Beltane Changelog

What's new in Beltane 2.4.3

May 3, 2012
  • Some problems related to the samhain "stealth" option have been fixed, as well as an incorrect error check in the beltane_update command.
  • The display of md5 and sha1 checksums has been modified to better match the output of md5sum/shasum.

New in Beltane 2.4.0 (Feb 18, 2011)

  • The database search function has been enhanced to allow searching for file rename events (pairs of added/missing files with an identical inode yet different names).
  • For regular expressions (e.g. in filters), Perl-style regexes are used now instead of POSIX regexes, because the latter are deprecated as of PHP 5.3.0.

New in Beltane 2.3.19 (Mar 11, 2010)

  • Major performance and scalability improvements for reduced memory consumption, much faster baseline database updates, and faster reload of the client panel
  • Support for Oracle Database (Beltane version 2.1.1 and above)
  • Client Status Display (running/dead/unknown)
  • Sorting and Filtering of the message list, as well as a Search function.
  • GnuPG Signing of client file signature databases after an update
  • Multiple Users with logging of login/logouts, separation of samhain clients into different groups, HTTP authentication, LDAP authentication.
  • Diff viewing for modified files if full file content is stored in baseline database (this is possible since samhain version 2.4.4).

New in Beltane 2.3.17 (Sep 29, 2009)

  • A bug has been fixed that caused baseline updates to fail under rare circumstances.

New in Beltane 2.3.9 (Jan 30, 2009)

  • This release supports the on-demand scan feature available since Samhain 2.5.1, allows for hostnames containing an underscore, and fixes some compiler warnings and build problems.