Bluefish Changelog

What's new in Bluefish 2.2.10

Mar 19, 2017
  • Various language files have been improved, most notably languages that include CSS. There are also various fixes for newer gtk versions and for gtk on wayland (which is now the default on Fedora Linux). A new feature in the 2.2.10 release is the possibility to import/export syntax color styles, included are styles for a light and a dark theme. Last there have been fixes for a few rare crashes.

New in Bluefish 2.2.6 (Jan 12, 2015)

  • This release fixes a critical bug (segfault) in filebrowser that could be triggered if the root directory was set as basedir. It also has a fix for a specific CSS-in-HTML-tag highlighting issue that broke HTML highlighting. The filter code furthermore caused a segfault if the command did not exist. The Windows version finally supports open in running process. Next to these bugs many small issues have been resolved. Development checks are now only enabled if Bluefish is compiled from svn, not if compiled from tarball. Various language files have small improvements, most notably C, Javascript and CSS. Several translations have been updated. A corner case for a new document from a template that does not exist was fixed. The "open" submenu now opens SVG files from the filebrowser instead of inserting an image tag. The included cssmin and jsbeatify have been updated. A syntax scanning issue when replacing large chunks of text was fixed, he "Report bug" link was broken, a new "conditional" option to the language file that makes re-using certain blocks of language files easier was added, and error reporting in outputbox was improved. On OSX filebrowser icons and the "open file" dialog size have been improved.

New in Bluefish 2.2.4 (Feb 12, 2013)

  • Bluefish 2.2.4 is mostly a minor bugfix release with many small improvements.
  • It has fixes for the tab-width, the blocksync feature, scrollwheel-zoom, language syntax detection and character encoding detection, toggle comment, split view, and several more.
  • The performance of Bluefish has been improved, most notably the auto-completion popup speed.
  • New features include more simple search options, paste special (to paste for example images from Libreoffice), control-tab to switch to the most recent document, save as copy, and pylint, cssmin, jsmin, csstidy and php_beautifier integration.

New in Bluefish 2.0.0 (Feb 16, 2010)

  • After 16 development releases and 3 release candidates we finally have Bluefish 2.0.0 ready. The 2.0.0 release is considered the most stable and most feature rich Bluefish release.

New in Bluefish 1.3.8 (Nov 12, 2009)

  • Bluefish 1.3.8 has a whole range of very small improvements which makes it much more polished and almost ready to become the next stable release. One notable change is the syntax scanner which is now almost 2X faster. The language syntax definition files are also improved. Next to that several more translations are completed now, but there are still a lot of translations incomple compared to the stable releases.

New in Bluefish 1.3.5 (Jun 11, 2009)

  • The very long Edit menu is reduced, and a new menu Tools is introduced.
  • Many translations still need to be updated for this change.
  • A very important feature was added: Bluefish will now automatically recover modified documents that were not saved due to a process kill or crash.
  • Also a new utility was added to quickly create columns from a list of text elements. Various language definition improvements.
  • A default mime type for new documents.
  • Some small improvements for the autocompletion.
  • Various small bug fixes and improvements.

New in Bluefish 1.3.1 (Jan 4, 2009)

  • The previous released featured a new editor widget, which was a bit unpolished.
  • Now this widget is much more polished, is faster, and supports more languages.
  • There are many bugs fixed and other improvements implemented.
  • This release is much more suitable for day-to-day use. However, it is still an unstable release, so there are many unfinished features and missing translations.

New in Bluefish 1.3.0 (Dec 14, 2008)

  • A new development release, and the first release in the 1.3.* branch. The 1.3 branch will lead the development to the 2.0 release of Bluefish. The 1.3 branch has the new (faster) editor widget with auto-completion, integrated reference help, and much more. It no longer requires GnomeVFS, since all (remote) file code has been ported to GIO/GVFS.