CKEditor Changelog

What's new in CKEditor 4.1

Mar 22, 2013
  • Advanced Content Filter (ACF):
  • The main feature that CKEditor 4.1 introduces is configurable input data filtering that we called Advanced Content Filter (ACF). ACF limits and adapts the data that is incoming to your editor to match the editor configuration that you have decided to use. What does it mean exactly? Let us first explain the two modes available in ACF.
  • Automatic ACF Mode:
  • In automatic mode the filter is configured by editor features that you enable in your configuration — i.e. plugins, toolbar buttons, etc. Whatever content these features can produce and edit will be added as "allowed". Everything else will be stripped from the code by the editor as disallowed content.
  • The automatic mode is on when the CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent option is not set in your editor configuration. This is the default setting which means that from now on by default all CKEditor contents will be filtered.
  • Custom ACF Mode:
  • The filter can also work the other way round. You can manually configure which HTML elements, attributes, styles, and classes are allowed and the editor will adjust the features that are active and available to your users. This means that the user interface will only contain these toolbar buttons and dialog window tabs or even individual fields that support the content you explicitly allowed.
  • You can manually configure the allowed content by defining the CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent option. For your convenience, Allowed Content Rules can be set in two formats: the compact string format and as object literals.
  • Content Transformations:
  • ACF also includes another powerful feature: It can convert all forms of one feature to a chosen, preferred one. How does it work? If, for example, you want to allow bold formatting in your editor instance and additionally, your preferred form that is added to the filter definition is the element, the editor will accept all other forms of bold text (using or inline styles, for example) and convert them into elements. This will save you the need to define all such synonyms in the allowed content configuration and at the same time will unify your data to one preferred form.
  • ACF Documentation:
  • We are very excited to offer all these features to you and to bring the editing experience to the whole new level. In order to make your introduction into CKEditor 4.1 smoother, we have created a few resources that can help you understand and fully appreciate the possibilities that Advanced Content Filtering can give you. Check the following for more information:
  • The blog post introducing CKEditor 4.1 Release Candidate with a nice introduction into ACF, explaining why content filtering is exactly the thing you have been waiting for.
  • The Advanced Content Filter chapter of the Developer's Guide.
  • The datafiltering.html sample available in the samples folder of each CKEditor installation package.
  • The data filtering demo on our website.
  • What You Need To Do:
  • Automatic content filtering will be turned on by default, so you must be aware that from now on, all editor content will be stripped of any elements that do not comply with your editor configuration and the features that you enabled. This is also the case with content added to your website or database in the past that you want to edit now by using the latest editor version. You should thus carefully examine your editor configuration and check whether all the features that you want to use are enabled. Once you are done with it, you can be sure that any rogue elements that might destroy your website layout or cause other undesired effects will be removed by the editor without any further effort on your part!
  • Furthermore, if you created any custom CKEditor plugins, you will need to modify them to comply with ACF. This is a one-time exercise, too, and we have created a guide that will explain how to do this.
  • Last but not least, remember that you can turn ACF off at any moment by setting CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent to true. We do, however, hope that you will treat this as a last resort solution as we would not like you to skip a truly innovative feature that we are really proud of!
  • Other Changes:
  • As explained in the CKEditor 4.1 RC post, this version brings a few other features and fixes, most notably:
  • the shared spaces feature where one toolbar can be shared by multiple editor instances,
  • source editing in inline mode,
  • HTML5 element for strike-through formatting,
  • New CKEditor API elements: the contentPreview, toDataFormat, and toHtml events as well as the editor.status property.

New in CKEditor 4.0.1 (Jan 28, 2013)

  • #9655: Support for IE Quirks Mode in new Moono skin.
  • Accessibility issues (mainly on inline editor): #9364, #9368, #9369, #9370, #9541, #9543, #9841, #9844.
  • Magic-line:
  • #9481: Added accessibility support for Magic-line.
  • #9509: Added Magic-line support for forms.
  • #9573: Magic-line doesn't disappear on mouseout in the specific case.
  • #9754: [Webkit] Cut & paste simple unformatted text generates inline wrapper in Webkits.
  • #9456: [Chrome] Properly paste bullet list style from MS-Word.
  • #9699, #9758: Improved selection locking when selecting by dragging.
  • Context menu:
  • #9712: Context menu open destroys editor focus.
  • #9366: Context menu should be displayed over floating toolbar.
  • #9706: Context menu generates JS error in inline mode when editor attached to header element.
  • #9800: Hide float panel when resizing window.
  • #9721: Padding in content of div based editor puts editing area under bottom UI space.
  • #9528: Host page's box-sizing style shouldn't influence editor UI elements.
  • #9503: Forms plugin adds context menu listeners only on supported input types. Added support for tel, email, search and url input types.
  • #9769: Improved floating toolbar positioning in narrow window.
  • #9875: Table dialog doesn't populate width correctly.
  • #8675: Deleting cells in nested table removes outer table cell.
  • #9815: Can't edit dialog fields on editor initialized in jQuery UI modal dialog.
  • #8888: CKEditor dialogs do not show completely in small window.
  • #9360: [Inline editor] Blocks shown for a div stay permanently even after user exists editing the div.
  • #9531: [Firefox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when closing format combo by clicking on its button.
  • #9553: Table width incorrectly set when border-width style is specified.
  • #9594: Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read only mode.
  • #9658: [IE9] Justify not working on selected image.
  • #9686: Added missing contents styles for .
  • #9709: PasteFromWord should not depend on configuration from other styles.
  • #9726: Removed color dialog dependency from table tools.
  • #9765: Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly on Accessibility Instructions dialog.
  • #9771: [Webkit & Opera] Fixed scrolling issues when pasting.
  • #9787: [IE9] onChange isn't fired for checkboxes in dialogs.
  • #9842: [Firefox 17] When we open toolbar menu for the first time & press down arrow key, focus goes to next toolbar button instead of menu options.
  • #9847: Elements path shouldn't be initialized on inline editor.
  • #9853: Editor#addRemoveFormatFilter is exposed before it really works.
  • #8893: Value of pasteFromWordCleanupFile config is now taken from instance configuration.
  • #9693: Removed "live preview" checkbox from UI color picker.

New in CKEditor 2.6.5 (Sep 22, 2009)

  • This release focuses on fixing small compatibility issues with some browsers (mainly IE 8) and porting a nice feature introduced with CKEditor 3, the unique Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) solution.
  • This release also introduces some important security fixes. Upgrading is highly recommended.

New in CKEditor (Jul 6, 2009)

  • This is an important security release.
  • Upgrading is strongly recommended.

New in CKEditor 2.6.4 (Jan 31, 2009)

  • As of this version, WebSpellChecker integration is offered, which is a zero-installation solution for spell checking provided by
  • You can now have a wonderful spell checker running out of the box, requiring no server side installations and configurations.
  • Several bug fixes and new features have been added, especially to our table support, including the ability to define header rows and columns to tables.

New in CKEditor 2.6.4 Beta (Jan 15, 2009)

  • This version introduces the WebSpellChecker integration, a zero-installation solution for spell checking provided by
  • You will now have a wonderful spell checker running out of the box, requiring no server side installation or configuration.
  • Several bugfixes and new features are included, especially to table support, including the ability of defining header rows and columns to tables.