 797520 - ] Balance Sheet (Multicolumn) the retained earnings amount in the equity section has its sign reversed
  • Bug 797521 - Receivable Aging (beta): prepayments logic doesn't work, appears to use incorrect absolute value logic
  • Bug 797532 - Crash/Coredump Lots
  • The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
  • The Customer/Employee/Vendor reports have been rewritten. The new versions may be found in Reports>Experimental.
  • [stylesheet-css] a user-customisable CSS based stylesheet New stylesheet.
  • Exposes a single text box for full CSS customisability.
  • Allow account selection by typing into the post-to field of the payment window
  • When sizing some register columns take account of 'Tot' being added.
  • Take account for the pop up button border in the register.
  • Change the date sample so it has the maximum text width possible
  • [new-owner-report] bugfix: balance row needs variable linked cols
  • Improve translations by scriptedly removing the removed colon suffix.
  • [report-utilities] bugfix: aging-list was incorrect. off-by-1 error.
  • [report-utilities] bugfix: overpayment works for AP accounts.
  • Swap the buttons around on the Budget Open dialogue
  • Swap the OK and Cancel buttons so they conform to the normal layout.
  • [report-utilities] bugfix: fix overpayment detection
  • For 1 payment to >1 invoices, previously would miscalculate overpayment.
  • [budgets.scm] Budget reports handle both natural & reversed budgets.
  • This change is protected by a Feature: Using it will prevent the file from being opened by earlier versions of GnuCash.
  • [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types
  • previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain meaning. now shows income/expense/asset/liability/equity budget totals. The 5 lines also become sensitive to the global sign-reverse property.
  • bindings-python - drop references to gnucash-env
  • We no longer ship a gnucash-env script, directly use python(3) instead
  • [balsheet-pnl] fix: single-date balsheet missed printing date
  • [balsheet-pnl] fix: hide Equity sections when not needed
  • If currencies are not converted, Unrealized Gains are meaningless. Hide them.
  • If there are no income/expense accounts, retained earnings will be nil. Remove row.
  • Ignore trailing noise on imported transaction account numbers.
  • AQBanking6 uses a separate method for retrieving account numbers for account info and transactions, where the transactions method can have additional characters, most often the ISO4217 currency code. That results in match failures when importing. As a work-around, compare only the length of the account-info-generated online id when comparing it to the transaction-generated one. Note that this is only a partial solution: At least one German bank also appends characters to the transaction-generated bank id and that will still cause the match to fail.
  • [dialog-payment] Add warning label if payment is unattached
  • Completing a payment for a customer without associating with an open invoice is allowable and is used for prepayments. Enable a warning to inform that the payment does not have an invoice/bill document attached.
  • [aging] update error reporting
  • This error handling was for transactions in APAR accounts whereby Transaction Currency != Owner Currency. An example is a manually entered transaction, then assigned as payment to a customer with a different currency.
  • Fixed German IBAN error message
  • Allow edit of some fields for posted invoice
  • Allow editing of some fields for posted invoice. For reasons, see bug report:
  • [average-balance] show monetaries instead of numbers in data table
  • UK VAT template: replace obsolete EEC and EC by EU
  • Implement the presentation of static optical TAN challenges (photoTAN and QR) inside the enter TAN dialogue.
  • [budget] fixcrash: fix crasher for some periods
  • eg. the following combo would previously crash: - periods from next to current - use accumulated amounts
  • [budget] fixcrash: prevent crash if periods start > end
  • It's silly to input start-period > end-period. Nevertheless handle it by swapping them instead of crashing. i.e. report budget periods from end to start.
  • [budget-flow] fixcrash: exchange-fn needs to specify exchange date
  • because some exchange-fn *do* require date eg. pricedb-nearest. use the period end-date for the exchange date.
  • [portfolio report] There's no report-currency. Use currency.
  • [window-report] show backtrace when report crashes
  • Exposes a SCM string last-captured-error containing last backtrace
  • when rendering report-crash window, include it
  • New Scheme Functions:
  • gnc:html-markup-ol: creates an HTML ordered list.
  • gnc:multiline-to-html-textt: creates html-text with
  • elements.
  • gnc:make-html-table-cell/min-width: Create a table-cell with min-width style attribute
  • gnc:collector+ and gnc:collector-
  • API Deprecations:
  • gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at!
  • gnc:html-table-remove-last-row!

New in GnuCash 3.7 (Sep 9, 2019)

  • Changes:
  • Bug 605602 - precision of Financial Calculator seems to depend on locale
  • Bug 746937 - Template transaction splits are loaded in reverse order and then not sorted before saving.
  • Actually not sorted after loading because the template accounts weren't being committed.
  • Bug 752395 - Start Day of weekly report doesn't respond to change in locale
  • Redefines some functions to ensure weekly grouping in transaction report obeys locale's start-of-week.
  • Bug 784623 - GNUCash does not work with sql backend, I can open in read only mode
  • Upgrade the splits table as well, an oversight from the original fix.
  • Bug 793018 - Balance (with >>eguile

New in GnuCash 3.5 (Mar 31, 2019)

  • Bug 639049 - Asset Barchart Report includes also the first day of next month transactions If the original date is an end-of-month date, we take it as an indicator they always want monthdelta dates to be end-of-months. This works for monthly/quarterly/halfyearly/annual.
  • Bug 748431 - Wrong average balance for transactions during DST Replace average-splits with custom loop, cycling through the balancelist and splitlist, creating interval summaries along the way.
  • Bug 787401 - Test for the report system - HTML Tests.
  • Bug 795729 - Advanced Portfolio Report - Percentage rates not displaying leading zeros.
  • Bug 796498 - Incorrect starting balance in TXF Report calculations.
  • Bug 796530 - TxnCsvImport - fix loading of saved preset with update of seperator selection. Previously this would cause all but the first column to lose its assigned types.
  • Bug 796687 - Tax Entity name and type for an account won't work under "Tax Reporting Options" in Gnucash 3.2
  • Bug 796826 - Report HTML - not possible to suppress the document header.
  • Bug 796827 - Report HTML - it is not possible to suppress the document title.
  • Bug 796829 - Report HTML - HTML table rows are prepended not as list elements
  • Bug 796831 - Report-HTML - append table column correctly.
  • Bug 796877 - test-stress-options fails.
  • Bug 796946 - Mortgage and Loan Repayment Setup tool crashes when exiting "Loan Repayment Options" page. Because libstdc++ on Windows doesn't support any C++ locales besides "C" and throws an exception if you try.
  • Bug 796952 - Report formatting (justify) is broken.
  • Bug 796956 - Aqbanking 6 will drop DTAUS Adds support for the upcoming AQBanking 6 and removes support for AQBanking earlier than 5.3.4.
  • Bug 796965 - Change the default to show unused accounts.
  • Bug 796989 - some date/time does not honor user locale.
  • Bug 797002 - Program crashes when exporting tax data in txf format.
  • Bug 797011 - GnuCash 3.4 Crashes When Printing Checks with Custom Format.
  • Bug 797013 - Import Customers & Vendors: error in CMakeLists.txt - causes incomplete project in Xcode.
  • Bug 797029 - Import Customer & Vendors: blank name and company in import data row crashes GnuCash
  • Bug 797030 - Import Customer & Vendors: several issues with the matching of data rows.
  • Bug 797031 - Import customer & Vendors: import can create customer and vendors without address data
  • Bug 797041 - enum confusion in qoflog.
  • Bug 797046 - Tools / Price Database / Currencies UI not working since 3.4.
  • Bug 797067 - Date displayed incorrectly in register.
  • Bug 797074 - Reports with averages are displaying fractions Convert amounts to decimal prior to adding to html-table. Also adds tests to make sure averages are displayed in 2 decimal places.
  • Bug 797098 - Quitting Gnucash shortly after clicking Save may abort file save.
  • Bug 797105 - Incorrect local-symbol for SZL currency
  • Bug 797136 - Balance sheet report "Show Exchange rate" broken when foreign currency is sold completely For cases where total(amount)/total(value) = 0/0, the price is reported as 0.
  • The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
  • API: Add dedicated api to query build-time, version related compile constants and use it in several location in the code for consistent behaviour.
  • Budget: Save and restore the Account filter settings.
  • Build: Fix deprecation warnings for g_type_class_add_private.
  • CSV Tokenizer: Add additional test to guard against quote parsing regressions.
  • GUI: Replace ambiguous mnemonic for File>Export>Export Active Register...
  • GUI: Rearrange menu accelerators for Actions>Online Actions menu items
  • GUI: Add mnemonic for File>Import>Import Bills...
  • GUI: Move Balance-Forecast report to Reports>Assets & Liabilities
  • GUI: Move Void Transactions item in Report Options from the Accounts tab to the Filter tab.
  • I18N: Fix erratic localization of dates on Windows.
  • Date format selection on Windows relies on Windows National Language functions and those are unaffected by the POSIX setlocale(). We have in the past relied upon gtk initialization to handle this but it has not been reliable since the move to Gtk3. Note that this applies only when the locale is set via a Unix-style environment variable (typically LANG) or in the environment file; it's unnecessary and ignored when using the localization settings in Region & Language.
  • I18N: Unify phrases to remove untranslated msgids.
  • I18N: Restore the global locale after Guile munges it.
  • There's no way to change the environment locale on Windows so calling setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), as guile does in its init routine, reads the user's Language and Region settings instead of the environment variables. We save the discovered environment locale and call setlocale with it again after Guile has initialized.
  • Importing: Remove old (non-SEPA) online transaction code, because now in 2019 the banks will only offer SEPA transactions and no others. This in turn means we don't need the old ktoblzcheck checking functions at all so also remove the dependency.
  • Importing: Usability improvements for Bayes editor window
  • Remove the "Are you sure" question as it is simply annoying but does not help. Fix some string wordings to be more understandable.
  • Online Banking: No longer force existence of local BIC code.
  • Online Banking: Entering of TAN must use normal visibility
  • The visibility of the entered content was set to FALSE (=invisible) always, which was wrong for certain types of input as indicated by the GUI_INPUT_FLAGS. This should now be honored and visibility set to TRUE (=visible) for the correct flags.
  • Online Banking: Fix reconcile timestamps when importing balances.
  • Used to be start-of-day, but needs to be day-neutral.
  • Performance: Provide a single static instance of C++ locale.
  • We can't use std::locale::global because all streams imbue it by default and if it's not 'C' (aka std::locale::classic) then we must imbue all the streams that we don't want localized, and that's most of them.
  • Performance: Add GncDateTime::timestamp().
  • To provide a C++ implementation of gnc_date_timestamp and to avoid using the expensive and localized GncDateTime::format().
  • Performance: Implement a faster date-time serialization function.
  • Has the side effect of recording all date-times in XML files in UTC instead of local time with a timezone. This will help users who like to keep their files under version control because the time strings won't shift every time Daylight time begins or ends.
  • Performance: >Fix XML load CPU hotspot: Scrub.c xaccTransScrubPostedDate
  • The refactoring provides roughly 10% reduction in user CPU use for XML file load by moving an expensive function to within an if-clause where the result is used.
  • Performance: Speed-up of txn match dialog: Suspend GUI refresh during deletion of selected lines.
  • Performance: Sorting speed-up: Cache the bool value of Transaction's is_closing property.
  • Register: Accept URLs or file paths for files associated with transactions. File paths can be relative or absolute. A preference is provided.
  • Reports: Speed up the budget and cash flow report calculation by iterating over accounts only once.
  • Reports: Heavy scrubbing for code readability and performance.
  • Reports: New Report by Ryan Turner: Balance Forecast Report
  • This report forecasts the combined balances of the selected accounts based on the scheduled transactions and plots them on a line graph. You can set a "reserve" amount, which will draw a red line on the graph, so you can easily see if your forecast dips below a given value. There is also a "future minimum" line which shows what the lowest future balance will be at a given point. I find this useful in conjunction with the "target" line for planning.
  • Reports: Fix crash when loading saved-report with unknown choices.
  • If a saved-report with e.g. relative date, multichoice option is unknown, the report would crash, and the Report-Options would segfault. This commit fixes both: report-date defaults to 'today', multichoice-options defaults to default-value. Following this commit, if a report loads a saved-report or .gcm from a future version, a gnc:warn will be emitted and the report will not crash; it will use relative-date today. Multichoice will remain the default value. Report Options will not segfault. The user will be notified via a gnc:gui-warn dialog
  • Reports: Date intervals at end-of-month:
  • Instead of recursing the date, we calculate the next month using an index-based multiplier, and apply modulo/remainder as appropriate to determine the next month/year. Then we attempt to create new mktime, and if the resulting mktime's month is not as expected, reduce the mday by 1 until resulting month is correct. This fixes monthly intervals for end-of-month days. Test via monthly/quarterly deltas, and also includes leapyear calculation.
  • Reports: Date-grouping must allow indenting.
  • Indenting checkbox was erroneously disabled when: sortkey = date, date-subtotal = not 'none.
  • Reports: Table display
  • It is intuitive that if the user wishes to show the subtotal-table, and hide the transactions, then both the main (hidden) transactions and subtotals must be hidden as well.
  • Reports: Update US Income Tax information for 2018.
  • Scheme Deprecations:
  • account-assoc
  • account-hash
  • account-hashtable-ref
  • account-hashtable-set!
  • account-in-alist
  • account-in-list-pred
  • account-in-list?
  • account-same?
  • gnc-commodity-collector-commodity-count
  • gnc-commodity-collector-contains-commodity?
  • gnc:commodity-collectorlist-get-merged
  • gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-helper
  • gnc:exhange-by-pricevalue-helper
  • gnc:get-commoditylist-inst-prices
  • gnc:hook-run-danglers
  • gnc:make-drcr-collector
  • gnc:make-stats-collector
  • gnc:report-template-menu-name/name
  • gnc:report-template-name-to-id
  • gnc:report-template-new-options/name
  • gnc:report-template-renderer/name
  • gnc:restore-report
  • gnc:save-options
  • split-assoc
  • split-hash
  • split-hashtable-ref
  • split-hashtable-set!
  • split-in-list?
  • split-same?
  • Scheme: Replace account and split utility functions with SRFI-1 functions.
  • Scheme: Testing (create-transaction) adds price trading commodities/currency.
  • this will modify a test which was calibrated to record purchase price only. fix transaction creation to add prices for both purchase and sales, and also fix test which was assuming no sale price was bring recorded.
  • Scheme: Testing (env-create-multisplit-transaction) This is the general case for any transaction creation.
  • Rewrite other transaction creation routines to use it. All tests still work unchanged, which confirms this function works well. This will allow tests to create multisplit transactions, of an arbitrary number of splits. If the list-of-split's values are not balanced (i.e. total 0), the engine will create an Imbalance-CUR split.
  • The motivation is to allow creation of complex multisplit multicommodity transactions eg USD50 + GBP20 (USD25) = EUR66 (USD75) as well as their prices GBP/USD = 25/20 and EUR/USD = 75/66.
  • USD -50
  • USD -25 = GBP -20
  • USD +75 = EUR +66
  • This will be useful in creating tests for stock-based reports, whereby stock sales need splits in STOCK/ASSET/INCOME accounts.
  • Scheme: Redesign gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates,
  • replacing the ignore-closing? parameter with a split->amount function parameter having a default value of xaccSplitgetAmount. (split->amount split) should return the amount of the split or #f; in the latter case the split is skipped. This allows for a more general account balance list accumulator with novel balance strategies. For example a split->amount function could test void status and return xaccSplitVoidForerAmount on void splits; test description/memo for some content and vary the returned amount accoridingly; or test the split and return 1 or 0 creating a counter. To recreate the ignore-closing use case pass (lambda (s) (and not (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn (xaccSplitGetParent s))) (xaccSplitGetAcmount s)))
  • Scheme: Replace some option names. Automatically convert usage of the old names and issue a warning.
  • We have revised translations for Arabic, Croatian (New!), Farsi, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian
  • Revised or added account templates for Belgium (French) (New!), Frsnce, Croatia (New!), Germany. Switzerland (French)

New in GnuCash 3.4 (Jan 4, 2019)

