Diva Changelog

What's new in Diva 0.0.2

May 19, 2009
  • This our second ALPHA release. Please do bear in mind it contains bugs and is not meant for general usage (yet). A lot of nasty issues from 0.0.1 were fixed, but theare are still some rough edges. In particular, we still require patching of gst-plugins-good (dv decoder). We understand this is a nasty solution. This situation will be fixed in next release, where we'll be (hopefully) supporting many more formats out-of-the box.
  • This release is very much an "internal" release to catch some breath before the major changes that will make 0.0.3 a milestone.
  • Starting from this version we've got a i18n translation infrastructure. We welcome all translators to start porting diva to your native languages. Check the po/README for instructions/guide.