Asgard Changelog

What's new in Asgard 0.3.10

Aug 17, 2012
  • Hardpoint enforcment. It is now not possible to walk in places where you might expect to not be able to walk.
  • Map Object Type restructuring. This is not noticeable in game play, but with this refactor, the code is a little easier to maintain.
  • Inventory work. We made progress on implementing item inventories which will be used in various places throughout game play.

New in Asgard 0.3.9 (Jun 15, 2012)

  • Tonight we're letting out Markland--a great step towards a more functional map. Markland stacks map objects by their proximity to each other.
  • We're looking forward to Asgard 0.3.10 Arbor Grey which should implement a semi-functional game editor to help facilitate our growing map.

New in Asgard 0.3.7 (Feb 16, 2012)

  • It provides various speed improvements, major code reduction and a simple event handling system.
  • We're also excited about our progress on user controlled Map Objects which will be available in the next major release.

New in Asgard 0.3.6 (Dec 15, 2011)

  • Mara offers faster startup time, spritesheet caching, minor bugfixes, Ubuntu packaging for Oneiric and is now distribute-able via a Launchpad PPA.

New in Asgard 0.3.5 (Oct 17, 2011)

  • This map supports the loading, unloading and display of Map Objects as described in the database.
  • While 'bare bones', we're proud of the hard work it's taken to get here and we look forward to working on Terrain and Characters in the coming months.

New in Asgard 0.3.4 (Jul 18, 2010)

  • Database refactoring, and Python Console STDIN, Interactive and File modes.

New in Asgard 0.3.3 (Sep 7, 2009)

  • A layered graphics engine was added, which can animate sprite sheets loaded from the database.

New in Asgard 0.3.1 (Oct 2, 2008)

  • This release adds system components, and adds threading, thread management, messages, and message routing to system components.
  • There is now a console available for limited debugging interaction.
  • A number of infrastructure improvements have been made.