  • Bug 498072 - GnuCash show taxes on invoice when individual taxes is not checked
  • Bug 760825 - On duplicating a bill, the entry dates should be set to the bill date, not to the current date - followup:
  • Use neutral time on entry post dates instead of canonical time
  • Bug 767772 - Associated file with transaction is lost when moving entry between accounts
  • Bug 775580 - Inaccurate information provided for "Common Accounts" when using "New Account Hierarchy Setup"
  • Bug 779565 - Treeview header combos do not work at first load
  • Bug 788332 - Last Reconcile Date column sorts by day of month not date
  • Bug 789674 - Close Book tool regression
  • Bug 793156 - Incorrect date sort order in Generic import matcher window
  • Bug 795080 - Some dates reset to 01/01/1970
  • Bug 795237 - Update of "wohnungsw" template
  • Bug 795425 - Version 2018 of german account template SKR49
  • Bug 796772 - Receivable Ageing Report invalid URL for Totals column
  • Bug 796806 - Crash after OFX import if line item dragged
  • Bug 796842 - Add new employee window may not fit on screen
  • Bug 796849 - Load another QIF file causes "that file already loaded" dialog
  • Bug 796875 - Unable to use arrow keys to advance past pre-filled text in register
  • Bug 796878 - test-qofsession fails on x86_32.
  • Bug 796883 - Register text oddities
  • HOME and END need to be treated like right and left arrow keys.
  • Bug 796886 - OFX Import does not show source account in the transaction matching window
  • Bug 796887 - Remove account slot key color if there is no valid color
  • Bug 796893 - invoice.GetDatePosted() and other date related functions returns strange values for uninitalised dates.
  • Bug 796896 - Button to complete an export not intuitively placed or discoverable
  • Bug 796903 - Crash when searching invoice by Invoice Owner
  • Bug 796914 - Customer Summary is giving error
  • Bug 796915 - Update Account colour background
  • Bug 796940 - Invalid transaction date-posted KVP causes date-posted to not be saved.
  • Bug 796944 - Tab navigation From Company Address field in New Book Options
  • Bug 796945 - Search Search Criteria window does not scroll when added criteria exceed a certain amount
  • Bug 796948 - Scheduled Transactions Entered Since Last Run Are not Visible
  • Bug 796949 - Incorrect conversion of 0,01 USD to EUR
  • Bug 796960 - Incorrect amount sort order in Generic import matcher window
  • Bug 796961 - Can't overwrite existing MYSQL database, V3.3.
  • Bug 796967 - gnclock table not removed when using PostgreSQL.
  • Bug 796978 - Deleting a split of same account as register cancels the transaction without warning
  • Bug 796981 - Gnucash crashes with critical error when selecting another file
  • Bug 796982 - Import Bills & Invoices: change in un_escape() routine causes description and notes fields to be mangled.
  • Bug 796988 - Untranslated string in CSV transaction importer
  • Bug 796989 - some date/time does not honor user locale
  • Bug 796994 - Unable to generate Tax Report because of pricedb error
  • The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
  • Set up filepath utils to determine the GNC_CONFIG_HOME in the same way as GNC_DATA_HOME.
  • Until now GNC_CONFIG_HOME was more or less hard-coded. Now it can be set via environment variable GNC_CONFIG_HOME. In addition it will automatically be created to avoid potential user confusion.
  • Redesign gnc-uri-utils
  • gnc_uri_get_components will now return NULL as protocol if the input is a normal file system path instead of a uri (it used to return 'file')
  • gnc_uri_get_protocol will now return NULL if the input is a normal file system path instead of a uri (it used to return 'file')
  • gnc_uri_is_file_protocol now returns FALSE if protocol is NULL (it used to return TRUE)
  • gnc_uri_is_file_uri now returns FALSE if input is a normal file system path instead of a uri (it used to return TRUE)
  • a new function gnc_uri_targets_local_fs will return TRUE only if its input is either a file uri or a normal file system path. This function is now mostly used instead of gnc_uri_is_file_uri in the current code base
  • a new function gnc_uri_is_uri is added to check whether its input is a valid uri (has protocol, path and hostname for non-file uris)
  • refer to 'scheme' instead of 'protocol' as that's the more formal term used in uris This involves renaming 3 functions:
  • gnc_uri_get_protocol -> gnc_uri_get_scheme
  • gnc_uri_is_known_protocol -> gnc_uri_is_known_scheme
  • gnc_uri_is_file_protocol -> gnc_uri_is_file_scheme
  • The *_protocol variants are marked as deprecated.
  • Additionally a number of local variables have been renamed from protocol to scheme to support this change.
  • Show warnings for deprecated declarations
  • We're about to announce our own set of deprecated functions in libgnucash. That would be pretty pointless if we also would silence all deprecation warnings at the same time...
  • More report code-cleanup by Chris Lam, including deprecating the following functions:
  • gnc:account-get-balance-at-date
  • gnc:account-get-total-flow
  • gnc-commodity-numeric-string
  • gnc-commodity-value->string
  • gnc:double-col
  • gnc:options-add-include-subaccounts
  • gnc:options-add-group-accounts
  • gnc:options-add-currency-selection
  • The following modules are deprecated:
  • report-system/collectors
  • report-system/report-collectors
  • Invoice: Remove H1 title and superflous option.
  • Printing the title twice is silly, so remove the option and the H1 display of the title. Note that the remaining title is in a div named "invoice-title" so it can be styled with CSS as the user pleases from the Report Options Layout tab.
  • The preference, use formal accounting labels does not update the header With a register open and you change preference 'use formal accounting labels' it does not update the register header so add a call back for the preference.
  • Make the grid lines of totals Budget tree view track the preferences.
  • Make the grid lines of the totals tree view track the preferences to match the account tree view above it.
  • Add routine to fix Account Color being set to "Not Set"
  • Previously the account color slot has been populated with "Not Set" when any field for the account has been edited and saved. This routine should run once and remove all such entries.
  • Performance fix in dom_chars_handler: use g_strndup instead of g_strdup
  • In the appdata/metadata file, rename the ID from org.gnucash.Gnucash to org.gnucash.GnuCash to match flathub, and add a launchable ID to link it to the desktop file.
  • Added double-click-on-file for the CSV transaction, price, and account importers and exporters.
  • Cleaned up a variety of issues reported by the clang static analyzer.
  • Allow the text options widget to use all remaining space
  • The text option widget used for report options has only about 3 lines visible currently and will not use any available space in the dialogue. Change the packing for this widget to expand and fill the remaining dialogue space. If there are more than one text option widget on a page then the available space will be shared equally.
  • Add short_labels for a few toolbar buttons with long names. That should fit a few more buttons on the toolbar.
  • Update iso-4217-currencies.xml, adddding VES - Bolivar Soberano, minor updates of other VE currencies.
  • Python 3 bindings fixes and improvements from Christoph Holterman and Sumit Bhardwaj.
  • We have revised translations for Chinese (Simplified), Farsi, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Portugal), and Ukrainian
  • Revised or added account templates for English (US), English (UK), German (Austria), German (Germany), Portuguese (Portugal)

New in GnuCash 3.3 (Oct 1, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • Bug 771667 - Different warnings when changing reconciled splits vs. splits linked to reconciled splits.
  • Bug 784420 - "Save changes on closing" window waits 2^32 seconds when "Time to wait for answer" is set 0.
  • Bug 786708 - GnuCash won't load currency fractions larger than 1000000. Also create larger fractions for the account dialog.
  • Bug 787439 - Segmentation Fault in Transfer dialog after clearing Date field and pressing escape.
  • Bug 789594 - Unable to overwrite sqlite3 database file.
  • Bug 792446 - Mixed languages in error dialog.
  • Bug 794526 - Python bindings can't find loadable modules.
  • Bug 794755 - Commodity Register displays fractional prices.
  • Prices will now be displayed in decimal, rounded to two more places than the currency's smallest unit.
  • Bug 794870 - If no book is opened, gnucash still asks if the user wants to save changes when opening a file.
  • Bug 795821 - GnuCash could not obtain the lock for file://C:UsersusernameDocumentsGnuCash2.6.21xxxxxxxx.gnucash
  • Bug 796054 - Unposting and reposting invoice doubles amounts.
  • Bug 796137 - query.search_for outputs critical qof.object errors and prevents queries being run.
  • Bug 796248 - Editing Scheduled Transaction.
  • In addition to not begining to edit already-loaded transactions, don't try to load splits that are already loaded. It shouldn't be possible to load a transaction without also loading its splits.
  • Bug 796474 - Segmentation fault while setting up online banking.
  • Allow only a single instance of the assistant.
  • Bug 796509 - Saved reports don't respect *some* 'Edit report options'.
  • Bug 796579 - Cannot go forward with empty duplicates screen.
  • Bug 796665 - Backspace Key Inoperable After Ctrl+V.
  • Bug 796669 - Dark Theme Text Colors Hard to Read.
  • Only add the register-foreground class when using Gnucash built in colours. When this setting not used, the foreground colour by default will be what ever the theme has set and will be down to the user to over ride along with the other register colours.
  • Bug 796724 - Can't overwrite gnucash DB on MariaDB.
  • Bug 796725 - 4 of 6 Date Posted options fail to return matching transactions.
  • Bug 796734 - Auto-complete entry not highlighting to allow for incremental entry.
  • Bug 796737 - Patch to restore gncmod-python.c.
  • Bug 796739 - Toolbar buttons have no labels.
  • Bug 796751 - reconcile window usability - R column should be next to Amount.
  • Bug 796755 - buggy window handling at startup.
  • Bug 796756 - OFX import fails to recognize associated income accounts.
  • Bug 796759 - --add-price-quotes leaves a lock on the file.
  • Bug 796762 - Scrollbar partially hides the delete button in the Saved Report Configurations window.
  • The vertical scrollbar obscures the delete button in the tree view so add a dummy blank column to the end and set it to the width of the vertical scrollbar.
  • Bug 796766 - Credit note creating 'imbalance' with wrong entries.
  • Bug 796777 - CVE-2008-1391: Integer overflow in included strfmon function.
  • Bug 796788 - Strange behaviour in options of multicolumn report.
  • Bug 796792 - SaveAs Overwrite dialogue in background and not visible.
  • Bug 796812 - gnc_date_cell_get_date and gnc_date_cell_get_date_gdate have different date validation behaviour.
  • Bug 796813 - Date validation inconsistent.
  • Bug 796814 - Changing a book's read-only threshold doesn't immediately affect open registers.
  • Bug 796816 - Notes field in Duplicate Invoice dialogue is 'read-only'.
  • Bug 796819 - Bad icon with Spanish localization.
  • Drop translations of the 'gnucash-icon' string from our po files and add a note for translators to not translate this string or use the literal 'gnucash-icon' as translation.
  • Bug 796820 - References to 'Gnome Bugzilla' should be changed to 'GnuCash Bugzilla'.
  • Bug 796833 - Excel csv Format misprocessed.
  • Convert all line ending styles to the one expected by the C++ standard library before starting to parse a csv file.
  • Bug 796839 - Find transaction won't filter on Date Posted.
  • Bug 796858 - TypeError: in method 'qof_query_int32_predicate', argument 2 of type 'gint32' on gnucash.gnucash_core.QueryInt32Predicate.
  • The Following fixes and improvemts were not associated with bug reports:
  • Set toolbar buttons to show both icon and text.
  • And make the icon small to recover some vertical screen estate. The motivation for this is that Gtk has dropped the ability for users to change a toolbar's appearance. And as our icons are often less than descriptive many users benefit from having textual descriptions as well. This is the best compromise we can make until the gui gets an in-depth redesign.
  • Add preference for forcing prices to decimal display.
  • Anticipating that some users might prefer to see exact prices, add a preference to General>Numbers to configure whether prices are rounded to decimals or are displayed as exact fractions.
  • Revert the "Average Cost" pricing changes made in 2.6.17.
  • These changes broke trial balances in many books.
  • Allow saving to xml over an existing sqlite3 file and the other way around.
  • Add customer/vendor ID in client section of invoices.
  • Partly fixes bugs 430259 and 742086; full fixes would require not-backward-compatible data model changes.
  • Change the default filter for General Ledger.
  • The General Ledger default for the number of days shown is 30 but for the Register it is 0, meaning show all. So change the default filter based on ledger type and use this when determining if the setting should be saved or removed.
  • Fix gtk accelerator mixups by explicitly disabling actions that are not relevant.
  • For example, File->Print and its variants for various page types all use the same 'p' as global accelerator. It was possible to have gnucash invoke the 'Print Report...' action instead of the 'Print Invoice...' action when hitting p on an invoice page. If no report page was open at this point, gnucash would crash. If a report was open, gnucash would invoke the print action on that report instead of opening an invoice report for the invoice.
  • [job-report] Prevent Crash if there is no AR account
  • Add the ability to cascade account colours in account tree.
  • The colour on an account that has sub-accounts can be applied to its sub-accounts; by default only those sub-accounts that don't have a colour set are affected, but there's a preference to override that.
  • Speed up loading the preference dialog by blocking register updates until the dialog is fully loaded.
  • Update, add basic test for python query.
  • Simplify GNCQueryView's data model: It was managing a number of redudant parameters which were leaking memory all over the place. The information that was tracked could easily be extracted from the underlying GtkTreeView, GtkTreeModel or GtkTreeSelection when needed.
  • Open customer/vendor/employee report when double-clicking an the respective owner the cust/vend/empl overview page.
  • Update Overview of README based on
  • Many new tests for reports.
  • Some substantial speedups when loading large amounts of business transactions from a SQL backend.
  • Clean up a lot of memory leaks.
  • Remove all use of Timespec in the program. Provide deprecated wrapper functions supporting timespecs for custom reports; users should update the reports as soonas possible.

New in GnuCash 3.2 (Jun 26, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • Bug 787401 - Test Report System - Report Definition.
  • Bug 794617 - Can't compile with -DWITH_GNUCASH=NO due to scm-gnome-utils.
  • Bug 795101 - Scroll Bar in Reconcile Window Floats in and covers the check boxes.
  • Bug 795247 - datepicker broken in Persian. GnuCash passes dates as integer y/m/d without using locale-specific formats, so we need to strip out 'E' and 'O' from the format when scanning dates or determining separators in gnc-date. None of '-', 'E', or 'O' are supported by boost (and '-' causes errors), so strip them out from formatters in gnc-datetime as well.
  • Bug 795253 - Have problems input Chinese.
  • Bug 795272 - QIF importer causes application crash if action is invalid.
  • Bug 795276 - Invalid date on price stops file from being parsed.
  • Bug 795362 - Special variable "i" not parsed in function calls. Due to balance tests with insane random values.
  • Bug 795471 - Impossible to Edit Budget Unless Maximized.
  • Bug 795519 - Credit card payment after reconciliation.
  • Bug 795666 - Backslash '' in Description field spoils CSV Import without helpful error message.
  • Bug 795831 - When read only threshold set, dates are silently changed. Display a message box informing the user of the change.
  • Bug 795944 - Cannot store change to Business Suppliers data.
  • Bug 796079 - Repeatable Crash in Tax Report Options.
  • Bug 796081 - Tax Schedule Report - An error occurred while running the report.
  • Bug 796083 - Reconcile Selection Doesn't Work Anymore.
  • Bug 796117 - Connecting 3.1 to an existing mysql db drops all data. Provide a backup recovery function that instead of dropping primaries and restoring backups merges the primaries and backups. This should handle a worst-case safe-save failure where the backup tables don't have a complete set of rows for some reason.
  • Bug 796256 - Main Window stays hidden when starting after closing main window while minimized.
  • Bug 796369 - Notes lost or perhaps just not displaying when using SQLite backend. This bug caused data loss if you saved your SQLite3 database to a different file or database. The problem is that in SQLite3 (though not in MySQL or PgSQL) the subquery ((SELECT DISTINCT guid FROM transactions)) (note the double parentheses) returns only the first guid in the subquery's results. Some transactions are loaded by special queries and those queries are also used to retrieve the transaction's slots so they weren't affected.
  • Bug 796398 - Restrict accelerator keys to valid date range.
  • Bug 796409 - Incorrect Current Value for Stocks. Missed calculating the value in the register summary bar.
  • Bug 796423 - Cannot Input Chinese, seems does not work with other IME too. Toggles not in view with all rows selected weren't being redrawn.
  • Bug 796484 - csv import: iostream error. Unfortunately it turns out that we can't use filestreams because they can't take path arguments containing Unicode on Windows.
  • Bug 796527 - invalid currency on scheduled transactions.
  • Don't even check for price/exchange rate on template transactions, there's no point.
  • Check all split commodities are valid, abort transaction creation if not.
  • If the template transaction's currency isn't used by any of the splits set the new transaction's currency to the first-found currency if there is one, otherwise to the first-found commodity.
  • Bug 796537 - Transaction Report cannot sort by "num".
  • Bug 796586 - QIF import incorrectly converts unicode characters from UTF8 encoded file.
  • Bug 796595 - QIF Import Select Account button to add a new account is labled gnc-account-new but should be New.
  • Bug 796600 - stock split cash-in-lieu income/asset labels backwards.
  • Bug 796614 - Reconciliation report contains incorrect transactions.
  • Bug 796638 - configuration not properly saved for CSV transactions import form.
  • The Following fixes and improvemts were not associated with bug reports:
  • Transaction report improvements:
  • Performance: Do all filtering ops before sorting.
  • Move the options summary before the subtotals table.
  • New unit tests
  • Enable computing averages in subtotal grid.
  • Generate the subtotal grid only if the primary sort key enables subtotals.
  • Fix subtotal grid to support multiple commodities.
  • New filters.
  • Much cleaning and refactoring of the internals.
  • Cache the num-split-action book option to avoid thousands of KVP queries for the same value when loading a register.
  • Create a static string for book option KVPs to save an extra malloc/free on old compilers without small-string optimization.
  • Add tooltip support for register cells.
  • New unit tests for the balance sheet report and invoices.
  • Consolidate charting code into a single module.
  • Removed an incomplete and abandoned C implementation of QIF import.
  • Restored libsecret support that had been left out of CMake.
  • Replace old-style html style attributes with css.
  • Modify emitted html to be parseable by the Guile SXML module for testing.
  • Remove support for long-gone gtkhtml renderer.
  • Clean up code generating html tables.
  • Ensure full precision of doubles is saved to SQL. std::iostream's operator

New in GnuCash 3.1 (Apr 30, 2018)

