Burapha Linux Server Changelog

What's new in Burapha Linux Server 2.5.006

Aug 27, 2013
  • This release contains many essential bug and security fixes. This release has new LLVM 3.3 toolchain. This release has the new texlive-20130530 release. This release moves to newer versions of icu and libpng. This release has new SNMPBUDDY support for the firewall as a result of research done by Kanjana Eiamsaard. The QEMU package has been enhanced to support spice. This release moves from mysql to Mariadb. This release moves to syslinux-4.07, since the 5.X and 6.X versions are under heavy development and still wildly unstable. The traffic shaper has been improved to detect LAN conenction speed (10/100/1000) and adjust settings appropriately when possible. Moving to newer libpng and icu releases required rebuilding many packages. Also included are newer versions of apache and nginx. Sadly the rarely updated inkscape won't run with the current libraries and had to be removed. Innotop was added for monitoriying mariadb performance. The FAQ has been updated and enhanced. DVD ISO image generation is now done with native xorriso commands. The gnutls library has been updated to the latest 3.2.3 version. Virtualization support with QEMU/KVM continues to improve. By special request, the cloc utility has been included for people who want to generate metrics on source code files. This release moves to PHP 5.5.3, the current version of PHP supported by the upstream developers. PHP has been compiled without the deprecated mysql extension, and requires you to use either the mysqli or the PDO_mysql extensions to access your Mariadb database.