Custom Wars Changelog

What's new in Custom Wars Beta 27

Aug 7, 2009
  • Animation canceling works more consistently.
  • Carriers can build/launch now (there's a graphical issue with launching, -- -the launch area persists after firing. Press B to cancel out.)
  • Moving units no longer have piercing vision (except for the spyplane)
  • Fixed the atrocious filtering of Copper Sun and Cobalt Drift
  • Added a manual for easy reading.
  • Memento fixed!
  • The unload bug discovered by Tails is fixed!
  • The lobby auto-refreshes every 10 seconds (turn it on under options!) I'm not sure how much the server can take, but I might tweak it down to 5 second/2 seconds, or something where it refreshes often for the first 2 minutes, then down to once a minute. Is there a way to get the window to flash if there's a message?