  • Changes:
  • Bug 118391 - Long currency names untranslated.
  • Bug 769686 - Notes not imported when using update and reconcile in import transactions from CSV.
  • Bug 772776 - VERY large queries (over 11000 fields in IN clause) slow down GnuCash.
  • Bug 782144 - git-master - Save Corrupts Data File / Not Open Data File.
  • Bug 792105 - Startup takes several minutes.
  • Bug 793461 - Transaction matcher window blank when importing QFX.
  • Bug 794767 - Dates default to 01/01/1970.
  • Bug 794916 - Fails to find environment file at startup when installation prefix is '/opt'.
  • Bug 794936 - 3.0 does not open previously saved sqlite3 files properly - corrupted business data.
  • Bug 794941 - Both print icons export to pdf.
  • Bug 794953 - Ellipsize on short tab labels.
  • Correct error on when to ellipsize tab labels. Also as this is used in two places separate out this to new function so it is not duplicated.
  • Bug 794990 - Double click does not work on saved reports.
  • When you double click on the saved report description nothing happens. This was down to a conflict on a couple of call backs and one of them was incorrectly setup.
  • Bug 794994 - Display Alphavantage key in full.
  • Set the entry to expand so all the space is used to display.
  • Bug 795031 - 3.0 Crashes on loading when opening 2.6.19 file.
  • Bug 795039 - Crash on startup using Technicolor Style sheet in report.
  • Bug 795040 - GnuCash crashes when searching for a newly created bill.
  • Bug 795049 - GnuCash 2.6.20-1 (Fedora Linux package) is unable to open MariaDB.
  • Bug 795064 - Enable subtotal-only if either sortkeys are dates.
  • This will allow 'show subtotals only' if sortkeys are date-types. This allows, for example, prime-sortkey=date, yearly. sec-sortkey=date, monthly.
  • Bug 795068 - src/optional/python-bindings missing several files.
  • Bug 795080 - Some dates reset to 01/01/1970.
  • An odd corner case: BST apparently came off of DST at 23:00 26 Oct 2014, so midnight that day was ambiguous about being DST or not; that causes the local_date_time constructor to throw in spite of the tm.is_dst element being 0 (meaning pick standard time). Instead of just failing in that case, try constructing a local_date_time three hours later then adjust it back three hours. If *that* doesn't work then throw a std::invalid argument.
  • Bug 795082 - CSV import crashes if a transaction's 'Account' field is empty and no default Account set.
  • Bug 795101 - Scrollbar floats and covers toggle buttons.
  • When the scrollbar appears for the reconcile windows it can float above the reconcile toggle button which make it difficult to toggle. Move this column to the start which has the advantage of aligning the amount column above the Total value.
  • Bug 795142 - Unable to enter account codes in business sheets.
  • In Bills, Invoices and Expense vouchers you can not enter an account code in an account field like you can on a normal register, enable this.
  • Bug 795155 - CSV import does not distinguish between deposit and withdrawal.
  • Bug 795347 - Australian (GMT+10) OFX transactions imported have previous days date
  • Bug 795377 - Reads and saves Gnucash 2.6.19 XML file, then can't reread it, due to bad date in old file.
  • Bug 795389 - Hard to see figures in the budget window
  • The budget view had hard coded black for normal values and dark grey for other values. Changed this so normal values are reset to default color and adjusted the grey based on default color for theme.
  • Bug 795405 - All Dates in Price Database Off-By-One After 3.0 Upgrade
  • Bug 795446 - On Windows there is a blank tip of the day
  • When the tip_of_the_day.list is created a new line is appended to the list file and on Windows this causes a blank tip so remove the adding of the extra line.
  • Bug 795471 - Budget window scrolls edited cell out of site
  • When editing cells that have been revealed on the right by scrolling the window snaps back to the left hiding the cell being edited. This may be due to an underlying gtk issue but these changes fix the issue visually.
  • The Following fixes and improvemts were not associated with bug reports:
  • On Windows the tooltip for saved reports was incorrect
  • When the mouse was placed over a saved report description on Windows an empty tooltip was displayed. Setup the query tooltip callback so it does not display a tooltip for description column.
  • Fix crash when loading sql book with posted transactions.
  • Add ability to recognize and use a pre-compiled
  • html-font: add default font family
  • Windows ships with GTK2 in which the default font styles are named "Sans" "Sans Bold" "Sans Normal" etc. There is no "Sans" font in Windows; I vote to add a default "Sans-Serif" font-family which is valid CSS. This ensures exported reports are shown as intended.
  • Several improvements to the Transaction and GST reports.
  • csv-impport - Allow empty amount fields
  • Treat empty amount fields as 0. This is necessary for example in the case the csv import file has both a deposit and a withdrawal column.
  • Remove the set transient parent setting for Reconcile window
  • The Reconcile option is already a window so it is not necessary to set this value which allows the jump to transaction to work properly.
  • Date Format dialog flashes up when file/properties used
  • When you select the File/Properties dialog, in the construction of that a 'Date Format' dialog flashes up while the date component is moved to the properties dialog. Can mainly be seen on Windows so remove the visible setting in glade file.
  • Prevent throw in gnc-pricedb.
  • If a price lookup is given an invalid time64/timespec (i.e. INT64_MAX) then just return NULL instead of trying to find the nearest price.
  • Set GNC_VCS at build time instead of when making the tarball.
  • Because the tarball is always made from a VCS repo.
  • If there are no prices in the db, critical errors are flagged
  • When dialog transfer is used between two commodities and there are no prices in the db a critical error is logged. Test for price object being NULL before retrieving the price for the error message.
  • The following translations are updated: Slovak, Spanish

New in GnuCash 2.7.8 (Mar 26, 2018)

  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 787439 - Segmentation Fault in Transfer dialog after clearing Date field and pressing escape.
  • Bug 794242 - Remove keep above setting for assistant hierarchy
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • When doing a file save from the a new start we have no key file
  • Stop critical error due to testing null filename
  • Change dialog-new-user to use a GtkWindow
  • More transient-parent fixes.
  • Add missing response section to the account picker dialog.
  • Glade 3.20 adds surplus padding option to action area.
  • Add XML namespaces for all Account Hierarchy Templates.
  • Increase default options dialog size

New in GnuCash 2.7.7 (Mar 20, 2018)

  • For Developers and Distro packagers:
  • The Python Bindings and Console are now for Python 3.
  • It's now possible to create a GncPrice from the Python bindings with "gnc_price_create(book)", removing the need to clone an existing GncPrice object and modify it.
  • Compilation of GLib Schemas during build and installation can be disabled by setting -DCOMPILE_GSCHEMAS=OFF. This is intended only for distribution packaging scripts that run glib-compile-schemas themselves.
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 787439 - Segmentation Fault in Transfer dialog after clearing Date field and pressing escape.
  • Bug 791831 - Add python3 support.
  • Bug 794242 - Remove keep above setting for assistant hierarchy
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Fix date corruption in SQL load. Four date elements were affected: GncEntry::date, GncEntry::date_entered, GncInvoice::opened, and GncInvoice::posted. This does not affect the stored values of the dates.
  • Fix lost Bayesian matches in SQL backend. The import-map-bayes uses a three-part key that uses the same delimiter as a path and the SQL backend was throwing away everything except the account guid.
  • More transient-window fixes and other Gtk3 cleanups.
  • Add xmlns namespace declarations to all of the accounts templates that lacked it and remove the emacs mode-setting comments at the end of them.

New in GnuCash 2.7.6 (Mar 14, 2018)

  • New Features for Users:
  • Modernise chart colours from the dated CSS defaults to modern colours as suggested by
  • Add "Subtotal Summary Grid" to the Transaction Report. The subtotal summary-grid will tabulate subtotals - prime-sortkey vertically, sec-sortkey horizontally. This will be useful, for example, with prime-sortkey = accounts, sec-sortkey = date, sec-subtotal = monthly... will produce a monthly time series spreadsheet.
  • For Developers and Distro packagers:
  • Rework source directory structure for gschema, gtkbuilder and ui files. There is now a directory for each respective file type directly in /gnucash as was already the case for gschema files. In principle all files of each type should go into these global directories. The only exception is if such a file belongs to an optional module. In that case the file remains located inside that module's directory. Currently we have ui, glade and gschema file exceptions in aqb and ofx importers.
  • Drop intltool in favour or using modern gettext. By default we require gettext 0.19.6 as this is needed to generate a translated version of gnucash.desktop and gnucash.appdata.xml. For platforms where this isn't available, setting ALLOW_OLD_GETTEXT=ON will allow building but some strings will not be extracted to gnucash.pot
  • Pass GTEST_ROOT and GMOCK_ROOT through to distcheck. So that they don't have to be exported in the environment if they're needed.
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 764245 - multi-column reports include incorrect sub-reports
  • Bug 793460 - gnucash/import-export/csv-imp/assistant-csv-trans-import.cpp:1941 is impossible to translate.
  • Bug 793467 - GnuCash crashes when trying to open a binary file instead of a CSV.
  • Bug 793699 - start_spath could be used uninitialised.
  • Bug 793900 - 2.7.5: test failure: 105 - python-bindings.
  • Bug 793941 - 2.7.4: test failure on i686: 59 - test-gnc-timezone. Don't test before 1916, that's not a common GnuCash use-case.
  • Bug 793947 - Impossible to render printable invoice
  • Bug 794031 - The checkbox "Placeholder" cann't be changed in dialog "Setup selected accounts". Enable placeholder toggle and provide callback. The text for this account tree view specifies "If you would like an account to be a placeholder account, click the checkbox for that account." but they were not enabled and no call back was defined so enabled the toggle button and provide callback.
  • Bug 794083 - gnucash-2.7.5: cmake+make build installs Makefile.
  • Bug 794137 - 2.7.5: test failure: 60 - test-gnc-numeric. Fixed by overloading operator

New in GnuCash 2.7.5 (Feb 28, 2018)

  • New Features for Users:
  • Locate all user data and configuration files to platform-dependent standard locations:
  • Windows: CSIDL_APPDATA/Gnucash
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gnucash
  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnucash (or the default $HOME/.config/gnucash)
  • GnuCash currently uses the following files in this directory:
  • log.conf (to set what gets logged to gnucash.trace)
  • config-user.scm (to add custom scheme code like custom reports; replaces config.user and config-.user)
  • gtk-3.0.css (For theming)
  • On Windows and with the MacOS we distribute the files will already be in the correct locations; users will need to rename any config*.user files to config-user.scm. On other platforms except MacOS, where those files were previously stored in $HOME/.gnucash, GnuCash will move log.conf (if it exists) and the most recent config*.user, renaming the latter, automatically. MacOS installations other than our bundle will have their data and configuration files in $HOME/.gnucash but users will have to copy the files to $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gnucash themselves.
  • Further improvements to the Transaction and Income-GST-statement reports.
  • Transaction Report: omit display of $0 in subtotals in other currencies. Previously in dual-subtotal columns, the dual-subtotal would attempt to print all commodities in the row. This meant if user chose common-currency thereby triggering additional commodities, the dual-subtotal would attempt to add amounts in other commodities which would be 0, and display the 0 amount.
  • For Developers and Distro packagers:
  • Some cruft removal in libgnucash/scm plus moving some code to its only use location. "main.scm" is renamed to "utilities.scm".
  • The "printf" family of Scheme custom functions is replaced with the built-in "format" facility.
  • Change a generally unnecessary warning about being unable to open a module (usually because the file is still being created) to a debug message. It appears mostly during highly parallel builds and was distracting.
  • Added dependency information to all CMake targets, replacing a dependency on build order that was carried over from autotools. Highly parallel builds in ninja now complete without interuption.
  • Ensure that all GtkBuilder and GtkUIManager files are correctly installed and that no configuration of build products in those directories are.
  • Appstream configuration is updated to the latest spec.
  • Fix installation of a gnucash-only gschemas.compiled overwriting the system one. Note that if you install to a DESTDIR you'll need to re-run glib-compile-scemas after moving the contents of $DESTDIR$PREFIX/share/glib-2.0/schemas to $PREFIX.
  • Added two functions to the Scheme option API:
  • gnc:option-make-internal! will hide an existing option. e.g. a derived report can set the value for a Display/* option and hide it from the user.
  • gnc:unregister-option will unregister option. This is primarily useful for derived options e.g. another report copies from transaction.scm and removes some options and recreates them with different parameters.
  • For example, unregister existing option from section "Accounts" name "Accounts", and recreate with different parameters e.g. limited account types.
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 787095 - Gnucash Crashes when opening old XML file.
  • Bug 792157 - Cannot create account with different currency
  • Bug 792833 - User specifies source of 'num' field'; either transaction number or split action (requires at least GnuCash 2.5.0) Strip leading delimiters from KVP keys when reading them from the database. Leading delimiters are incorrectly included in databases created with GnuCash 2.6.x.
  • Bug 792883 - cmake: no way to turn off -Werror Prepend settings to CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS so that values supplied on the command line can override the fixed settings.
  • Bug 792884 - cmake: gschemas.compiled missing
  • Bug 793122 - 2.7.3: ninja build fails.
  • Bug 793155 - Gnucash 2.7.4 crashes on launch MacOS 10.13.4 PB1
  • Bug 793278 - wrong data in charts with accumulated values (like "net-linechart", "net-barchart" and "liabilities barchart")
  • Bug 793568 - "Cash Flow" report crashes
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • An optimization in the GncDateTime string constructor provides substantial speed up of loading SQL databases, and one in Scheduled Transaction creation will speed up creation of large numbers of scheduled transactions.
  • More dialogs have transient-for set so that they pop up over the window instead of in the upper left-hand corner of the monitor.

New in GnuCash 2.7.4 (Feb 11, 2018)

  • New Features for Users:
  • A new preference panel for the Alphavantage API key so that Finance::Quote users need not edit /etc/gnucash/environment.
  • On Macs the Reconcile Window's menu moved to the menubar.
  • The detected Finance::Quote version is displayed in the About box.
  • Removed all references to the various Yahoo! quote sources and made Alphavantage the default.
  • For Developers and Distro packagers:
  • The autotools build system has been removed.
  • Add a "pot" target to the build system so that translators can easily generate a new gnucash.pot from a git repository.
  • Improve handling of generated distributable files
  • Fix make dist on a clean checkout:
  • cmake with unix makefiles fails to resolve dist dependencies added from COPY_FROM_BUILD if these dependencies aren't built yet. This commit replaces the COPY_FROM_BUILD based logic with two new functions 'dist_add_configured' and 'dist_add_generated' to indicate which files should be included in the dist tarball. The latter also adds a target level dependency to the dist tarball custom command. Hence the former should be used for files that get generated during a cmake run while the latter should be used for files generated as the result of a 'make/ninja-build' run (like files for which an add_custom_command rule exists). Note: this commit also temporarily disables the dist target when building from a tarball (and hence it won't be tested in distcheck either). This will be handled in a future commit.
  • Add DL_LIBS to gncmod-gnome-utils target. Fixes a build problem in FreeBSD.
  • Detect presence or absence of libxml2 and makeinfo during configuration; abort if the first is missing and don't build the (mostly obsolete) texinfo documentation if the latter is. Document both in README.dependencies.
  • Replaced Timespec with time64 in the Scheme and Python bindings, introducing many new C time64 functions to accomodate the replacement. Timespec will eventually be removed from the C API as well.
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 787497 - Disabling OFX, AqBanking or python-bindings support cripples the dist build target
  • Bug 790526 - Mathematical bug Actually about the number of weeks from/to 1 Jan 1970.
  • Bug 790845 - 2.7.3: massive test failures on some architectures
  • Bug 792106 - Wrong dates displayed
  • Bug 792809 - Register text difficult to read with GTK 3.0 dark themes Add a foreground css class to override the theme value.
  • Bug 792947 - Missing translatable strings
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • The long-standing known problem, AQBanking setup crashing on Windows.
  • Webkit crashing the MacOS
  • Some Guile 2.2 issues are resolved.
  • Some bugs in the new Transaction Report.
  • Correct setting of WebKit version during configuration when the version is cached.
  • The change to the Average Cost calulation introduced in 2.6.12 is reverted. See the extensive discussion in Bug 775368 for more information.
  • Fix our appstream id as per the appstream recommendation
  • Fix incorrect minimum dates in the net-linechart and net-barchart reports.
  • Fix a report crash if the Account Depth is too low.

New in GnuCash 2.7.3 (Dec 31, 2017)

  • New Features for Users:
  • A greatly enhanced Transaction report with many new options and features including a reconciliation report thanks to Chris Lam.
  • Removed 6-figure rounding from price calculations, allowing prices to have up to 18 digit precision.
  • A flatter storage scheme for Bayes account-matching scores, thanks to Aaron Laws. This is a compatibility change guarded by a feature.
  • GnuCash no longer supports Guile-1.8 and now does support Guile-2.2
  • A CSV Price importer, thanks to Bob Fewell.
  • Enhanced python bindings exposing more GnuCash API thanks to Guy Taylor
  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 616709 - Pressing delete key while editing account name offers to delete account.
  • Bug 771667 - Change reconciled splits warning.
  • This patch displays two distinct warnings when changing protected fields of a transaction that contains reconciled splits. If the fields date, num and description are changed, then the warning list the accounts that have reconciled splits and also advises that they will be unreconciled after editing the transaction. If the fields account, transfer, debit or credit are changed then the warning advises that the split will be unreconciled after editing the transaction. There is still just one warning preference as it is all to do with fields protected by reconciliation.
  • Bug 787497 - Disabling options cripples dist package
  • PARTIAL FIX: WITH_OFX, WITH_SQL and WITH_AQBANKING handling is fixed. The dist files for these features are always included in the dist tarball.
  • Bug 790526 - Mathematical bug.
  • Bug 791848 - GC 2.6.x does not handle ISO dates introduced with GC 2.7.
  • Set a feature to prevent versions older that 2.6.20 from loading a database from which they cannot read the dates. Ideally we would do this only if the database is written to, but the current persistence design includes committing back to the database during the load so the net effect is that the flag would be set anyway. This is a compatibility change guarded by a feature.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Tests now pass in all timezones.
  • More dialogs are made "transient for" so that they pop up centered on the main Gnucash window instead of somewhere on the left edge of the screen.
  • A lot of Gtk3 issues and errors are fixed, thanks to Bob Fewell.
  • Test struct tm* returns from gnc_gmtime and gnc_localtime to ensure that we don't crash for dereffing a nullptr.
  • Removed the gnc:numeric type from Scheme code in favor of Scheme's own rational numbers. This allows direct conversion between Scheme numbers and gnc_numeric without the performance or accuracy penalties arising from using doubles as an intermediary.
  • Pass KVP paths as a collection of elements instead of a delimited string. This allows keys to contain '/'. Thanks to Aaron Laws.
  • Added a frameowrk for migrating preferences.
  • Made separate functions for finding a widget's parent window: gnc_ui_get_gtk_window tries to find the immediate parent and gnc_ui_get_main_window tries to find the widget's parent toplevel, returning the first-mapped window.
  • Make the splash/lock screen the transient parent for dialog boxes if the main window is not yet mapped.
  • Rework directory determination in CMake builds.
  • Sets paths for finding componenents depending on the state of ENABLE_BINRELOC, GNC_UNINSTALLED, GNC_BUILDDIR and whether any install paths have been set outside of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
  • GNUInstallDirs changes the name of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR depending on the operating system and distro. When CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr, /usr/local, or any subdirectory of /opt it also changes CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR to /etc. An earlier commit by Aaron Laws mirrors the name of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR to the build library directory.
  • It's possible for builders to set any of the install directories anywhere they please. Setting any directory outside of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX breaks Binreloc so the toplevel CMakeLists.txt now detects that and disables Binreloc. If Binreloc is enabled then all path queries use it to find paths. This works in the build directory because the gnucash executable and all of the test programs are in build_directory/bin and LIBDIR, DATADIR, and SYSCONFDIR can be found in the same root path. If Binreloc is disabled then in order to build or run programs from the build directory one must set GNC_UNINSTALLED and set GNC_BUILDDIR to the absolute path of the build directory. When those are set GNC_BUILDDIR replaces CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in all paths that are subdirectories of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX; paths that are not in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX are appended whole to GNC_BUILDDIR. This process is constent between CMake and gnc_path_get_foo. GnuCash is unlikely to run from a DESTDIR without Binreloc.

