Amaya Changelog

What's new in Amaya 11.4.7

Jul 24, 2013
  • This snapshot contains a security fix for a problem with the libwww as, in some cases, user password could be sent in the clear through https.
  • This problem concerns only people who use the PUT capability of Amaya over SSL.

New in Amaya 11.2 (Jul 5, 2009)

  • It supports HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, XHTML Basic, XHTML 1.1, HTTP 1.1, MathML 2.0, many CSS 2 features, and SVG.
  • It now includes a SVG editor (for a subset of the language). You can display and partially edit XML documents. It's an internationalized application. It provides an advanced user interface with contextual menus, a customizable set of menus and tools, predefined themes.