New in GnuCash 2.7.2 (Nov 28, 2017)

  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 734865 - Assign as Payment... can silently 'unpay' a payed invoice
  • if the selected transaction is already linked to an existing payment, the payment dialog will present this payment again (same partner, post-to account, same selected document(s), same amount, memo, and transfer account).
  • if the selected transaction is not linked to an existing business transaction the logic will make a best guess as to whether the payment should be for a customer or vendor.
  • in both situations if the existing transaction has multiple splits that can be considered as transfer (or 'payment') splits the payment dialog can't work with it (it can only deal with one transfer split). In this case the user will be informed that only one valid transfer split will be retained and the others ignored.
  • the other thing the payment dialog can't handle are APAR type splits that are not associated to a lot at all. In case of transactions not part of a business transaction they will be silently ignored on the assumptions these were manually entered transactions with the intention to be linked to business transactions. On the other hand if such a split is part of a transaction that is also linked to a business payment already, a warning will be issued these splits will be removed from the new payment.
  • Bug 778692 - Assign as payment should work for employee expense vouchers
  • if gnucash can deduce a partner from the transaction that partner will be proposed this works for all transactions that are part of a business transaction already and will correctly detect pre-existing customer, vendor and employee payments
  • if no partner can be deduced gnucash will assume the transaction to be a vendor or customer payment based on the sign
  • in all cases the user can change the partner type in the payment window that's presented to any of customer, vendor or employee to correct gnucash' suggestion.
  • Bug 784623 - GNUCash does not work with sql backend.
  • Wherin the problem is that MySQL's TIMESTAMP has a date range of 1970-01-01 00:00:01 to 2038-01-19 03:14:07 and is unable to handle time_t of 0. MySQL's TIMESTAMP also assumes that input is in the server's timezone and adjusts it to UTC. GnuCash has already done that conversion.
  • Bug 789608 - Compilation problems when linking libraries.
  • Bug 789928 - FTBFS with libdbi 0.9.0-5 on Debian.
  • Bug 790550 - FTBFS: missing
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • SQL parameter quoting is corrected in the backend so that only string parameters are quoted. This caused trouble when trying to store SQL NULL; the string 'NULL' is different from the value NULL.
  • SQL table versions weren't set consistently and a bogus version test could cause some tables to be not loaded.
  • Better, more targeted handling of MySQL's penchant for setting date-time fields to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" if it doesn't like the input. This should be much less common thanks to fixing Bug 784623.
  • Major repairs to the "Dense Calendar" date selector.
  • Fix colors on graph reports so that the selections work and the defaults are no longer transparent.
  • Two large batches of styling fixes for Gtk3 from Bob Fewell.
  • Fix the guile-compiled path in the environment file so that GnuCash can start on Windows.
  • Convert the graphical reports to use GnuCash's rational numbers instead of doubles for better accuracy.

New in GnuCash 2.7.1 (Oct 30, 2017)

  • Bugs fixed in this release:
  • Bug 789298 - Prompt for file history update leads to crash during startup.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • GnuCash no longer crashes on startup on Windows.
  • GnuCash no longer crashes when loading price data.
  • The Options Dialogs will appear over the application window instead of wherever Gdk decides is coordinates 0, 0 on the display.
  • Owners were not correctly linked to invoices in the SQL backend.
  • Building from a tarball with python enabled now works.
  • Fix Reconcile dialog always showing a 0 ending balance.
  • Fix the book being always marked dirty at startup if it contained any scheduled transactions.

New in GnuCash 2.7.0 (Oct 25, 2017)

  • For Users:
  • The headline item for this release is that GnuCash now uses the Gtk+-3.0 Toolkit and the WebKit2Gtk API. This change was forced on us by some major Linux distributions dropping support for the WebKit1 API. Unfortunately the Webkit project doesn't support Microsoft Windows with the newer API so that platform will continue to use the WebKit1 API, though with Gtk3. We've selected Gtk+-3.14.0 as the minimum version because it fully supports CSS theming. (Geert Janssens, Robert Fewell, and John Ralls)
  • There's a new CSV importer largely rewritten in C++, adding new features including the ability to re-import CSV files exported from GnuCash. (Geert Janssens)
  • Data file directories are now located appropriately to the operating system's conventions by default. It's still possible to override with the environment variable GNC_DOC_PATH, which replaces GNC_DOT_DIR in earlier versions of GnuCash. (Geert Janssens)
  • Accounts in the Bayes import map are now linked by GUID instead of names so that the matcher won't have to be retrained if you rename an account. This will make your file unreadable by previous versions of gnucash. There's a new editor to remove outdated or incorrect match data from the import maps, a new user interface for managing files associated with transactions, an improved facility for removing old prices from the price database, and a way to remove deleted files from the history list in the file menu. (All from Robert Fewell!)
  • Numerics are rewritten to allow for more significant digits. The old 6-digit-maximum fraction will be a 9-digit maximum by 2.8. there is still some cleanup required before the limit can actually change. (John Ralls)
  • New Income GST Report and some improvements to the Transaction report. (Christopher Lam)
  • Chart Reports appearance is improved (Carsten Rinke)
  • For Developers:
  • The code is reorganized into a core library directory, libgnucash, and applications-specific directory, gnucash. Code lifted from other projects is in borrowed. (Geert Janssens)
  • Several parts of the engine and the SQL backend are rewritten in C++, an effort that will continue in the next development cycle. KVP is now private to libgncmod-engine. Object properties stored using KVP are generally accessible using g_object_get and g_object_set; there is also a more direct access available via qof_instance_get and qof_instance_set. (John Ralls and Aaron Laws)
  • KVP and GUID are reimplemnted in C++ using boost::variant and boost::UUID respectively (Aaron Laws).
  • The date implementation is migrated to boost::date-time, replacing a Glib GDateTime implementation. This makes the earliest date recordable 1 January 1400CE instead of 1 January 1CE. (John Ralls)
  • Distribution tarballs can now be built with CMake as well as Autotools. (Rob Gowin)
  • The CuteCash front end has been removed. The code we need from GOffice has been brought into the GnuCash code base so GOffice is no longer a dependency.
  • A new Russian translation of the Guide has been started by Dmitriy Mandel. Downloads in the usual formats are available at; the HTML is at
  • There will be no unstable documentation release at this time. There have been very few relatively minor changes to the master documentation branch; those documents may be viewed in the nightly builds at
  • BUGS FIXED (excluding those fixed in the stable branch):
  • Bug 87652 - KVP modification does not change 'dirty' flag.
  • Bug 120250 - KVP XML loader ignores '0' timestamps?
  • Bug 122895 - general ledger should be named journal
  • Bug 343227 - Summary bar alignment patch.
  • Bug 388500 - Add option to remove deleted files from the history list.
  • Allows removing files from the MRU list if they no longer exist.
  • Bug 541541 - RFE: auto-hide unused accounts
  • Bug 608098 - Option is hard to find: Change Transaction Report to show account names in multirow txn
  • On the Transaction report the General->Style option has been replaced with a similar Display->Detail Level option. This was done in order to make the display of some columns dependent on the value of this option.
  • When upgrading from 2.6.x or earlier to 2.8.x and you had saved or open reports that had set General->Style to 'Multi-line' you will have to update these reports to set 'Multi-line' on the Display->Detail Level option instead and optionally resave your report.
  • Bug 639401 - Invoices Due Reminder.
  • Bug 645786 - Fancy invoice report still doesn't use fancy date format preference.
  • Bug 647230 - Display the blank split after the "now" line instead of at the end.
  • Bug 679791 - Import Template for importing CSV files - part2
  • Bug 684719 - Man pages for gnc-fq-* perl scripts.
  • Bug 689489 - Be able to show file location
  • The file location is now visible in the status bar while hovering over the recent file list of the File menu. The currently open file is the top-most file in this list so its location can be seen by hovering over it with the mouse.
  • Bug 695610 - GnuCash Tax Invoice for Australia
  • Bug 706021 - Test match text for valid account path
  • Bug 726535 - Budget BarChart Report - add option to change to a line chart
  • Bug 728136 - Rate in Job
  • Bug 729001 - Fix a minor typo affecting the profile option in the previous commit.
  • Bug 731589 - Add account level selection on accounts option tab.
  • Bug 733186 - [PATCH] Extend account tree view search function.
  • Bug 734168 - Tax invoice can be a bill too.
  • Bug 737171 - After account creation wizard and saving, empty account window is shown.
  • Bug 738462 - Fixes Report Scheme error.
  • Bug 738477 - WebKit is broken on Win32.
  • Bug 741810 - Compilation fails because of creating .gnucash.
  • Bug 747377 - Fix overly restrictive input validation for IBAN of SEPA transfer.
  • Bug 752686 - Initialize temp GValues in xaccAccountGetReconcileLastInterval.
  • Bug 754530 - Add CSV Export Simple Layout.
  • Bug 754533 - Change finish page text for Search and General Journal register exports.
  • Bug 756373 - Typos in Transaction Rpt options mouse-over text.
  • Bug 757532 - [PATCH] Make start and end rows editable by keyboard.
  • Bug 759674 - GNUCash crashes when importing invoices or bills with delimited import.
  • Bug 760107 - Change default date completion to sliding window.
  • The default date completion when entering partial dates has been changed from "always complete in current calendar year" to "complete to a sliding window starting 11 months before current month". For example if you enter "1/23" (January 23rd) while today is December 10th 2015, the date will be expanded to January 23rd 2016 rather than 2015. If you prefer to keep the old behaviour, you can restore to it via Edit->Preferences->Date/Time->Date Completion. In addition if you were already using the sliding window before, but didn't change the previous 6 months before default, you will now also get the new default 11 months before. Again if you prefer the old behaviour it can be restored via the same Preference.
  • Bug 764268 - MT940 import select account based on transaction info.
  • Bug 769115 - db name isn't escaped well.
  • Bug 769576 - Seg Fault on Editing Scheduled Transaction's Amount.
  • Bug 778042 - These are the script changes for jqplot reports.
  • Adds resize function to graphical reports.
  • Bug 780845 - link in github repo README file needs correction/editing.

New in GnuCash 2.6.17 (Jul 4, 2017)

  • Bug 603379 - Prevent changing some Account Options if it has transactions Relax the account type change restrictions. In the new implementation account types can't be changed for an account with splits:
  • if the change woud force a commodity change e.g. from type STOCK to BANK as the former takes only non-currency commodities and the latter only currency.
  • for immutable accounts
  • At the time of this commit the following account types are considered immutable:
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • Trading accounts
  • Bug 776396 - Foreign currency reports, amounts are not aligned correctly Improve the styling of the table element used for foreign currencies in the Balance sheet report so they end up aligned with the other currencies.
  • Bug 780845 - link in github repo README file needs correction/editing
  • Bug 780889 - Split-register transactions result in invalid price:type "transaction" Add 'transaction' to the schema and document it in gnc-pricedb.h.
  • Bug 781476 - Online Banking Wizard Crashes for Windows (gnucash-on-windows)
  • Bug 781634 - Alert on missing account currency when opening account Also separate translatable commodity namespace strings from those used in storage: There is now a separate GNC_COMMODITY_NS_ISO_GUI label to be used everywhere the user needs to read 'Currency namespace'. It's currently set to 'Currencies' and can be translated.
  • Bug 782274 - Transactions produced by Transfer Funds or Process Payment dialogs sort to beginning of day and do not honor NUM field for custom sorting.
  • Bug 782897 - Stock Split Assistant crashes GnuCash if you enter a New Price and that already exists in the Price DB
  • Bug 783095 - gnucash-2.6.16 segfaults on startup
  • Bug 784317 - typo in 'import customers or vendors from text file' dialog
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Fix crash on Mac when trying to create or edit an AQBanking User. (gnucash-on-osx)
  • Properly define the template namespace rather than using a local string everywhere
  • Correctly store time64 0 in the SQL backend: The SQL backend ignored time64 0 when saving dates. time64 is a perfectly valid timestamp (1970-01-01 00:00:00) and should be stored.
  • Clamp time64 values passed to GDateTime functions to the valid range. Fixes a bug reported on the mailing list wherein a date of 0000-00-00 in a MySql database would crash GnuCash. Such dates may come from a bad conversion of 1970-01-01 or from a crash.
  • Add XSU to iso-4217-currencies
  • Some banks include additional purpose information for a transaction in non-swift-section 17 (aka transaction text). If available, this transaction text is put in front of the other purpose texts to provide full transaction information. Adds a preference to control import behaivour of transaction text.
  • Translation Updates: Arabic, Japanese, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish

New in GnuCash 2.6.16 (Mar 27, 2017)

  • Changes:
  • Bug 516920 - Calendar Pop up disappears of the left side.
  • Bug 603379 - Prevent changing some Account Options if it has transactions.
  • Bug 670731 - Future Value not working with Loan Scheduled transaction.
  • Bug 739571 - Matching imported transactions doesn't indicate previously matched entries.
  • Bug 759934 - Tiny reports in HiDPI (workaround).
  • Bug 766630 - gui dialog for sorting transactions to accounts after aqbanking import broken.
  • Bug 767032 - Bad invoices from importing "posted" needing currency conversion Only auto-post if the posted_to account name is valid, there's no currency conversion, or the invoice customer's currency matches the A/R account currency. Tell the user what happened with a dialog.
  • Bug 773945 - Select Security Dialog Not User Friendly: Add a new namespace “ALL NON-CURRENCY” to the namespace (type) selector lists on the security picker and price editor which causes the commodity list to include all non-security commodities.
  • Bug 776247 - PriceEditor thinks Currency XXX is an actual currency and tries to retrieve prices for it.
  • Bug 776380 - Gross value of bills charged back instead of net value.
  • Bug 776494 - Wrong menu entry in Tip of the day.
  • Bug 776517 - Trial Balance Report: Total Debits Issue re $0 Commodity Accounts and Price Source Mode Set to "Nearest in Time" or "Most Recent".
  • Bug 776564 - Creating a scheduled transaction from an existing transaction does not include the notes field.
  • Bug 778208 - Scheduling 2nd, 3rd or 4th Wed doesn't seem to work.
  • Bug 779217 - Transactions rounded to 5 decimal places when opening file.
  • Bug 779411 - jqplot fixes for piechart and syntax error.
  • Bug 777875 - Reports with charts are flickering in certain circumstances.
  • Bug 777949 - Accounts implicitly created in ledger attempt creation twice.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Use "Billing Information" as in other biz modules.
  • Update local symbol for MUR.
  • Online banking: Add output of bank messages that might occasionally be received.
  • Allow only date entry for opening balances on new accounts.
  • Enable taxinvoice to show net price: Add gncEntryGetNetPrice. Create an option in taxinvoice to either use gncEntryGetNetPrice or gncEntryGetPrice.
  • Make SQL full-DB sync safer and clean up automatically if it's interrupted by a system or network failure.
  • Extend account color to all columns in the account hierarchy page.
  • Localize the word “CURRENCY” used in the commodity namespace selectors.
  • Translation Updates: Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian

New in GnuCash 2.6.15 (Dec 19, 2016)

  • Bug 340991 - Default price source for reports not good.
  • Bug 516920 - Scheduled trasaction calendar popup off screen.
  • Bug 685329 - Crashes on non-existent date.
  • Bug 769124 - Australian (GMT-10) OFX transactions imported have previous day's date.
  • Bug 770364 - Sign of Value in Lots in Account window seems inconsistent.
  • Bug 771246 - Set Invoice/Bill items date correctly from imported CSV.
  • Bug 771617 - Build fails because test test-report-utilities is sensitive to time of day/timezone.
  • Bug 772313 - Invalid DOCTYPE in report generation.
  • Bug 772369 - Replace use of guile's internal date/time functions.
  • Bug 772382 - Date off-by-one after DST change.
  • Bug 772484 - Segfault on Transaction edit.
  • Bug 773808 - Export Report Crash.
  • Bug 774237 - FTBFS under some timezones (eg. GMT-14).
  • Bug 775368 - "Average cost" price source problem.
  • Bug 775385 - Confusing error message which includes the text "file file".
  • Bug 775567 - Importing QIF file from PayPal crashes GnuCash 2.6.14 on Windows XP service pack 3.
  • Bug 775912 - Tips of the Day shows content only once very 3 times.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Fix report html header
  • Changed the default value for date format in Business Options
  • Change report resizing when not in view
  • Add an image for the report tab
  • Show empty business splits in lot viewer
  • Business check & repair - correct lot invoice state
  • When juggling business splits while scrubbing set both value and amount
  • Update progress bar while running Check & Repair
  • Remove lot from account while deleting the lot
  • Ensure that the Namespace combo box is initialized to a valid iter.
  • Fix CSV importer to handle GMT + 13 Timezone (New Zealand Daylight
  • Fix broken german account template 'Kontenrahmen für Wohnungswirtschaft'.Time).

New in GnuCash 2.6.14 (Sep 18, 2016)

  • Bug 643025 - RFE: Ability to select and open multiple invoices.
  • Bug 733153 - Ambiguous view of buttons in search dialog Linux version.
  • Bug 742461 - SQL backend doesn't update customer info.
  • Bug 756416 - CSV data with Posted information will always have last invoice not posted
  • Bug 761667 - Crash opening associated location that has no scheme.
  • Bug 762901 - [PATCH] Fix saving Account Treeview sort order.
  • Bug 769730 - Investments: Lots in This Account, Closed column shows date 25/11/1833 instead of Open.
  • Bug 769746 - Zero interest loan formula fails.
  • Bug 770113 - compiling issue with libdbi.
  • Bug 770136 - 'Reverse Order' in 'View'->'Sort by' is not saved.
  • Bug 770181 - gnc-fq-dump incorrectly says "quote cannot be used...
  • Bug 770196 - cppcheck va_list not closed.
  • Bug 770303 - Incorrect commodity match during import OFX and possible solution.
  • Bug 771246 - Set Invoice/Bill items date correctly from imported CSV.
  • Bug 771379 - GnuCash doesn't support Russian Ruble Symbol.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Build improvements with CMake, accomodation for Guile-2.0.12 on Gentoo.
  • Change the date_posted timestamp from midnight local to 11:00 AM GMT, which will be the same date in nearly all timezones.
  • SX - Recalculate all occurrences of all SX if the calendar is updated to start on another month
  • SX Window: correctly show first sx on calendar when it is moved to next weekday.
  • Work around libofx bug which caused OFX imports to have the wrong date_posted when in an eastern-hemisphere timezone and not daylight time.
  • Indicate in the register when a transaction has an associated file or URI. The indicator will appear in the "reconciled" column in the second transaction line (enable double-line view to see it).

New in GnuCash 2.6.13 (Jun 28, 2016)

  • Bug 637004 - Optionally allow customer and vendor address info to display.
  • Bug 736352 - Expense Voucher adds tax automatically.
  • Bug 748983 - Crash after opening money transfer dialog twice.
  • Bug 760021 - File "Save As" to an existing file...overwrites without warning.
  • Bug 761672 - Transfer made to placeholder account.
  • Bug 764248 - saved-reports-2.4-backup line endings unconventional.
  • Bug 764871 - Crash starting gnu cash.
  • Bug 765859 - The budget reports missing in Hungarian edition
  • Bug 766028 - crash on manual addition of price entry in Price Editor.
  • Bug 766200 - Three-up printing does not position the third check properly. A few bugs in the calculation of check positions while printing checks have been corrected. If you manually edited the check formats to compensate for these positioning errors in previous versions of gnucash, you may have to undo these changes. Please check this before printing your next check.
  • Bug 766688 - Minimal fraction of BYN should be 1/100.
  • Bug 766960 - gnucash-make-guids fails to run due to hardcoded paths.
  • Bug 767824 - Some UTC timezones incorrectly recognized on Windows 7
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • The gnc_gui_refresh_all statement in gnc_book_options_dialog_apply_cb causes the 'apply' and 'OK' buttons to be set to sensitive on the open Book Options dialog in some circumstances; this commit causes them to be reset to insensitive, as they should be.
  • Check printing: make logic easier to follow.
  • Fix adjust_sql_option_string test on Windows.
  • Don't try to compile test_adjust_sql_options on windows, it won't link.
  • Fix the CMake build by linking gnc-backend-dbi for test-backend-dbi.
  • Improved adjust_sql_options_string, added tests.
  • Improve quickfill performance on huge registers.
  • Mac Localization: Prefer the country to the language for fall-back locales, on the theory that in countries where multiple languages are in use similar date and number formats will apply regardless of language, and especially that the default currency will be the same regardless of language. Also ensure that the specified language is in the list passed to gettext; the net effect of which is that the user will effectively get the requested localization behavior.
  • Update README to refer to wiki Submitting_Patches and regarding pull request policy.
  • Translation Updates: Dutch, Russian, Serbian
  • Standard Chart-of-Accounts Localizations Updates: Finnish, Sweden_Finnish, and Åland Islands Finnish.

New in GnuCash 2.6.12 (Mar 29, 2016)

  • Between 2.6.11 and 2.6.12, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug 482186 - Customer and vendor report for partners who get invoiced/paid in foreign currency show total labeled with the symbol of the default currency
  • Bug 620281 - Adding reversing transaction to bill transactions creates undeleteable transactions
  • Bug 642292 - General Ledger report - 'Primary Sort Key' value is not persistent
  • Bug 687504 - Not possible to reset an invoice/bill counter format
  • Bug 693342 - Print (bottom) prints to middle for 3-check pages
  • Bug 719904 - Decide payment type only based on the account type involved
  • Bug 720934 - Barcharts with many data points have overlapping x-axis labels
  • Bug 722996 - Cannot add stock price on Price Editor
  • Bug 723689 - Splash screen doesn't set the floating hint.
  • Bug 728074 - Posting bill converts currency to itself using 0 rate
  • Bug 728722 - Setting number format details appear wrong in Help, section 10.3.4. Counters Book Options Tab
  • Bug 733164 - [MacOSX] Command-H Invokes Help->Help Contents
  • Bug 742352 - Budget Summary section does not show expense totals
  • Bug 744157 - Tip about subaccount is confusing
  • Bug 754209 - Bills can be posted from "find bill" search results even if bill is already posted and results in extra $ posted to A/P
  • Bug 754856 - scheduled transaction fails without warning
  • Bug 756469 - CSV Invoice Import - Items with double quote escape not imported.
  • Bug 760015 - guile support is automagic
  • Bug 760529 - Get Quotes updates value just once per day
  • Bug 760711 - Non-ASCII characters not shown in Report Name when a report is created with 2.6.12
  • Bug 762971 - Duplicating multiple invoices results in invoices without an ID number
  • Bug 763111 - commodities prices editor creates hidden db entries
  • Bug 763146 - Invalid exchange rate is recorded when entering multi-currency transaction
  • Bug 763279 - GnuCash has empty reports in recent Gentoo builds.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Various memory leaks.
  • More multi-currency fixes related to bug 763146.
  • Be more liberal in accepting business counter custom formats: li, lli, I64i, and whatever is defined to G_GINT_64 or PRIx64 on the system on which GnuCash is compiled.
  • Correctly re-value splits when the transaction currency is changed.
  • Reset the transaction currency to match the currently open account when auto-completing.
  • Refine the MacOS X localization when the system-generated POSIX locale isn't a supported locale: Prefer the country to language when selecting an alternate locale, but still pass the original language to gettext.
  • Check printing: extract address from invoice/bill for payment transactions.

New in GnuCash 2.6.11 (Jan 12, 2016)

  • Bug 680104 - Scheduled Tranaction formula not calculated when variables are mixed with constants.
  • Bug 756335 - When importing, date selection causes exit crash.
  • Bug 759570 - Postponing a repeating SX skips over the instance.
  • Bug 759674 - GNUCash crashes when importing invoices or bills with delimited import.
  • Bug 759859 - Reconcilation does not convert transactions' currency to the main one making reconcilation impossible.
  • Bug 760052 - missing flag translatable in Custom Report.
  • Bug 760079 - Translations comments: Remove translatable flag from placeholder labels in dialog date-close.
  • Bug 760398 - Cancelling the creation of a duplicate bill or invoice doesn't reset the invoice number counter
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Add Account.AssignLots to python bindings.
  • Allow panel that provides information about TXF categories to be adjusted by the user in the Income Tax Information dialog under Edit->Tax Report Options.
  • Minor improvement to information provided about TXF categories in the Income Tax Information dialog under Edit->Tax Report Options.
  • Translations Updated: German.

New in GnuCash 2.6.10 (Dec 22, 2015)

  • Between 2.6.9 and 2.6.10, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #627692 - Report options, Account Selection, "select all" => not all accounts selected, only visible ones.
  • Bug #646129 - Account selection in reports: 'Select Children' doesn't actually select children if they are collapsed.
  • Bug #662126 - Cannot create scheduled transaction for dividend reinvestment.
  • Bug #742321 - Reset temporary prefs on application startup.
  • Bug #745101 - No warning when quitting with unsaved file. When the file was first created without the New File Assistant.
  • Bug #746155 - Reports: html-acct-table prepend-row! & prepend-col! unknown variables Fixed following the suggestions by Tony Kerns.
  • Bug #754192 - Since Last Run Dialog asks for security price even if not needed.
  • Bug #754533 - No Account Templates Error Patch.
  • Bug #755781 - Files with copyright but no grant of license.
  • Bug #756335 - When importing, date selection causes exit crash.
  • Bug #756339 - Prices table not updated.
  • Bug #756720 - configure fails to find libgoffice 0.10-10 (0.10.18-1) While we can't support libgoffice 0.10 because that would require gtk3 we can improve the error message if no libgoffice 0.8.x version is found.
  • Bug #757378 - Display the user-defined display symbol for non-currency commodities.
  • Bug #759224 - illegal dates in stock transactions cause corrupt file.
  • Bug #759294 - New the billing term are not saved during invoice editing. Prevent editing the terms from the invoice view.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Revert the automatic inversion of prices whose value is less than 1.0. This corrects several regressions from 2.6.8 and 2.6.9; it proved to be to big a change for a maintenance branch and will re-appear in the next major release.
  • Fix test failure due to trying to parse nanoseconds, which we don't actually use.
  • Use @SHELL@ instead of hardcode /bin/sh in test shell scripts. This is a workaround for MacOS X 10.11's System Integrity Protection.
  • Improve the revert action: Ask user confirmation and don't ask to save before reverting.
  • Have a more generic mechanism to set Save action's sensitivity and use it for Revert action as well.
  • Avoid assert in gnc_split_register_balance_trans if default_account is null.
  • Performance improvements in the Cash Flow report.
  • Add new account chart for Duch small businesses.
  • Add some developer documentation.
  • New Translation: Portugal Portuguese
  • Translations Updated: Arabic, German.

New in GnuCash 2.6.9 (Oct 8, 2015)

  • Bug #755920 - Crash (Freeze) when using File Save As.. in Windows OS Fix termination of the loop so that it's not dependent upon Linux paths
  • Bug #755778 - Test failure: test-engine: duplicate test case paths.
  • Bug #755781 - Files with copyright but no grant of license.

New in GnuCash 2.6.8 (Sep 27, 2015)

  • Between 2.6.2 and 2.6.3, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #721196: Cannot import lines with empty fields for deposit or withdrawal in bank transaction download,
  • Bug #721654: Style sheet preference is not saved for a Preconfigured Report.
  • Bug #723975: Dialog box displayed during QIF import has placeholder text.
  • Bug #724995:Gnucash crashes due to assertion failed when opening sqlite file.
  • Bug #726430: Python: account.getName() raises TypeError.
  • Bug #726891: Segmentation fault on session.end().
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs were accomplished:
  • Fix resizing of columns in budget view
  • Fix guile 2 stack overflow errors for large reports
  • Fix basis calculation for FIFO or LIFO when less than one lot is sold.
  • Update Window and Menu item from "Preconfigured-" to "Saved-" Report and add lables to the dialog with help texts
  • Aqbanking: SEPA transfer improvements - fix origin labels and add possibility to edit sender's name.
  • Prevent crash reported in Bug 711567. The bug itself wasn't fixed.
  • Translations Updated: Catalan, Danish, Italian

New in GnuCash 2.6.7 (Jun 28, 2015)

  • Between 2.6.6 and 2.6.7, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #681225 - income statement displays blank base currency entries when trading account transactions are present during the report period.
  • Bug # 734183 - Set value to zero before calling gnc_exp_parser_parse.
  • Bug #739271 - pt_BR translation wrong word "limpesa". Should be "limpeza".
  • Bug #740955 - Correct general journal and general ledger reports to properly handle Use-Split-Action-For-Num option in File->Properties.
  • Bug #744858 - Update exchange rate on bill only possible once per session (after unpost/repost).
  • Bug #746163 - Custom register colors (table rows) not recognized from .gtkrc-2.0.gnucash file.
  • Bug #746792 - process payment in foreign currency leads to broken equation.
  • Bug #746873 - Gnucash asks sql passwords before wallet password.
  • Bug #746977 - scm ccache files should be in pkglibdir not pkgdatadir.
  • Bug # 747300 - SQL backend missing from most recent DMG?
  • Bug #747377 - Fix overly restrictive input validation for IBAN of SEPA transfer.
  • Bug #747812 - unset LDFLAGS when unsetting CFLAGS.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
  • Fix hidden panes in lot viewer.
  • Fix some abs() errors from new clang and gcc versions.
  • Fix dbi driver detection on linux and similar.
  • Improve "Auto pay on posting" message.
  • Enable travis continuous integration tests on the gnucash repository.
  • Translations Updated: Azerbaijani, Basque, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Kinyarwanda, Persian (Farsi), Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
  • New Translations: Serbian

New in GnuCash 2.6.6 (Mar 31, 2015)

  • Bug #619899 - Use normal gettext or intltool toolchain also for scm files
  • Bug #649933 - Creating cash flow report takes a long time
  • Bug #672760 - Postponed transaction applied invalid date
  • Bug #721196 - CSV. Cannot import lines with empty fields for deposit or withdrawal in bank transaction download.
  • Bug #723409 - Incorrect symbol for Turkish lira
  • Bug #727466 - The symbol of CNY changed to 元
  • Bug #727647 - "gncInvoiceGetTotal" is not read-only function?
  • Bug #731889 - guile 2 exports different autoconf macros than what is expected
  • Bug #733685 - Fancy Date Format doesn't stick
  • Bug #738749 - Broken account template en_GB/uk-vat.gnucash-xea.
  • Bug #739228 - Advanced Portfolio report: wrong calculation of Value Correctly convert the value into the report's currency.
  • Bug #739584 - gnucash-2.6.4 segfaults regularly on transfer .
  • Bug #740471 - Applying payment to invoice Segmentation fault
  • Bug #741228 - "Red line" threshold applies to Template scheduled transactions
  • Bug - Compilation fails because of creating .gnucash
  • Bug #742089 - Decimal places. Set the debit and credit cells' print_info to the account so that the decimal places are correct for the commodity.
  • Bug #742332 - German tax report uses US tax quarters and not real quarters.
  • Bug #742624 - Scheduled Transaction Editor results in immediate segfault
  • Bug #743609 - Add configure options to disable libsecret detection
  • Bug #743807 - Stops critical error messages.
  • Bug #745265 - Segfault in generate_statusbar_lastmodified_message on Windows. Actually change the default date format without AM/PM
  • Bug #745354 - Enhance the Find Transactions dialog. Make it possible to define search criteria that consist of multiple terms anded or ored together. Use this to define a new criterion to look for specified text in any of the Description, Notes, or Memo fields
  • Bug #746517 - gnc-sql-backend.c compile fails with -Werror=format-nonliteral. Use GCC pragma to disable the warning in the one place that trips it
  • Bug #746977 - scm ccache files should be in pkglibdir not pkgdatadir.

New in GnuCash 2.6.5 (Dec 20, 2014)

  • Between 2.6.4 and 2.6.5, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #736359 - Date of 0000-00-00 in MySQL backend crashes GnuCash.
  • Bug #737815 - Graphs Cannot Be Generated Correctly.
  • Bug #738113 - Crash on reload budget report.
  • Bug #738477 - WebKit is broken on Win32.
  • Bug #741418 - Freeze unposting bill, 100% cpu usage.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs were accomplished:
  • Pre-compile scm files when building with guile 2.
  • Fix build-time hard-coded path introduced by the guile2 compile changes.
  • Prevent crash when standards-report dir doesn't exist.
  • QIF Import crashes when closing via the 'X' button on the last page.
  • Omit file extension on calls to load-extension.
  • Use one common base directory to store all scheme files and modules.
  • Guile module structure cleanup.
  • Harmonize variable names used to refer to guile modules in all makefiles.
  • Add missing comma in call to gtk_tree_store_set(). Thanks to Frédéric Bière for finding and fixing the problem.
  • Revert to using numerical indexes for the x-axis on bar charts.
  • Aqbanking: Add display of aqbanking subaccountid in initial correspondence setup.
  • Aqbanking online SEPA transfer: Allow transfers without BIC, only IBAN. Also add IBAN checking.
  • Aqbanking transfer: Make IBAN and BIC text entry fields filter digits or alphas correctly as needed.
  • Adapt german SKR03 account template to updated tax rate.
  • Allow GUILE1_PROGS as m4 name. Patch by [email protected].
  • Add sv_AX, sv_FI, zh_HK, and zh_TW to Makefiles & configure.
  • Translations Updated: Danish, German, Italian
  • New Translations: Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani (Latin). Thanks to The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India. Translation Team Leader: Chandrakant Dhutadmal

New in GnuCash 2.6.4 (Sep 29, 2014)

  • Between 2.6.3 and 2.6.4, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #120199 - Incorrect sort order in "Sort by Statement Date".
  • Bug #434462 - register color don't work correct with system theme color.
  • Bug #509263 - Since Last Run dialog won't allow resizing of Status column.
  • Bug #610202 - gnucash silently closes when no X11/$DISPLAY is present.
  • Bug #630638 - 'Process payment' should allow to select equity accounts for payment
  • Bug #671615 - French: 'New Customer' button in Find Customer dialog is translated to 'Nouvel onglet'
  • Bug #688965 - Page Up, Page Down keys cause GnuCash to hang.
  • Bug #692249 - Add Help button in Custom Reports dialog box,
  • Bug #695240 - mortgage wizard empty table.
  • Bug #707243 - Hard-coded font colors in account tree?
  • Bug #711440 - Tab labels have different background colour than containing gui element.
  • Bug #711567 - Cannot save a custom report if a path contain diacritic chars
  • Bug #719457 - Template for Home Mortgage Loan isn't properly nested.
  • Bug #719457 - Template for Home Mortgage Loan isn't properly nested.
  • Bug #720427 - Review of french account templates
  • Bug #720934 - Barcharts with many data points have overlapping x-axis labels.
  • Bug #722140 - Add option to control inclusion of trading accounts in cash flow report.
  • Bug #722200 - configure script does not pick the correct am_cv_scanf version.
  • Bug #723145 - Currency display does not respect locale.
  • Bug #723442 - Report Options - Report Name too short.
  • Bug #725054 - Re-numbering sub accounts crashes the program.
  • Bug #725366 - Formula Parsing Error with Scheduled Mortgage Transactions
  • Bug #726449 - Budget Barchart does not show up if running sum is selected.
  • Bug #726888 - cancel button is available on all pages of assistant.
  • Bug #727130 - Crash when newline in Report Title
  • Bug #727338 - Translation and Account file updates for Latvian.
  • Bug #728103 - Invoice opened does not contain the Job under circumstances.
  • Bug #728717 - Ubuntu 14.04 - GNUcash crashes on close.
  • Bug #728841 - XML backend does not always store KVP slots.
  • Bug #729157 - Bill Term discount days are allowed to be more than due days.
  • Bug #729497 - Saved Report Configuration selection window resize.
  • Bug #730255 - Python bindings: Assigns bill entries to non-existant invoice.
  • Bug #731519 - The fix sets the upper limit before it sets the value of the end row spin button.
  • Bug #733107 - Search for reconcile status doesn't work right.
  • Bug #733283 - [PATCH] Loss of fractions when importing OFX investment transactions.
  • Bug #733506 - (ForwadDisableQIF) The forward button is not active even though a file is selected.
  • Bug #734183 - Set all of the denominators correctly on the currency values.
  • Bug #736703 - Scheduled transaction are registered without credit/debit.
  • Bug #732545 - gnucash-2.6.3 segfaults when started.
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs were accomplished:
  • Add business lot scrubbing to Check & Repair->All/This transaction(s).
  • Add context to generic translatable string. This was suggested in bug 671615 by Jérôme Rapinat.
  • Add scrub function to reduce the amount of lot links used. Only lot links between two or more document lots must remain. All lot links between document and payment lots can be scrubbed.
  • Add some date format checking and make sure generated dates are the correct user selected format, not always locale format.
  • Allow the ability to skip rows when importing transactions.
  • Always use the price we display to calculate the current value of an account.
  • Better period totals formatting in Invoices.
  • CSV Export: factor out function to generate regular expression.
  • CSV Import transform macro into function.
  • Convert ISO-8859-1 account chart templates to UTF-8.
  • Correct txf output to use a minus sign, rather than parenthesis.
  • Fix document type dispay for credit notes on owner report.
  • Fix test-backend-dbi segfault with libdbi-0.9.0.
  • Handle the case of scrubbing a lot link between two non-document lots.
  • Make scrub in lot viewer scrub business lots using the new scrub functions.
  • Move account type checking functions into the engine.
  • Prevent older gnucash versions from opening a data file if previously unhandled kvps are used.
  • Python bindings. Add function gncVendorNextID, complementary to gncCustomerNextID.
  • Re-enable loading and saving gnucashdotdir/accelerator-home on OSX.
  • Refactor OS-specific ifdef to reduce code duplication, which results in reduced risk on typos in either branch
  • Refactor get_pay_split into gncOwnerFindOffsettingSplit. In this form it can be used both for scrubbing lot links and for adding new payments
  • Refactor gncOwnerReduceSplitTo out of reduce_biggest_split. It can now be used both for scrubbing and when applying payments
  • Refactor gnc_doc_doc_link into gncOwnerSetLotLinkMemo and move it. It can now be used both for scrubbing and when applying payments
  • Refactor scrub_doc_pay_link into scrub_other_link and make it more generic. It can now be used both to:
  • move a payment to a document lot (its original use case)
  • move a refund to a payment lot or the other way around
  • Relax requirements for booleans in invoice line, accepting 'y' as well as 'yes', 't' as well as 'true'.
  • Replace C++ reserved words for future compatibility with C++.
  • Rework assistant csv import regex code to eliminate the mandatory dummy field.
  • Rewrite invoice payment logic to fix lot link proliferation.
  • SQL: Save commodity namespace changes from template.
  • Set default currency for French account chart templates.
  • Tweak the get_pay_split function to prefer the best possible match.
  • Use libsecret if available since gnome-keyring has been deprecated.
  • Use more significant digits for SX function returns.
  • Use same default setting for quotes in csv import and export.
  • Widen the scope of the subsplit merge scrub function. When used in a strict sense it will only merge splits that are marked as subsplits of each other. In relaxed mode it will merge any split two splits that are both in the same lot and the same transaction.
  • double_to_gnc_numeric: Return overflow error immediately on invalid input.
  • Ensure that the root account is saved to the SQL backend.
  • Chart-of-Account Templates Updated: Latvian, French, Swedish
  • Translations Updated: Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Konkani (includes replacing Raman character set with Devangari) ,Latvian, Marathi, Tamil,
  • New Translations: Bodo, Hindi, Kashmiri, Telugu, Urdu. Thanks to The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India. Translation Team Leader: Chandrakant Dhutadmal

New in GnuCash 2.6.3 (Apr 2, 2014)

  • Between 2.6.2 and 2.6.3, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
  • Bug #721196: Cannot import lines with empty fields for deposit or withdrawal in bank transaction download,
  • Bug #721654: Style sheet preference is not saved for a Preconfigured Report.
  • Bug #723975: Dialog box displayed during QIF import has placeholder text.
  • Bug #724995:Gnucash crashes due to assertion failed when opening sqlite file.
  • Bug #726430: Python: account.getName() raises TypeError.
  • Bug #726891: Segmentation fault on session.end().
  • Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs were accomplished:
  • Fix resizing of columns in budget view
  • Fix guile 2 stack overflow errors for large reports
  • Fix basis calculation for FIFO or LIFO when less than one lot is sold.
  • Update Window and Menu item from "Preconfigured-" to "Saved-" Report and add lables to the dialog with help texts
  • Aqbanking: SEPA transfer improvements - fix origin labels and add possibility to edit sender's name.
  • Prevent crash reported in Bug 711567. The bug itself wasn't fixed.
  • Translations Updated: Catalan, Danish, Italian

New in GnuCash 2.6.2 (Mar 11, 2014)

  • Bug #497831: Can't change the date of a transaction with certain locales
  • Bug #721472: Fix Reconcile description column.
  • Bug #721677: Customer Summary does not include inactive customers
  • Bug #722123: Zero price entry added to price database on stock purchase
  • Bug #722903: Poor performance of account hierarchy, budgets, reconcile window,...
  • Bug #723051: Implement gncCustomerNextID in Python bindings.
  • Bug #723373: Don't create any sx in the since-last-run dialog if this is a read-only file
  • Bug #723644: Make sure that gnc_search_invoice_on_id() returns the correct type of object.
  • Bug #724211: Can't select march 6 date on register
  • Bug #724426: Errors in account plan
  • Bug #724578: Problems clearing incompletely paid invoices
  • Bug #724753: Saved Multicolumn Report Error
  • Bug #725131: Adding Payments to Fancy Invoice

New in GnuCash 2.4.15 (Jan 13, 2014)

  • Bug #721434: OFX import broken in release 2.4.14
  • Bug #721436: Account Report fails in release 2.4.14

New in GnuCash 2.4.14 (Jan 4, 2014)

  • Bug #584869: Net change line in general journal report broken
  • Bug #589685: In the report "Budget flow" period it doesn't work ok change the report head line to show the period date for (- period 1). Author : Carsten Rinke
  • Bug #627575: Stylesheet names with non-alphanumeric characters and saved-reports -- addendum
  • Bug #632362: Unable to create "reversing transaction" again after it is removed
  • Bug #632588: Scrub doesn't fix missing currency
  • Bug #644044: Lots: SQL backend loses link to Gain/Loss Txn
  • Bug #653594: related to check printing.
  • Bug #674862: 2038 bug in libdbi
  • Bug #684670: Interest amount calculation is wrong in Sqlite3 format
  • Bug #699686: Startup dialog windows should be top level windows Author: Simon Arlott
  • Bug #701670: Command-V in reconcile window pastes data in register
  • Bug #704183: OFX file import tries to match online_id against ACCTID[space]ACCTKEY even when ACCTKEY is empty.
  • Bug #705123: qofbookmerge.c: bad if statement
  • Bug #710055: advanced portfolio report counts capital gains split as dividend
  • Bug #710311: Missing ChangeLogs
  • Bug #711317: Indian Rupee Symbol appears as "?" marks
  • Bug #712528: Decompress zipped XML files ourself instead of letting libxml2 do it. As of version 2.9.1 it has a bug that causes it to fail to decompress certain files.

New in GnuCash 2.5.10 (Dec 16, 2013)

  • Bug #336843: Attach images/files/urls to transactions: Disable the "show attachment" menu item if the transaction has no attached file.
  • Bug #619478:Build warning in html/gnc-html-webkit.c
  • Bug #627575: Stylesheet names with non-alphanumeric characters and saved-reports
  • Bug #630578: current date instead of posting date in exchange rate, when posting a bill
  • Bug #632588: Scrub doesn't fix missing currency
  • Bug #639371: Welcome Sample Report reports wrong version and has a broken report
  • Bug #653594: wrong amount printed on checks
  • Bug #705714: QIF Import - File selection pop-up is not on top during qif import.
  • Bug #708526: GnuCash Crashes when opening About page: Downgrade the error to a critical warning.
  • Bug #711317: Indian Rupee Symbol appears as "?" marks
  • Bug #715123: Post invoice problem, cannot unpost
  • Bug #719481: GnuCash report crashes with Guile2
  • Bug #719521: Missing radio button in "Edit security" dialog
  • Bug #719726: Click on File -> Open seg-faults
  • Bug #720235: Python bindings should load environment file just like gnucash does
  • Fix Python tests to no longer require gsettings schemas installed.
  • Fix the CuteCash (Qt GUI based) build
  • Multi-currency "Post invoice" improvements
  • Protect gnc_mktime against bad dates.
  • Protect against null account pointers in a couple of place to avoid asserts.
  • Qif Import Assistant: Don't disable the whole dialog, just the Forward button.
  • QifImport: Fix crash from attempting to import an empty file.
  • Add the ability to search for transactions that are, or are not, book closing entries.
  • Move customer, bill, and invoice importers form the business menu to the file menu.
  • Rename some directories in src/import-export so that the files within them don't have pathnames that are too long for tar when the GnuCash version exceeds 5 digits (e.g., 2.5.10).
  • Translations updated: German, Italian, French
  • New Translation: Arabic

New in GnuCash 2.5.9 (Dec 2, 2013)

  • Bug #644044: Lots: SQL backend loses link to Gain/Loss Txn
  • Bug #704506: Connection loss to mysql after resume from hibernation
  • Bug #707311: Tax Invoice fails to open when using guile 2
  • Bug #710871: Python site-packages not found when not installed to default location using --prefix
  • Bug #710905: Column withs, visibility, order and sort order not saved and restored
  • Bug #711289: Win32 time zone handling is inconsistent between 2.4 and 2.5
  • Bug #712299: Tax Invoice with guile 2 doesn't display currency symbols
  • Bug #715041: Crash opening a file when a file is already open.
  • Bug #715184: Bill or Invoice; a new Bill gives a new Invoice
  • Bug #719471: Unused commodities saved to XML file
  • No Bug Report: Work around libxml2 gzip archive alignment bug which occasionally prevented compressed XML files from opening.
  • Translations updated: German, Italian

New in GnuCash 2.5.8 (Nov 19, 2013)

  • Bug #707311:Tax Invoice fails to open when using guile 2
  • Bug #709589: make check fails with guile 2
  • Bug #711289: Time Zone Handling is Inconsistent between 2.4 and 2.5
  • Partial fix that may also correct 699997
  • Bug #711294: Gnucash repeatedly asks for associated income account when importing QFX file. Patch by Kuang-che Wu
  • Bug #711493: Fix unselected account that is NULL
  • Translations updated: German

New in GnuCash 2.5.7 (Nov 4, 2013)

  • Register2 is now a configure option. Default builds, including the Windows and Mac All-in-one packages, will use only the old register. We've decided that it isn't ready for
  • general use and the principal author doesn't have time to make it ready in time for a 2.6 release.
  • Frédéric Perrin has contributed a change to display currency symbols whenever they are known and unambiguous.
  • Geert Janssens has cleaned up most of the issues from the Initial GSettings preference changes. There's a new configure option, --with-xdg-data-dirs to overide the environment and defaults if necessary.
  • Building Gnucash now requires Automake version 1.11 or later.
  • Configure will abort if --enable-ofx is set but no libofx configuration files are found. Budget periods may no longer set to values greater than the budget's num_periods, and the budget options descriptions will wrap.

New in GnuCash 2.3.11 (Mar 22, 2010)

  • Bugs fixed:
  • Partial fix for #611014 - CSV import crashes Bug #611014 mentions a problem where after setting the columns, clicking OK and selecting a target account, the Date column is lost. This is because of a difference in behaviour on windows and linux. The code attaches to the "edited" signal of the renderer. On linux, this signal is emitted when a new combo box item is selected. On windows, the combo box needs to be selected and focus lost before the signal is emitted. This is changed to the "changed" signal of the renderer which acts as expected on both platforms.
  • Bug #140400 - Crash when deleting an account that is still in use by the business features Add a dialog which contains a list of objects referring to the account and an explanation that these need to be deleted or have the account reference modified. Note: I'm no UI designer. This is functional, but if anybody wants to pretty it up, go ahead.
  • Bug #536108 - After cancelling "save as", user is not prompted 2nd time
  • Bug #507351 Terms not defined prior to use This commit changes the text in the accounts druid to explain what a placeholder account is, together with some additional improvements in the wording of that page. Since this increases the amount of text, the width of the label has been modified as well.
  • Fix Bug 590570 - When deleting more than one report in sequence the program crashes Delete the custom report backup file before renaming the current custom report file.
  • Fix Bug 611346 - Crash in Saved Reports dialog if you select Delete button with no report selected Test for no report selected before trying to use the selected report guid.
  • Bug #364358 - Import dialog unreadable with dark colored gtk theme (with solution)
  • Bug #525821 new or edited account names should be checked for reserved chars like ":"
  • Bug #610675 Register Tabs Do Not Display Since Nightly Build r18685 Apply Bob's patch after fixing the whitespace. This patch may cause issues on Windows (a previous version of the patch did). If the next Windows nightly build exhibits the missing register tab names again, it will have to be reverted again and improved upon.
  • Bug #611645 gnc-svnversion returns "too long" a string for git users, patch by Jeff Kletsky
  • Bug#325436 creating income account for invoice doesn't restrict account type
  • Fix Bug 611810 - GC crashes when I click on File -> Properties SCM files still refered to gnc-book-get-slots which had been removed. gnc-book-get-slots was replaced everywhere by qof-book-get-slots.
  • Fix bug 611885 - Crash when opening postgresql file Previous work setting Timespec values via gobject properties missed the case where the timespec loaded from the database was NULL.
  • Bug #611140: Fix crash on Open Subaccounts (hopefully).
  • Bug #610321 - Compile errors with gtk-2.10.4: GTK_BUTTONBOX_CENTER undeclared This commit applies a reworked version of the patch to remove the use of GHashTableIter by Cristian Klein. Cristian's patch didn't apply cleanly to the current trunk. I have made the necessary changes to make it apply (and hopefully do what Cristian intended).
  • Bug #611470 Add Japanese concepts guide into GnuCash installer, patch by Yasuaki Taniguchi
  • Bug 605802: Can't input Japanese characters at an account register window on windows with SCIM, IIIMF and XIM Latest patch by Yasuaki Taniguchi to fix two problems 1) Can't use account separator char when entering account name in a split, and 2) Can't use + and - to go forward/backward a week.
  • Fix bug 591177: Printer font is too small to read with webkit as html renderer. From comment 23: "The PDF in comment 2 is about 8 times smaller than it should be. One possible cause of this bug is if gtk_print_operation_set_unit (op, GTK_UNIT_POINTS) is not called. gtkprint defaults to GTK_UNIT_PIXEL - a useless unit to be using with printers. On Linux GTK_UNIT_PIXEL units are 1 unit = 1/72 inch (the same as GTK_UNIT_POINTS as well as PostScript and PDF units). On Windows GTK_UNIT_PIXEL units are the GDI device units which for printers is the dpi resolution. So for a 600dpi printer 1 unit is 1/600". If the application was developed on Linux and assumes the default gtkprint units are always 1/72" inch the output on Windows using a 600dpi printer will be 72/600 = 0.12 of the size (or approximately 1/8 of the size)." Solution was to use webkit_web_frame_print_full() which allows us to provide our own GtkPrintOperation object with units set to GTK_UNIT_POINTS. Tested on both Linux and Windows.
  • Bug #610675: Revert the gnc-main-window parts of r18637 because it makes the tab names disappear under Windows. This disables the enhancement of bug#608329 again, but the disappearing of the tab names is a rather major bug. Note that we either need to fix the enhancement again, or revert the rest of r18637 as well so that the account properties don't show the color chooser without any effects.
  • Bug #605802: Fix input of Japanese characters in register with SCIM, IIIMF and XIM Patch by Yasuaki Taniguchi. Revised and extended version of r18638. The main functions are as follows: (1) synchronization of preedit string between the register window and sheet->entry, (2) application to pango attributes to preedit string in the register window, (3) include scroll offset patch (id=153514), (4) include preedit string rollback patch (id=153518), (5) fix formula and account cells input problem which Christian pointed out, (6) surpress quick-fill when preedit string exists, (7) fix Windows IME problem. (8) Fix quick-fill problem.
  • Redo of the dot-gnucash fix (so that GNC_DOT_DIR actually works) fixing bug 610707, adding Doxygen comments for all functions in gnc-filepath-utils, and adding testing for xaccResolveURI and more tests for xaccResolveFilePath.
  • Revert r18713 (reopen 605802 "Input of Japanese characters". This commit had 2 problems: 1) when entering an account name, the account separator would no longer accept at the current level of the account tree and move to the next level 2) + and - in a date field would not change the field by 1 week.
  • Bug #610348: Add compiling our own binary of libbonoboui because the binary still depends on the obsolete libxml2.dll. However, we still download the erroneous binary and unpack it into $GNOME_DIR because libgnomeui depends on libbonoboui which in turn depends on libgnome. Hence, libbonoboui cannot be compiled before libgnome-dev is unpacked, but libgnomeui won't report to be installed correctly before libbonoboui is available as well. Theoretically, we would have to split the inst_gnome step so that it first unpacks libgnome et al., then we run the inst_libbonoboui step, then we run the second part of inst_gnome which would be something like inst_gnomeui. I'm lazy, so I silently overwrite the libbonoboui DLL with our hand-compiled version and that's it.
  • Bug #608032 - MySQL timeout and no attempt reconnect, second version This version builds on Phil's implementation of the dbi error callback functions to test for a timeout and to do the reconnect. The same error handling is equally implemented for postgres and sqlite. Unlike MySQL these two database types don't actually generate timeouts, but the functionality can be used later on for other error types as well.
  • Bug #610051 - Crash when using GktHtml whenever a report is opened
  • Bug #610348 missing dependencies in windows build Update gnome-vfs to 2.24.1 Note that this means Windows 2000 is no longer supported.
  • Partial fix for bug #610321 Compile errors with gtk-2.10.4: GTK_BUTTONBOX_CENTER undeclared GTK_BUTTONBOX_CENTER is replaced with GTK_BUTTONBOX_START
  • Fix bug #564380 additionally for easy invoice and fancy invoice. Patch by Mike Evans.
  • Bug #610047 - Dutch accounts template doesn't work Add missing closing brackets
  • Bug #609044: Improve UI strings for tax report options Patch by Frank H. Ellenberger: As we currently have a nice US income and a partial german VAT tax report, I feel uncomfortable with the change of r18413, which renamed Edit->Tax options to Income Tax options. So here is another approach, to clarify the tax report and business tax menu points.
  • Bug #609043: Improve (mostly german) translation of txf Patch by Frank H. Ellenberger: This patch is a first extract of so an approach, which I have here, which will probably lead to a german income tax declaration ESt-A1. But this extract is more general and based on r18413 changes. Changes: 1. Header Comments: adding Contributors 2. Most strings in de_DE translated to german.
  • Bug #608032: Handle MySQL connection timeouts with reconnect Patch by Tom van Braeckel: For the full discussion, see the mailing list: Rationale: When we try to open a database transaction, and the database reports that the "server has gone away", we try to reconnect before failing hard.
  • Bug #609005: Add recipient name on invoices Patch by Mike E: Having set up a client/customer including the name of a recipient when I print an invoice the recipients name ("Account Dept" say) is not printed in the invoice. I think this is a bug rather than a feature. I have attached a patch to fix. It still prints the company name above the recipient name however. I could submit an additional patch to provide an invoice option to toggle printing of the company name if users/developers feel they want this option, as I do.
  • Bug #609603: Windows packing/win32/ PATH fix Patch by Yasuaki Taniguchi: When I run /c/soft/gnucash/inst/bin/gnucash or gnucash.cmd after I finish building win32 binary, DLL missing dialog boxes pop up. Missing DLLs are - libgcrypto.dll, - libPQ.dll, - mysql.dll, and - ssleay32.dll. This patch add search path to them to fix this problem.
  • Bug #564380 Payment on bills doubles bill Patch by Mike Evans
  • Updated translations or translation-related changes:
  • Updated Japanese translation, copied from the Translation Project.
  • Updated Persian (Farsi) translation by Mehdi Alidoost.
  • Add dutch translation to the Windows installer.
  • Updated Slovak translation, copied from the Translation Project.
  • Updated Dutch translation, copied from the Translation Project.
  • Update German translation.
  • Add implementation of Gregorian - Jalali converter code. Copied from
  • Other user-visible changes:
  • Change file loading message to "Loading user data..." Reading file is technically only correct for files not for databases.
  • Display the SX variables in the "Since Last Run..." dialog in ASCII order rather than ordering by hashvalue (i.e. no order at all) as was done previously. Patch by Jesse Weinstein.
  • Add bzr support to gnc-svnversion. Patch by Jesse Weinstein
  • Fix crash on opening the tax report, introduced by r18673. Patch by Alex Aycinena.
  • Revert r18881/18884/18885 (bug #610675 - Register Tabs Do Not Display Since Nightly Build r18685)
  • Fix missing color in qif-import account copy, patch by Tom Van Braeckel
  • Replace Income Tax Options with Tax Report Options. Patch by J. Alex Aycinena.
  • Patch my patch in r18884. Spotted by Herbert Thoma.
  • Regression fix: patch for colored tabs segfault in trunk, patch by Tom Van Braeckel
  • Other code/build changes:
  • Remove test-load-module from tests
  • Fix handling of gncla-dir.h so that it will be removed so that 'make distcheck' will pass
  • Fix guint32 vs gint32 in gnc-uri-utils test.
  • Update based on new source files
  • Complete unit tests for gnc-uri-utils api and fix bug found by running the tests.
  • More doxygen.log-prompted typo fixes, patch by Jesse Weinstein
  • Fix typo in previous commit
  • Add first test for the gnc-uri-utils api. This test verifies gnc_uri_get_components.
  • Implement the object reference infrastructure routines to allow a list of business objects referring to a specific other object (e.g. an account) to be determined. This will help fix bug 140400 because the account delete code can now determine a list of business (or other) objects which have references to that account, and prevent the account from being deleted while references still exist.
  • Add some new gobject-related infrastructure so that when deleting an object, it can be determined if there are other objects with references to that object (bug 140400). Some routines are normal routines, and some routines use the gobject structure to allow different implementations by different object types. Per-instance routine: gboolean qof_instance_refers_to_object(QofInstance* A, QofInstance* B) - returns TRUE/FALSE whether object A contains a reference to object B. Normal routine: GList* qof_instance_get_referring_object_list_from_collection(QofCollection* c, QofInstance* B) - Calls qof_instance_refers_to_object() for each object in the collection, and returns a list of the objects which contain a reference to B. Per-instance routine: GList* qof_instance_get_typed_referring_object_list(QofInstance* A, QofInstance* B) - returns a list of all objects of the same type as A which contain a reference to B. Being per-instance allows an object to use knowledge to avoid scanning cases where there are no references (e.g. billterms do not contain references to splits), or a scan is not needed (references from splits to an account can be determined using xaccAccountGetSplitList()). This routine can do a scan by calling qof_instnace_get_referring_object_list_from_collection(). Normal routine: qof_instance_get_referring_object_list(QofInstance* A) - For all collections in the book, gets an instance and calls its qof_instance_get_typed_referring_object_list() routine, concatenating all of the returned lists. This is the routine that external code can call to get a list of all objects with references to an object A. The list must be freed by the caller but the contents must not. Per-instance routine: gchar* qof_instance_get_display_name(QofInstance* A) - returns a string which can identify object A to the user. This could be used to display a list of the objects returned by qof_instance_get_referring_object_list() ("Invoice 0004 for customer C") so that the user can modify those objects to remove the references. Note that this is going to require internationalization, which has not been implemented yet. If not overridden by the object class, the default string is "Object " e.g. "Object gncCustomer 0x12345678".
  • Add event registration and handling from the qof_event_handlers. This way, the split view is updated correctly even on undo/redo.
  • Revert r18869, "Move gnc-ui-util.[hc] and gnc-euro.[hc] from app-utils to engine" Those files indeed belong better into app-utils; the app-utils defines several not-yet-GUI parts of gnucash, like many conversions from and to strings (more than those in these two files), so these files are well suited in here.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Fix include files in MSVC. Replace QSTRCMP by g_strcmp0 on MSVC.
  • Improve non-gnome UI compatiblity: app-utils can compile without gtk as well.
  • Add src/calculation and src/app-utils to cmake build system. app-utils is needed for the conversion from and to string for gnc_numeric, date, and other values.
  • Fix failing core-utils tests I simply removed the obsolete test cases. More work is still needed to add new valid tests.
  • Remove some unused variables.
  • Win32/MSVC compatiblity - Replace trunc() by floor() - Provide a round() workaround implementation for MSVC - Use g_strcasecmp instead of the libc one - Add include for libc replacements
  • Some more const-correctness in engine functions.
  • Update for the moved dialog-userpass.c and the newely added gnc-jalali.c
  • Move gnc-ui-util.[hc] and gnc-euro.[hc] from app-utils to engine because they don't depend on gtk but are important additions for the engine types. In particular, the formatting of a gnc_numeric is defined there.
  • Fix circular dependency between gnome and gnome-utils introduced in r18842
  • MSVC compatiblity: snprintf is required to have a prefixing underscore. Also, more symbols of libguile/gc.h need explicit declspec on MSVC.
  • Add variant of gnc_engine_init which is suitable for statically the linked-in library.
  • Only use long long format specifiers if available - avoids error message when compiler thinks they're not available.
  • Fix parent/child relationships in billterms in case the parent hasn't been loaded yet. Remove child column from billterm table because it duplicates info in the parent column and just complicates loading objects.
  • Fix parent/child links for tax tables. If a tax table's parent table has not been loaded yet, remember the relationship, and after all tables have been loaded, fix up the rest of the parent/child links.
  • Handle NULL string pointer as a NULL guid
  • Add a mechanism so that the business sql backend module can provide the main sql backend with the order in which objects should be loaded. This will allow billterms and taxtables to be loaded before objects which contain references to those objects.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Replace QOF_BOOK_LOOKUP_ENTITY macro by a RETURN_ENTITY macro and add inline functions for lookup. MSVC doesn't accept the syntax with an inlined block, x = ({ foo; bar; value;}). Hence, this is being replaced by actual function definitions, and the body of those functions is defined by the new macro.
  • Delete unused variables.
  • Use a normalized uri format internally to refer to data stores. Data stores for GC can be a file (xml or sqlite3) or a database one some server (mysql or postgres). Wherever it makes sense internally, data stores will be referred to via a normalized uri: protocol://user:password@host:port/path Depending on the context and story type some of these parts are optional or unused. To achieve this, a new utility interface has been setup: gnc_uri__ that can be used to manipulate the uris or convert from non-normalized formats to normalized and back. For example, when the user selects a file in the Open or Save As dialog, gnc_uri_get_normalized_uri will convert the file into a normalized uri. Or when the actual filename is needed this can be extracted with gnc_uri_get_path. You can also test if a uri defines a file or something else with gnc_uri_is_file_uri. For the complete documentation, see src/core-utils/gnc-uri-uitls.h This commit installs gnc-uri-utils and modifies the source where it makes sense to use its convenience functions. This concerns all functions that had to deal with file access in some way or another, the history module and the functions that generate the history menu list and the window titles. Note that gnc-uri-utils replaces xaccResolveFilePath and xaccResolveUrl in all cases. xaccResolveUrl has been removed, because gnc-uri-utils fully replaces its functionality. xaccResolveFilePath is used internally in gnc-uri-utils to ensure an absolute path is always returned (in case of a file uri, not for db uris). But it has been renamed to gnc_resolve_file_path to be more consistent with the other functions. Lastly, this commit also adds a first implementation to work with a keyring to store and retrieve passwords, althoug
  • Make business backend initialization functions accessible when statically linking
  • MSVC compatibility: Disable "C99 designated initializers" by a compiler-dependent macro Same as r18755.
  • Make the backend initialization functions accessible when statically linking
  • Change the definition of QOF_STDOUT The old definition file: conflicts with normal uris that can start with file: as well. I have chosen > instead, which is never a valid filename and on unixlike systems associated with standard out operations.
  • Use proper qof CFLAGS/LDFLAGS since core-utils now uses qof
  • The webkit used on win32 has webkit_web_frame_print_full() defined in include files, so we don't need a potentially conflicting extern declaration.
  • If gmtime_r is defined as a macro, undef it
  • Add svn:ignore to src/core-utils/test
  • Remove invalid target (got copied from src/engine/test)
  • Build test-core before core-utils
  • Add the core-utils tests in the automake system
  • Move filepath related tests to core-utils/test
  • Undefine localtime_r as a macro (new mingw pthreads package defines it)
  • Add braces to make if-if-then-else structure clear and avoid GCC 4.4.0 error message
  • Remove gncmod-test from test-core It's not used and prevents test-core from being included in core-utils tests
  • Add missing NULL sentinel at end of g_strconcat() function call
  • Removed erroneously re-created src/engine/gnc-filepath-utils.c
  • Move binreloc library include
  • Note the moved files in
  • Remove C executable from cmake as it is no longer necessary.
  • Add missing link library after r18811.
  • Adapt cmake to the file move in r18811.
  • Add src/engine/test/test-resolve-url
  • Win32: Add download of cmake, disabled by default.
  • MSVC compatibility: strftime() doesn't know "%T" here. Also, g_fopen doesn't work, but fopen does.
  • Move gnc-filepath-utils and dependencies from engine to core-utils
  • Typo fixes, as found by doxygen.log, patch by Jesse Weinstein
  • Tweak to gnc-svnversion's bzr section, patch by Jesse Weinstein
  • Use "template-account" property to get/set template account.
  • Add "template-account" to schedxaction as a gobject property.
  • Simplify handling of sx template_acct column.
  • Rename GNCBook into QofBook everywhere and remove separate header gnc-book.h. The former was already #define'd on the latter, so its removal gets rid of one level of indirection which makes function lookup easier. Also, the macro (!) qof_book_get_slots was turned into a normal function again because that's what functions are for (and otherwise the additional declaration in engine.i would break).
  • Decrease compiler warnings by removing unused variables.
  • Reduce compiler warnings by replacing strerror() with g_strerror() and similar glib replacements.
  • Win32: Add more header includes where necessary to avoid using undeclared functions.
  • Comment out unimplemented function. Improve const-correctness.
  • Include gtk/gtk.h instead of gtk/gtkclist.h as recommended by Gtk
  • Fix make dist r18765 introduced test target test-resolve-url, but no source file test-resolve-url.c Removed the target.
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch: src/gnome-utils/* This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch: src/register/* This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch: src/business/* This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch: src/engine/* This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch. This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Replace and-let* in scheme script so that srfi-2 isn't needed.
  • Replace one more g_list_append by g_list_prepend.
  • MSVC compatibility: Somehow fdopen() doesn't work during the trace file initialization. Use fopen() instead.
  • Win32 build: libguile needs minor tweaking for MSVC compatibility.
  • MSVC compatibility: Fix r18748, r18761 by replacing strncasecmp() with strnicmp().
  • MSVC C++ compatibility: Rename the internal name of union _GUID because _GUID is a builtin keyword here. This does not concern the typedef name, only the internal union name, so it doesn't harm us.
  • C++ compatibility: namespace is a keyword, so don't use it as variable name.
  • C++ compatibility: export is a keyword, so don't use it as a member name.
  • Add support for passing a Timespec as a boxed GValue
  • Fix test makefiles. Many tests now need to include other libraries because files have changed directories.
  • Add more gobject property definitions to GNCPrice, Transaction, SchedXaction and Split.
  • Win32: Create the MSVC import library for libguile during
  • Remove static current_session variable of libqof - we keep one in gnc-session.c already.
  • Doxygen improvements, patch by Jesse Weinstein
  • More changes where SQL backend uses gobject properties to load/save objects.
  • More conversion to read/write objects from sql backend using gobject parameters
  • Start to add properties to business objects. Currently only 1 property per object, but this infrastructure will allow more generic importing of objects.
  • Take advantage of the initial property definition for Transaction, Split, GNCPrice and SchedXaction by replacing custom access routines with gobject properties.
  • Add a few gobject properties to some engine object types. This adds more of the gobject infrastructure to Transaction, Split, SchedXaction and GNCPrice. Gobject properties provides a standardized interface to the engine objects which should allow standard and simplified read/write mechanisms. For the sql backend, for example, db columns can be mapped to properties. In a generalized csv importer, csv columns can be mapped to properties.
  • Partly revert r18748, "Win32 compatibility": lib/libc directory doesn't have glib available.
  • Add a "make indent" target, but watch out with using its result. The "astyle" indent tool unfortunately behaves significantly different in its different versions (1.22, 1.23, 1.24) even with identical options. That is, the basic indentation is the same, but in a large project such as ours, there are just too many special cases which astyle doesn't get identical due to its bugfixes and new features. Hence, please use the result of this target with great care, and if in doubt, just use it for your own amusement but don't commit the resulting changes. Thanks!
  • Fix up some doxygen comments
  • Don't include gnc-lot-p.h where not needed
  • Win32: Fix libbonoboui compiling.
  • MSVC compatibility: Microsoft doesn't have C99 "designated initializers". Those were introduced in r17724, bug#539957, but apparently this C99 is not supported by MSVC and won't be for some time to come. Hence, for MSVC we need the workaround to define a macro that will shadow the member names. However, the initialization itself works fine and non-MSVC code is unchanged, so I think we can live with that.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Struct initialization doesn't work as expected. Somehow, the struct initialization containing a gnc_numeric doesn't work. As an exception, we hand-initialize that member afterwards.
  • MSVC compatiblity: open() flags and S_ISDIR doesn't exist on MSVC.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Use a char* pointer for the memcpy() input argument. This is required by MSVC because we do some pointer arithmetic in the memcpy() argument, but in order to do this, MSVC wants to know the pointed-to type of the pointer because pointer arithmetic increases the pointer not by a number a bytes but a number of sizeof(type). MSVC thinks for void* it doesn't count bytes. We achieve the desired effect by using a char* pointer so that bytes are counted.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Add defines for functions/types which are available under different names in MSVC.
  • MSVC compatiblity: Array initialization in MSVC requires a constant, not a variable. That is, gcc accepts a constant variable in many cases now, but MSVC doesn't accept it. So it must be turned into an old preprocessor define.
  • MSVC compatibility: Remove forward declaration of static array by reordering the function that uses it.
  • Win32 compatibility: Use glib wrappers of non-usual POSIX functions.
  • More header include compatibility: Watch out for HAVE_UNISTD_H.
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch. This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header --suffix=none
  • Convert GNCLot to use more gobject features. Removes all direct access to lot object fields, which are now accessed through functions or property names (for backend sql load).
  • Modify to handle source files moved to a new directory
  • Also build backend/xml in cmake.
  • Reverted 18699
  • Clarify required steps to setup windows build environment. The mingw website has changed quite a lot since the README was written and some of the url's used in it were confusing. I have changed the url's to point to the actual packages on sourceforge (current at the time of this writing) and added some extra details where I had trouble understanding the actions to perform.
  • Doxygen fixes - Have this file show up under module "Utility Functions" - Normalize the function descriptions (some were not in doxygen format) - Add a global file description - rename parameter 'file' to 'filename' for better consistency (note this required an internal parameter to be renamed from filename to new_filename)
  • More minor MSVC code fixes. However, this code doesn't compile with MSVC9.0 for a few reasons: 1. libguile.h comes with its own scmconfig.h which contains HAVE_STDINT_H whereas MSVC doesn't have that. This is stupid guile which doesn't accept the fact that the user uses a different compiler than how they compiled guile. 2. Some initializations are not supported: Account.c:3312 etc. 3. The C99 "designated initializers" of e.g. Account.c:4661 ff. (r17724, bug#539957) are not supported by MSVC9.0 - this is the hardest problem of these all.
  • Make CMake system more complete so that it builds on win32/mingw. Also, add a test executable to check that we got all the library dependencies.
  • More CMake work: Build swig wrappers correctly. Build gnc-module.
  • Cosmetic: Remove duplicate include of gnc-engine.h
  • Remove trailing whitespace
  • Minor doxygen change and lots or trailing whitespace removed
  • Remove GNOME_PRINT_{CFLAGS,LIBS} from the Makefile templates
  • Spelling errors and trailing whitespace removal
  • Remove reference to gnome print in the comments GnuCash no longer uses gnome print. It has been replaced with gtk print.
  • Remove two more popt references in support files.
  • Remove popt requirement from configure GnuCash doesn't use it. At the same time, I removed a check that has been commented out since the beginning of the revision history (somewhere in 2007). This check tested for the presence of popt.h to then run some libtool changes. As I said this whole block has been commented out since the beginning of time, so I considered it to be obsolete, more even so now that the popt requirement has been removed.
  • Remove popt references - popt has been replaced with the GOption infrastructure. So there's no need to include the popt.h file. - Also rewritten the comment that was elaborating on popt vs GOption - Finally removed the loglevel option (which was excluded from the compile anyway) that still referred to popt.
  • Fix minor spelling errors
  • When creating lists of database objects, use g_list_prepend() rather than g_list_append(). There may be cases where the list order is significant and thus needs to be reversed, but that is not true in these cases. This provides a large improvement in database loading performance. Analysis and basis patch supplied by Donald Allen.
  • Update documentation references to Active Perl (5.8->5.10)
  • Remove redundant entries in EXTRA_DIST
  • More experimental cmake building. Except for the scheme wrappers this seems to work until at least the engine module. However, I didn't tackle the issue with the generated headers which contain some installation paths - but those we should get rid of anyway.
  • Move two gtk-dependent files from src/core-utils to src/gnome-utils. core-utils depends on glib and additionally guile and gconf, but not (yet) gtk. Those two files which do are moved to the next module which already depends on gtk, which is gnome-utils.
  • Add some experimental CMakeLists.txt which can compile the libqof part, on Linux, Windows/mingw and (no joke) Windows/MSVC. I'm interested in some tests with the cmake build system, but if it doesn't prove useful I will remove it again within a few weeks.
  • Make libqof compatible for MSVC9.0 compiler (no joke). The main change is that the syntax for variadic macros is slightly different in MSVC compared to gcc. But they exist, so offering the log macros in the different syntax is sufficient.
  • Make more header inclusions conditional on whether they exist.
  • Update .gitignore, proposed by Jeff Kletsky
  • Make sure file urls actually contain path information or are NULL
  • Remove redundant GLIB check.
  • Bump minimum required versions of gtk+, goffice and gtkhtml gtk+: 2.10 goffice: 0.5.1 gtkhtml: 3.14
  • Add a starter script for gnucash under ddd (a gui frontend for gdb)
  • Build fixes for EL5 after glib 2.12 requirement
  • Ensure that GNC_DOT_PATH and other gnc_dotgnucash_dir() logic is used for all cases, remove hard-coded references to /usr/etc, /usr/share, /usr/local/etc, and /usr/local/share while providing for xaccResolveFilePath to actually search the data and sysconfdir directories used in the build. (gnc_build_data_path): New function, just a copy of gnc_build_book_path. Needed for rewrite of xaccResolveFilePath. (xaccResolveFilePath): Cleaned out the hard-coded paths and weird file path contruction functions and rewrote the function to use gnc_path_get_foo and gnc_build_data_path without all of the silly indirection. Removed superfluous URI checks (which are correctly perfomed by xaccResolveURL()). (MakeHomeDir, xaccPathGenerator, xaccDataPathGenerator) (xaccUserPathGenerator): Deleted; their functionality is replaced as noted above. (check_file_return_if_true): Renamed check_file_return_if_valid, a more descriptive name.
  • Bump glib2 minimum requirement to 2.12. At the same time, remove all the conditional code and workarounds that were in the code to cater for glib < 2.12. Note: this commit will require a rerun of and configure.
  • README referred to a non-existent file So per a suggestion on IRC, I took the reference out. Patch by Jesse Weinstein.
  • Win32: Update libxslt version, but it needs its own copy of libxml2.dll. Apparently the gnome-provided libxml2 has the DLL filename libxml2-2.dll, but the binary from still has the filename libxml2.dll.
  • Win32: And one more dependency upgrade (causes missing libxml2.dll complaints otherwise)
  • More win32 dependency version updates.
  • Update libpng package dependency for win32 to 1.4.0
  • Small spelling fixes in the comments
  • Re-indentation of source code, next batch. This also strips trailing whitespaces from lines where they existed. This re-indentation was done using astyle-1.24 using the following options: astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --pad-oper --pad-header Discussed at
  • Update gnome package versions.
  • GDate values weren't being properly fetched from objects to be saved in a database column if they were fetched as a gobject property.
  • Clean up account column in the lot table to specify that the guid is an account reference. Simplifies the code a bit, and makes future use of foreign keys easier.
  • If building for WIN32, use webkit_web_frame_print_full() so that a GtkPrintOperation object with the correct units can be used to prevent font size problems (see bug 591177). On other platforms, use webkit_web_frame_print() because some distros seem not to have webkit_web_frame_print_full() (and also don't have the font size problem so on those distros, we don't need to create our own GtkPrintOperation object).
  • Cutecash:
  • Some of the GnuCash developers have decided to rewrite the UI for the cross-platform Qt toolkit from TrollTech. The goal is a simpler UI which is more powerful and easier to develop. This project has gotten the name "Cutecash". It uses the same back-ends and engine as gnucash. Only the UI is different. The source for the Cutecash UI is in the same tree (and therefore, the tarballs) as GnuCash, but at this point, no MAC or Win32 builds are being produced.
  • Cutecash Add Commodity wrapper. Use gnc-exp-parser for numbers. - Allow amounts to be edited. - Let the date column be handled by the QDate delegate with a QDateEdit widget
  • Cutecash: Enable entering of more cells in register. Some code cleanup. Add class documentation.
  • Enable editing of the "Description" column in the split list view - WITH UNDO! The Qt Undo framework is almost like magic. We just have to create a command object instead of directly manipulating the value, and suddenly the undo/redo just works. This is fun!
  • Cutecash: Add QUndoStack to implement all editing through the Command pattern and make it undoable.
  • Cutecash: Enable closing and re-opening the different tab views. Also, change many main window slots to make use of the auto-connection feature because it makes the slot intention much easier to read. Also, note how we store the Tab position, title, isEnabled state in dynamically allocated properties in the Tab widget itself - this is a rather cool feature of QObject here (see reallyRemoveTab() and viewOrHideTab()).
  • Cutecash: Add Recent-File menu.
  • Cutecash: Enable tab moving and other UI features of Qt.
  • Cutecash: Add Timespec conversion to QDateTime. Add display of transaction date in register tabs.
  • Cutecash: Display account balance in tree and split amount in account register.
  • Cutecash: Add gnc::Numeric wrapper for gnc_numeric.
  • Implement a table widget with the list of the splits of one account, and open this if an account in the tree is double-clicked. Date and values/amounts can follow next, once those types are suitably wrapped into C++ as well.
  • Cutecash: Add progress bar during loading the file.
  • Implement the account list data model as a specialization of the account tree model. This is helpful in order to understand Qt's Model/View structure, so both (list and tree) are still available.
  • Cutecash: Fix guile version number query. Patch by Herbert Thoma.
  • Cutecash: Add a tree view of the accounts.
  • Cutecash: Fix CMakeLists for change in guile lookup, r18846
  • Cutecash: Remove QSharedPointer because manual delete is sufficient. Also, the QSharedPointer cannot be used for bookkeeping of a C pointer to any gnucash object because it refuses to work if it doesn't know the actual struct definition, which in gnucash is always private. The boost::shared_ptr would work without (by the custom deleter argument in the constructor), but QSharedPointer doesn't (the custom deleter is accepted only in addition to the known storage size, not alternatively), so it is pointless here.
  • Cutecash: Add version check for guile and define HAVE_GUILE18 if appropriate.
  • Adapt cutecash to r18842.
  • Cutecash: Fix extern "C" usage: Must not enclose system includes, supposedly.
  • Cutecash: Allow older glib versions as well.
  • Cutecash: Add business-core including business-core/xml into the executable.
  • Add copyright notices in cutecash source code files.
  • Cutecash: Copy some more icons into the program. Add a clickable hyperlink.
  • More C++/Qt4 frontend work.
  • Add example main window in C++ and Qt that links against gnucash-engine. The example was based on Qt4's "application" example, but the main window layout is done through the .ui file already.
  • Finish cmake build system for the C++ experiment. To build this: mkdir build-cpp cd build-cpp cmake .. make ./src/gnc/cutecash
  • C++ experiment: Extend the AccountModel into a table with name and description. Use QString everywhere as well.
  • C++ experiment: Add first simple model/view widget for the loaded account list.
  • Some more C++ work. Opening an existing file works, even though nothing is visible so far. The implementation of a scoped_ptr wrapper around a C object uses the boost library, though, because writing our own implementation of a scoped_ptr with custom deletion function is too non-trivial and I rather re-use the boost::shared_ptr here instead of making our own mistakes.

New in GnuCash 2.3.5 (Aug 31, 2009)

  • Partly revert r18246: disable writing of "hidden" and "placeholder" so that XML files written by 2.3.5 can be read by 2.2.9
  • Avoid CRIT messages when loading root account which has NULL commodity
  • Fix compilation problem - add GPOINTER_TO_UINT() cast
  • Fix bug 592357: Cannot specify port for database connection. You can now add a port number using ":" (e.g. ":100") to the end of the host specification in the Open and Save As dialog for databases.
  • Fix bug 592021: Budget Report: Options to show actual, budgeted and diff don't work
  • Fix minor i18n issues. 1) Don't translate gtk stock button labels. 2) Don't split sentences when translating. 3) Exclude formatting from translatable messages when possible
  • Updated German translation
  • Fix bug 592719 - postgres backend aborts with date problems
  • Merge latest pot tempate into all .po translation files
  • Add win32 version of gmtime_r
  • Fix bug 575778: QIF import: fix crash when a security list omits the "T" (type) line

New in GnuCash 2.3.1 (Jun 8, 2009)

  • Major changes in the 2.3.x release include;
  • In addition to the XML backend, Gnucash can now use a SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the data. This is a new implementation using libdbi. It supports all features including the business features. In order to build with this, add --enable-dbi to the configure command. In addition to the libdbi-dev package for your distribution, you will also need the appropriate DBD (libdbi driver) package for sqlite3, mysql or postgresql.
  • In addition to the current GtkHTML HTML engine used to display reports and graphs, Gnucash can use WebKit. WebKit is the engine used by Google Chrome on Windows and Safari on Apple. In order to build with this, add --enable-webkit to the configure command. You will need an appropriate webkit-dev package. On win32, you will need to download the file from the source repository and put it into the downloads directory of your gnucash build area.
  • Updated to AqBanking 3 on Win32.
  • Changes between 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 include:
  • Bug #582976 – - is not available
  • Bug #583535 - Problem with mysql database
  • Bug #583883 – Customer report produces error
  • Bug #584564: Patch by Chris Dennis to allow a report to be either a string or html-doc
  • Fix all business exports to force file type QSF
  • Fix SQL statement which calculates account balances
  • Fix port number, especially for postgresql
  • Clean up include files and code related to goffice.
  • Add qsf:// as a valid URI type
  • Fix handling of GObjects when deleting a report
  • Update aqbanking version to 3.8.3, which means one patch isn't needed
  • Fix WEBKIT path so that correct DLLs will be copied to output directory
  • Register: Add some header comments for a confusing function.
  • Create and upload the WIN32 daily builds
  • If postgres database does not exist, create it.
  • Update German translation.
  • Minor i18n string improvements
  • Remove obsolete glade file.
  • Modify packing on URI type combo box to fix its size
  • Patch by Mike Alexander to speed up price db loading in sql backend.
  • Add Lithuanian translation by Tadas Masiulionis

New in GnuCash 2.3.0 (May 20, 2009)

  • Major changes in this release include:
  • In addition to the XML backend, Gnucash can now use a SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the data. This is a new implementation using libdbi. It supports all features including the business features. In order to build with this, add --enable-dbi to the configure command. In addition to the libdbi-dev package for your distribution, you will also need the appropriate DBD (libdbi driver) package for sqlite3, mysql or postgresql.
  • In addition to the current GtkHTML HTML engine used to display reports and graphs, Gnucash can use WebKit. WebKit is the engine used by Google Chrome on Windows and Safari on Apple. In order to build with this, add --enable-webkit to the configure command. You will need an appropriate webkit-dev package. On win32, you will need to download the file from the source repository and put it into the downloads directory of your gnucash build area.
  • Updated to AqBanking 3 on Win32.
  • Caveats for Testers:
  • Any 2.3.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 2.3.x release and are using the XML file backend for data storage, make sure you hit "Save" after every non-trivial workstep. If you are using the SQL backend, this is not required as every change is saved immediately to the database.
  • The documentation has had screenshots updated, however, many help texts usually only refers to the 1.8.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see on how to get involved.

New in GnuCash 2.2.9 (Feb 24, 2009)

  • Fixed Bugs:
  • #339027: Reconcile window should display the date
  • #435642: Crash editing results of a find
  • #438132: Warning about commodity being NULL for root account on save
  • #462148: Report output is vertically inverted and bottom up printed (mirror, reverse, &c.)
  • #514455: Dutch (Netherlands) translation of account templates
  • #526775: Win32: Crashes when importing brokerage account data
  • #542382: Assign GnuCash to file name extension .gnucash
  • #564209: Improved debuggability for module loading
  • #564450: HUF currency handling incorrect as 1HUF divided into 100FILLERs
  • #564928: Segfault when closing a invoice tab
  • #565421: gnc-date-edit.c did not compile with Gtk < 2.10
  • #565721: Multicolumn report options: Report names are not translated
  • #566198: Slovakia joined the Euro
  • #566352: Crash during OFX import under Win 2000 / SP4
  • #566567: Scheme modifications are not built on windows
  • #567174: Files with NIS stocks fail to open
  • #568327: Using most "budget" reports, without a budget defined crashes gnucash
  • #568653: Add SKR49 template
  • #568945: The gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_... methods should look for the reciprocal of the exchange rate
  • #569734: Give the template root account a name
  • #570166: Weird text entry box when typing on Account Tree page
  • #570894: Use of symbol t, which is not defined in all guile versions
  • #571220: Program won't start if SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH is set
  • Other Changes:
  • Added German account template for a Wohnungswirtschaft business
  • Fixed french business account templates
  • Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese, German, Italian

New in GnuCash 2.2.8 (Dec 14, 2008)

  • Fixed Bugs:
  • #115066: "Search For" dialog shows all when criteria is left as default
  • #128774: "Edit exchange rate" context menu item disfunctional often
  • #137017: date of transaction change with time zone change
  • #339433: TiaaCref price quote dates off by one day
  • #340041: 0 as an amount should be allowed in Exchange Editor
  • #345980: changing Stylesheet doesn't commit
  • #347274: to track the difference between budgeted and actual amounts in the budget report
  • #348860: Error with saved multicolumn reports
  • #405472: Unable to save changes on files opened over FUSE and sshfs
  • #432457: Security/stock import should follow tutorial regarding Account Name
  • #435427: "Generic import transaction matcher" dialog does not sort by date
  • #436342: Currency exchange druid does not show on changed
  • #436920: crash on loading OFX data for a commodity that exists without cusip field
  • #492417: currency mapping of New Israeli Shekel
  • #529494: Wrong fractional precision in register with multi-currency transactions
  • #532889: Monthly scheduled payments preview shows wrong dates
  • #536299: Fix two underlinking issues
  • #539947: OpenSolaris:__FUNCTION__ not defined in sun cc
  • #543332: Severe performance regression in Average Balance report
  • #548218: OpenSolaris: $(expression) cause configure error on solaris
  • #554042: OpenSolaris: configure fail on checking 'unsigned long is at least as big as guint32'
  • #557604: date-utilities.scm typos
  • #557374: MT940 import does not work
  • #563160: Multicolumn report: Confusing order of "Column span" and "Row span"
  • #563273: crash in GnuCash Finance Management: Starting GnuCash
  • #564033: aqbanking plugin: g_module_open failed: WEXITSTATUS undefined
  • Other Changes:
  • Fix account defaulting for posting vendor bill
  • Fix tax-related inconsistency in UI
  • Fix the average cost price source computation for a certain case
  • Add account templates: Dutch, Finnish
  • Update account templates: Italian, Slovak
  • Update translations: Finnish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, Simplified Chinese